
2 Post – 89 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The only correct response, you don't bargain with terrorists. Her turning up and debating it legitimises it like it's an actual educational option and not lies.

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Because they can pay kids less than minimum wage.

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Stay at home wife. I used to work as a bookkeeper, now dealing with some health issues. However I am 55 and have used computers since as long as i can remember, I learned how to use punch cards in what you yanks would call middle school. So I don't work in tech, but it doesn't bother me to learn new things. Lemmy reminds me of the good old days of BBS and just trying things out to see what stuck.

Oh no public money now has to be used to do all those things Disney paid for, leading to higher taxes. Yeah we showed them.

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Cool opinion, just explain to me how say a mother of 3 that can't find or afford a sitter is supposed to vote? Or her husband who is working 2 jobs to pay rent is supposed to find time? How about the elderly that don't have a car? The handicapped? What if I have a contagious disease? I should just turn on up to a busy polling booth and spread my TB all over the place? Or am immunocompromised and could die from a cold, probably spread by that sick person that had to turn up to vote? All those people lose their right to vote because they can't get to a polling place on the one day they allow voting? You are removing their rights why?

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I call that sticker the "I'm a racist and a wife beater" confessional sticker.

Crocs. They are super comfortable and cured my foot pain. Still ugly, but I will never not own a pair as long as they keep making them.

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Yeah, they're going to have to stop saying they are "Pro Life" and claiming they worry about "the babies".

It means the people fighting against it are only fighting against it because they don't get anything from it and that maybe they need to stop and consider that not every piece of legislation needs to benefit them and them only.

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Yeah but if he wins there is going to be violence. I'd rather take my chances with the violence that happens because he lost than because he's ordering people that disagree with him off into camps.

Everyone saying they've seen this so many times, yet this is my first time seeing it.

I'm leaning into the theory it's someone in power in Saudi Arabia. A member of their royal family is heavily invested in Twitter, owns shares and fronted Elon a big chunk of money for Twitter and they would surely like to crack down on social media in pretty much every middle eastern country, what with those pesky women protesting by not wearing their hijabs and protests and riots happening over there in the past decade. The first thing they do when there is trouble is shut down twitter, shutting it down permanently makes things easier for them.

OMFG. Seriously that's all I can think to say Oh My Fucking God. Not just the potential damage it can do to trans kids, but also just the total fucking waste of time and effort for no fucking purpose but performance. It's like the fucking TSA, not actually doing anything, just making a few idiots feel safer with their little song and dance.

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I believe the NRA is involved in money laundering for the Russian mob and Trump ran for office to do the same thing, launder money through donations and by paying for advertising for donations with dirty money and getting clean clean donations back.

Sided with an 11 year old or sided with the law and the 11 year olds rights?

She wouldn't win, at least not yet, we've got to drift more to the left as a country to have an election she'd become President in. And if not Biden who? Who should run for President that has a chance of actually winning the election? It's easy to piss on them selecting Biden, but no one else is a viable option. You want more younger options to vote for, run for office yourself, get your friends to run for office, can't vote for young left leaning politicians if they don't freaking run and win elections.

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Always better to date someone that thinks you have rights.

My mother was a hippy before I was born, marched in every march going when I was a kid. Anti war, greenpeace, Land Rights the works. The last thing she did on her drive to the hospital for what would turn out to be her last time, was post in her postal vote for gay marriage rights. She was 74 years old. You don't get more conservative as you get older unless you choose to.

I'll give someone with an early model the benefit of the doubt as they might not have realised the heights his assholeness would reach and may have been trying to do right by the environment, but newer models and I'm going to judge you.

He's less cordial than Obama was. Obama was all about getting consensus. Everytime the GOP or the SCOTUS do some shenanigans, Biden and his team come up with alternative plans to try to do end runs around their bullshit, he's not trying to get the GOP onside he's trying to govern around them. Obama would never have done that.

He was born rich, bought businesses where other people had done all the heavy thinking already and marketed himself well. Like Trump is a poor persons idea of a rich man, Elon is a dumb person's idea of a smart person.

Which time? She keeps saying different things and changing her story.

r/cancer It was a nice space to find support of other people going through what I'm going through.

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Or the voices in his head said they wanted. This doesn't seem like the actions of a mentally well person.

He can be both.

Well this bodes well for Threads.

Nah. The MySpace guy sold his company for half a billion, retired and lived happily ever after while the people that bought it off of him had to watch their investment slowly die.

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Just how many fewer birds there are around than there were even a few years ago. But I guess that makes sense with insect numbers plummeting, it's just bugs don't look so pretty at my feeders, and my feeders stay full longer than they used to.

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This is pretty typical for all big companies that take off there is a tipping point when it goes from agile and nimble start up to behemoth company that needs to pay dividends, only they have captured all the market share they can capture and may in fact losing people to other newer services. They're panicking and trying to make things look profitable before it all collapses like Yahoo and they can't sell it. Just my take on it all anyway.

How many did they have when they were the age Lemmy is now?

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Algorithms and AI. Rage gets views, so it's what gets pushed to the top, so it gets even more views, so it gets pushed to the top.

I still wear one in crowds. I had a lobe of a lung removed due to a rare cancer. I'll never be cured, but will slowly loose lung function as airways are blocked. If I'm lucky it's a disease I die with and not of, so I am treating my lungs like the delicate little flowers they are and fighting to avoid any and all respiratory diseases I can. I am now also queen of the hand sanitiser when out in public. The stuff from Bath and Bodyworks is da bomb, smells like hand cream.

More rodents in general, where are the rats and Cavies. I want Capybaras and hamsters.

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Been panicking since 2015, at this point my body is made up of 90% stress hormones and a giant ulcer.

10 years last July almost 400k karma. I'd like to say I left for all sorts of noble reasons to do with awards or API, but mostly I just left because Lemmy is a nicer space to hang out in and reminds me of my early days on the internet with BBSs and the like. On Reddit as an older woman we are constantly made aware it's not a space where we are really wanted, though there are a lot more of us on there in our own little niches than I think a lot of younger male users realise. So I'm here hoping Lemmy will continue to feel more open to everyone, and if it doesn't hell I'll start a server for us old farts.

Yes but you need flu shots so I'm not sure what point you are trying to make here.

Lemmy is it for me. I lost too much time to Reddit. Reddit was like a fire hose, way too much information coming too fast to be useful for anyone that did want make it their full time job to learn to handle it. I like Lemmy, it's like my garden hose, I can turn it on, get a nice flow of information and turn it off when I'm done. I look forward to the day when Lemmy is like a hose with the new fancy nozzle on it with 9 different flow patterns and a thumb control, but I have faith the aps will get there, in the mean time I can drink from the hose and not drown, it's nice.

Give them time to lobby and get a friendlier judge and try again.

This both sides the same bullshit is how we ended up with Trump in the first place. Stop it.

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Men are more likely to own a cat or a dog than women now a days, though the women that do have pets are more likely to have multiple pets so total number wise the women that own cats, own more cats.