Wren 🪐

@Wren 🪐@lemmy.ml
0 Post – 35 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Stepping on crunchy leaves

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I’ve definitely used my phone in dreams before. People have also said that you can’t read properly in dreams and that’s one way to know you’re dreaming (I was interested in lucid dreaming for a bit), but words look just fine to me when I’m dreaming

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Oh this is great news, I've missed seeing AccidentalRenaissance posts

Thank you for mentioning Libraries! As a librarian, I'm always getting shocked faces when I tell patrons what is accessible with their library card

I used to pirate a lot of stuff, when I couldn't afford it. Now I only pirate things that I a) already paid for (and want a more convenient way of using it or to ensure it can't be taken away) b) can't obtain any other way, or c) don't know if I will like it, so I use the pirated version as a demo of sorts

Loving actually having conversations with people, instead of talking into the void where by the time you see a post it's already so old that commenting is useless

I love the concept of a federated network, it definitely feels way more punk than just being another data set for a corporation

I do wish a few of the more niche subreddits had similar communities here, but I'm trying to do my part by making that content

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I'm so stoked for this. Just got done listening through The Last Podcast on the Left's series on the Manhattan project too

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This makes loads more sense than anything else. Everything they've said has always been a little too on the nose trying to be '' ''woke'' '' (is double quoting a thing? Hopefully my meaning comes across as intended)

<whispers> it's in the walls

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Just don't go up any stairs that seem to lead to nowhere...

Oh this sounds really good! Alfredo sauces are usually a no go for me (I’m lactose intolerant and vegetarian) but Parmesan doesn’t contain too much lactose so this seems perfect.

Seems like the addition of something like peas or asparagus would be extra delicious as well!

Oh awesome, I already deal with sleep paralysis on a semi-regular basis, now you’re telling me there’s yet another thing to worry about? 😭


'Tis the superior format 😤

I'm very curious to see how (actual) websites / ways to access this data will change how Lemmy not only deals with this as a potential security issue, but how it will change the culture of Lemmy and they way people interact on here

Obviously I'm concerned with the ramifications as well, but I'm also very intrigued how things will go

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I’ve been naturally gravitating towards lemmy the last few days, it’s really refreshing. I’ve not had to check myself as I’m reaching to open Apollo at all recently

Games while lazing in a hammock is unbeatable 👌

Oooo that’s interesting. Did it wake you up?

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Yeah I find myself missing reddit when I'm bored too, I don't miss the 'community' at all. I much prefer here for that

Honestly this will probably be a good exercise for me to reduce my screen time, try to be more present, and try to be content with just being

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Not related to politics, they're horror fans - name is a reference to 'Last House on the Left'. They cover anything that's macabre, be it real or fake, so true crime, serial killers, paranormal events, cults, conspiracy theories, cryptids; that sort of thing.

How accurate is it? I use Memmy and after an update I went from 50ish points for comments to 3. I just checked on Wefwef and it shows that same score as well, so I'm unsure what happened. I didn't delete or change anything

I don't really care about karma, I actually would prefer if neither of them had it visible, but I'm interested to know what happened

Yeah I joined in... 2013? When AMAs were already a thing, and like you said became a place for the same jokes and downvotes for innocuous comments. That's why I lurked for several years before commenting at all - and even then I got made fun of (and downvotes) for not getting a 'magnets, how do they even work?' meme

There were a few niche subreddits that I visited a lot and had actual good discussions / got to know people, but yeah it was otherwise just another place to consume content when bored

RIP Dr Mario issue of Nintendo Power :(

Yeah your comments on this situation are fascinating!

Yeah it would be really great to be able to make a temporary filter, like I'd love to be able to have my homepage without any content from Memes without having to unsubscribe

100% this. My parents live in a red-ish county. They’re very liberal themselves but constantly go on about how lovely people are up there and how they’ll really help you when you need it

That’s all fine and dandy, but I’m sorry I can’t help but see them as people voting against my rights

Perfection 👌🏻

Oh we'll get to the sloughing!

(Not nearly as much sloughing as I expected though, tbh. They talked it up way more than actually talking about it, which is fine)

Lookit that! Now it’s a conversation :)

Patient gaming is the best - the bugs have (mostly) been fixed, DLC is available, and when you get stuck on something chances are there’s info online about it

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Apart from Zelda and Pokemon: Castlevania, Metroid, Fire Emblem

Ooo nice nice, though I've heard the microtransactions are awful (gotta love Blizzard, eh?)

Aw man, that is a big unsolved mystery

100%. I use a third party app called Nintype which actually lets you two-thumb swipe type - to my knowledge the only one that has this as a feature. It's so so much faster than single thumb swiping and peck typing once you get used to it. Sadly it's been abandoned by the dev, so I'll be gutted when whatever iOS version decides Nintype is too old and no longer supported

Borderlands 2, combined across systems I have over 1k hours