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Joined 1 years ago

Simulating even one neuron is very complex. Neurons in artificial neuron nets used in machine learning are a gross oversimplification. On top on this you need to get the wiring right. On top on this you need to get the sensorial system right (a brain without input is worthless). On top of this you need an environment. So it's multiple layers of complexity that we don't have

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Anti-semitic my ass. I know jewish people that are openly open about their retarded leaders.

Jewish people out of all people should understand why genocide is not acceptable. A bunch of old power hungry people are responsible for hundreds of thousands of people being killed or displaced. That's what God wants, amiright?

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Problem solved, right? What do you do with the millions of people that are stuck in Gaza. You would think that jewish people out of all people would understand that genocide is not acceptable.

A few generations? One generation is enough. The population would collapse and they would be fucked.

Weak photos not capturing things we cannot see!

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Bro, i don't know what you're smoking but I want some.

So, everyone has to have judeo-christian ethics? Are you fucking kidding me? You do understand that most religions are basically a rehash of the same shit? You also understand that it's hard to be ethical when you are subject to genocide?

They would come for us? JFC, you're either ignorant or just brainwashed. Those people are just like you and me. They want to live a normal life, have kids, enjoy life. Just because they have a different religion does not make them subhuman.

Bro, if Biden sleeps in the oval office for 4 years the nets effects of that are going to be bettee than what Trump will do. Do people have such a short memory to not remember the shitshow Trump generated?

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Cutting off is different from providing.

Also, let's call what Israel is doing in Gaza what it is: genocide.

Biden vs anyone is probably better than Biden vs Trump. Here's some examples: Biden vs a dog, Biden vs a cat, Biden vs a rock

is it Reddit's content though?

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Whataboutism at its finest

Depends. Cowgirl and reverse cowgirl for example are on top if you want to fuck with the porn industry

No. This will lead to population collapse. It does not matter what policies/laws you have if you literally run out of people that can sustain the society with their... wait for it... work!

Yes yes. Let's have israel liberate them /s

When they cut of water, power and supplies it's business even though the result is people dying and in effect genocide. When Hamas attacjs them it's terrorism. Killing innocent civilians ON ANY SIDE is terrorism.

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Lol. You're new to the conflict in the area?

People that lose everything get radicalized and even if you manage to remove every single Hamas member from Gaza you'll be back to the same situation in no time.

There needs to be an international peace force in the area and both sides need to revisit if this stupid war is worth fighting.

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How the fuck can this happen? I mean seriously how can people justify these atrocities in the name of "pick your favourite god".

Feel very sad for this girl and for all civilians that want to just you know live their lives. And remember majority of Gaza is less than 18. Kids.

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What is the way?

Also can we disconnect anti-jewish from anti-israel? Israel through its actions is literally commiting genocide in Gaza. I work with people from Israel, jewish people that are horrified by the action their government is taking.

Look up how many civilians were killed on both sides since the beginning of this clusterfuck.

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yes, they got him too.

Holy land my ass. Where does it say it's okay to kill people in their holy texts? They literally have one commandment against murder (thou shall not kill. Anyone? Anyone?). Genocide much?

As far as Islam goes, murder is again a top sin. In the Qur'an. How can you justify killing people?

I do agree thought that this is about infighting in the region and religion is a pretext to justify atrocities.

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Without getting super philosophical, what do you believe the goal of life is?

It's very easy to look at people that are allegedly achieving more than us and believe that there is something wrong with us or that we can do more, etc. This type of comparisons invite introspection and can be helpful sometimes to motivate oneself, but most of the times they are a road to depression.

Here is how I look at it: if I died tomorrow would I be okay with who I am? Of course I want to do more, grow, make an impact, etc, but ultimately IMHO life is about whatever you want it to be. There is no ultimate goal, there is no recipe, we ultimately all die.

Enjoy life right now. Don't worry too much about what other people are doing and create your own meaning.

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The Biden Wave Function!!!

To be fair, nature had millions od years to optimize the power consumption and we only observe the successful results since the failures didn't survive.

