
5 Post – 48 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

We're all bored. We're all so tired of everything.

Highschool student who's interested in tech, FOSS, music and art. I usually post whatever catches my interest, plus boosts. Also a Swiftie.


I don't like porn, and I don't want to see it, but I'm glad it's come here since it can bring more people in (like Reddit's porn communities)

IMO if you think it's immoral, don't do it. You'd be totally in the right to not bribe them.

If you do wish to bribe.. then idk... but I feel like bribing could potentially cause some legal trouble.

scrolling through with wefwef and wondering how long this is gonna be. How dare you post this :(

1 more...

One thing I could think of from Filipino culture is the manananggal (rough translation: one who removes). It's a sort of humanlike being, but with wings and a very long tongue. At night, its body from the waist up would fly away and leave its lower half behind, then it would hunt for food. It would go on top of pregnant womens' rooftops and using its long tongue it would feed on the fetus. Once the manananggal gets back to its lower half, the fetus would be gone forever.

In order to get the fetus back, you can prevent the manananggal from returning to its lower half by putting something on the lower half, if you find it (not sure if it was salt or garlic or something else).

One interesting thing that I'm not sure is quite related, but if you have a miscarriage, people say that 'nakunan ka' (rough translation: you were taken from / x was taken from you). Could be left over from the idea that the manananggal takes fetuses?

Why am I not getting beans :(

Because apparently Lemmy was blowing up. I really support FOSS, but the only reason I don't migrate right away is the lack of activity. And then Reddit just became unbearable all of a sudden, then there's the surge of new Lemmy users. I'm finally happy to join.-

Me personally, I think God created all of our planets and all of our stars and whatever life lives in the universe, even outside of Earth. People who believe the same way would just stay the same and would praise God more for how great he is.

For the others though (iykyk)... well, they're gonna be like all the other flat-earthers or they call these aliens devil spawn or whatever.

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well I'm a complete virgin then!

don't give them ideas!

True. For those who don't really look at Karma, the upvotes still mattered. It feels nice when your post blows up and people liked your contribution.

I'm here for this content

I can easily tolerate my own farts if they're loud (they don't make a smell when they're like that), but the slow, silent ones... they smell horrible and I just have to keep a straight face and tolerate them.

Diarrhea farts though... I have no idea how my nose survived.

I just noticed that in general the Japanese make good quality products and they put a lot of passion into a lot of things they do. Car manufacturing included, I suppose.

My dad has a 14-year old Mitsubishi and it's had zero problems except when the brakes broke once (it was fixed easily though). It's in almost perfect condition.

I meant I would auto-post using a program, so yeah it won't be done manually.

not really. It's just weird to watch, especially with parents.

hmm I didn't realize that it was sarcastic. Good that I saw this comment.

nah, it's __M__

Ammonia. It doesn't technically smell bad, but it stings and does horrible stuff to you. Had the misfortune to use a lot in Chemistry and ended up puking from poisoning.

That and diarrhea and diarrhea farts.

headphones all the time

I don't want everyone in the room to know what I'm listening to. But if I need to sing because THIS SONG HITS then I get it off the headphones and to speakers or just my phone audio output.

I'm currently using a Lemmy client, and my instance geddit.social's website is down, so I can't seem to edit the post :/

Hmm seems like most people didn't get it.

I just realized that this post was 16 days ago...

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I just go to Google or use my own pics (photos or art or edits)

National Geographic Kids Almanac. Read them as a kid and I learned a lot from them.

Also the dictionary. I need to make sure I use my shiny new hard words the right way.

rip to us girls who will never experience that without the risk of wetting other places 😭😭😭

this is me

No. In fact, you're helping your instance. If people don't want to see your niche instance, they gotta get out of the All feed and go back to their Home.

Just don't follow any NSFW and people don't be bothered.

What attack? Sorry if I'm not updated.

I... exist

I'm interested in both! I program in Python, and I'm trying to get more into linguistics.

Computer languages are just so straight to the point. If something goes wrong, it's your fault for not specifying. It's beautiful that way. I also love the problem-solving involved.

Human language is the complete opposite and I love it for that too. It's full of ambiguity, and so many words seem related to each other - but with their own little nuances. If you say a certain word, it may have synonyms but most synonyms can't give that exact meaning that a certain word gives. There are also soo many undertones you can say with a certain word. Once, my friend accidentally said 'denigration' instead of 'desegregation' (in context to black people and white people) which I found really interesting considering 'denigration' was derived from the Latin word for 'black' (the n-word) and meant 'to get rid of the bad things', therefore associating black with bad.

Do they seem related? I dunno. I just love patterns and I love how languages convey meaning, whether computer or human.

Whelp I think I just started waxing poetic

froot loops

Personally, I would want to be a mod because ooh status and also because I want to make myself useful, do stuff, etc. Basically if I have so much time in my hands that I could help out in an online community.

Idk though, those were my thoughts when I was 13 and now I'm just too lazy to want to be a moderator, and too easily triggered.

...Is Taylor Swift a genre?

But seriously, my music taste is pretty much her. Otherwise I like alt rock, rock (not too heavy though), ballads, pop that has good lyrics and a decent hook, and any song I hear that has guitars I like 25% more than those that don't.

I remember finding a website once where you can create your own universe by clicking, dragging, etc and at some point it dies. I found it through Bored button. Hope to find it again.

good bot

If you say you're ambitious, I imagine you have a plan in your head of what you want to be in the future, or what you want to do, and it's something that takes effort to do and you've thought of how you would get there.

If a plan is ambitious, I'd say it's not easily done and pretty unrealistic, but could be achieved if you're good enough.

An ambition is what you would want to work as or do in the future, like become a doctor.

I'd say I'm ambitious, because my ambition is to become a programmer and I learned how to program with online sites so I could reach that goal. However, my plan to work at a huge Silicon Valley company is quite ambitious considering I don't live in the US and I have only ever made chat bots.

Alfredo Pasta. Never gets old

I frequently see Stux on mastodon, and I think they're a good person so I decided to choose one of their instances when choosing a Lemmy server.

I dunno, in most subs I'm a part of are quite okay (specifically programmerhumor, taylorswift, camphalfblood)