If you think living with terrorists is bad you should think about a fucking county that has power hungry terrorist leadership. You Israel is a terrorist state and them killing civilians in Gaza is no different than what Hamas is doing. You can pretend it's something else but this is genocide.

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What about "thou shall not kill". Also, there is pretty much historical consensus that all of the Jericho story was fucking made up and slotted into the Bible later. If anything, you should research how the Bible as put together - it's 90% bullshit

So basically forever?

Predinner snack!

This has been 75 years in the making. It was obvious a week ago, a year ago and a decade ago.

My guess is that IDF was not unprepared. They knew - politics took the wheel and they just ignored all the warnings.

It's dumb af

I cannot imagine success as killing someone. Also, you are speculating on what might happen with people's lives.

IMHO civilians dying in any circumstances is dumb af. This includes them directly dying as a result of war and indirectly dying as a result of economic and political maneuvers, blocades, shitty things.

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Unless you are a truffle hunter!

You need to understand that people in Gaza are desperate. Israel is not going to do the right thing. They have been committing war crimes for 75 years. Hamas is not going to do the right thing.

IMHO there need to be an outside peace keeping mission to mitigate this. Anything else is going to end up with a blood bath.

We think it's bad now? Wait until it escalates and the whole region blows up. What will Israel do when gets attacked by Hezbollah? How will Iran and Egypt react to what they see as meddling in the middle east by western powers? Europe is already not playing nice with Israel. US is going to need to soften their stance (and they have started to do already).

Israel attacking Gaza and blocking food and water (ie genocide) is as dumb as Hamas attacking Israel in the first place. This is what happens when you put political interest in front of what is good for your own people.

I am highly distressed by the fact that people are fucking dying as we speak and everyone seems to have one weird trick without understanding any history and without factoring in the context in tge region.

Wow. That's a thing. Imna start calling this bee film!

how do you get yourself satisfied? you figure that out and you basically figured out what you want to do in life.

We are mostly saying the same thing. There is a reason why what happened happened and as far as I am concerned both sides are terrorists. Is raping women any worse than imposing a blocade that literally equals people fucking starving to death? Yes, it's shocking. Genocide is genocide no mater how you slice it.

There are terrorists on both sides. It's easy for you to preach from your high horse. When was the last time you felt in danger of dying? What about the last time you didn't have clean water and food? Not being allowed to see your lover ones?

You fucking disconnected hypocrite.

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How did Hamas get to be in power in Gaza? What about the people of Gaza? You don't hear anyone getting butthurt when people in Gaza arr routinely killed and starved to death. You don't hear it in the news.

Why would people in Gaza want to subject themselves to this death and destruction?

Pretending that somehow the lives of jewish people are more valuable that the lives of Palestinians is what makes you a hypocrite.

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Explain it to me you brainiac. Let's see if you can do mental gymnastics to justify what is happening.

Is wikipedia good enough for your Highness?

Genocide is the intentional destruction of a people[a] in whole or in part. In 1948, the United Nations Genocide Convention defined genocide as any of five "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group". These five acts were: killing members of the group, causing them serious bodily or mental harm, imposing living conditions intended to destroy the group, preventing births, and forcibly transferring children out of the group. Victims are targeted because of their real or perceived membership of a group, not randomly.[1][2]

Killing members of a group? Check. Serious bodily or mental harm? Check. Living conditions intended to destroy the group? Fucking check.

ANY of these == genocide. ANY

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What are you talking about? I know Jewish people that openly condemn the behavior of their gov. A person is good or bad depending on their actions - you cannot lump everyone together based on whatever characteristics you want and after that starting a genocide campaign.

The festival goes were just normal people like you and me that were trying to live and enjoy life. Same with the innocent people that are dying in Gaza.

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I think the intent is there.

You cannot explain cutting off water and food supplies. You just can't. You don't cut off water without intent.

You don't box in civilians and destroy the only route they can take to get out of the region. It's not possible to do this without intent.

Vehemently disagreements can be healthy but not when people are fucking dying.

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