13 Post – 80 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

And if Iran and Saudi Arabia get nukes, then Turkey will get nukes. And if Turkey gets nukes, then unless there is an EU army, Greece will want to get nukes.

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New Mexico predates Mexico. From wikipedia

New Mexico received its name long before the present-day nation of Mexico won independence from Spain and adopted that name in 1821. The name "Mexico" derives from Nahuatl and originally referred to the heartland of the Mexica, the rulers of the Aztec Empire, in the Valley of Mexico

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Italy elected Meloni(a woman who is a fascist) and France might elect Le Pen(a woman who is also fascist). The UK elected Thatcher and Turkey elected Ciller. Electing women is a meaningless metric. I bet all these countries are more sexist on average than the US. Trump is just a grifter, he has no ideology, other than narcissism.

Dont you understand that identity politics are being promoted as a distraction?

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Because manufacturing super high tech chips is extremely hard and complicated and basically only a couple companies in the world can do it and they also depend on parts and technology from other companies all over the "western" world. China didnt have anything near this capability. It requires advanced research and knowhow on a million different technologies. So unless China does extensive industrial espionage(which they are trying to do), it's gonna take them like 10+ years to start producing anything relatively modern without needing any external parts/help.

In any case, it remains to be seen if it is actually 7nm. With a new cold war ramping up, China is trying to become self-reliant as much as possible.

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A lot of digg submissions were "stolen" from reddit even before reddit got big. Thats how i found out about reddit. Content is king and reddit had better content than digg from the start. Fediverse cant compete with reddit in terms of content atm.

This whole "reddit will die just like digg" sounds like copium to me. I am boycotting reddit but we need to be realistic about the situation. I am not even sure the fediverse(or its members) can even handle reddit's traffic, on an architectural level. Reddit will eventually die but it wont be as fast as digg. And even digg lasted many years with decent popularity.

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Neither Europe nor the US can make chips like this, thats why they are trying so hard to convince TSMC to make a chip fab in their territories. Does this mean that white people are too stupid to make chips? No, they just cant atm and they arent willing to invest the infinite time and money it would take to reach that level, especially since their ally Taiwan(TSMC) is already making the most advanced chips in the world.

China on the other hand needs to become more self reliant, especially with the new Cold War escalating. So they have to do it. And they are doing it. But it will still take a lot of time and money to be able to manufacturer modern high end chips.

TSMC is taiwanese, which is "yellow" people. Why are you trying to spin this as a racist thing? Literally the best people in the world manufacturing chips are taiwanese(han). Why would anyone think that the chinese, who are basically the same ethnicity(han), wont be able to make advanced chips because of racial reasons?

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There was one time, when Turkey had a legitimate chance of joining the EU, back in 2005ish. Back then, one of their biggest supporters of their EU candidacy was Greece. Greece wanted to normalize the relation with Turkey and Turkey wanted to become a normal european country. Greece was even willing to throw Cyprus under the bus, by supporting the Annan Plan, which was objectively terrible for Cyprus. Though the thinking was "if Turkey becomes "normal", then any negative part of the deal wouldnt be relevant, it could be like Belgium". Though Cyprus(and pretty much all its political parties) voted against the deal.

Erdogan was seen as the extrovert, moderate muslim, someone who could merge moderate Islam with european values.

Nowadays, Erdogan and Turkey are on a completely different place. Erdogan has said "we might come on night" and "our missiles can reach Athens".



Turkey is constantly pushing their "blue homeland" concept, which basically includes a lot of greek islands in the Aegean. And thats on top of ridiculous Exclusive Economic Zone(EEZ) claims that basically say "(greek) islands have no EEZ rights". Turkey feels that it has been historically wrong and that they need more "breathing space" in the Aegean sea(where Greece owns all the islands except 3).

And even the turkish society is different. There is a greater chasm between western/urban Turkey and the rest of Turkey. There was a hope that the rest of Turkey could slowly transition closer to european values, but nowadays it seems the country is getting split in half and each half is moving further away from the other.

And last but not least, the russian invasion of Ukraine has shown to the world that integration and shared economic interests do not always translate to peace. So do we really want to do the same mistake with Turkey?

PS I am greek, so i am biased.

I still don’t understand why the trans thing has suddenly become a “problem.”

Because noone cares about homosexuality anymore(it has been mostly normalized), so they need a new target to scream about.

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Yeah, his bff general Surovikin told him to fuck off. If Surovikin supported him, he had a legit chance at getting a lot of support from parts of the military. But once Surovikin was out, he had no chance.

Pretty sure there are NATO nukes sitting in Turkey already

Those are US controlled nukes. And the US doesnt have the best relation with Turkey atm. They are there now, gone tomorrow. Turkey cant rely on american nukes. If other regional powers have nukes, they need to have nukes. And if Turkey has nukes, then Greece needs to have nukes for selfprotection.

Turkey gets to wave their dicks around and make demands at the big boy table despite being a complete joke of a country.

They have the 2nd biggest military in NATO, after the US, an immensely important geographical location and they are a regional power(along with Iran and Saudi Arabia).

Maybe Volvo? Do note that Polestar cars are made in China, but Volvo ones should be made in Europe or US. I dont know how good the conditions in the american Volvo factory are but in Sweden, Volvo is considered a good employer. Volvo/Polestar are owned by Geely, which is a chinese company but Volvo is pretty independent.

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Noone should lose their primary residence, it should be protected(unless it is a mansion or something). Everyone should have a place to live. In Greece, primary residences used to have a lot of protections, so even if you were in debt, it would be very hard to lose your house. But thankfully, thanks to 15 years of austerity and "reforms" imposed by Troika and right wing governments, now you can easily lose your house, just like in the US.

What is the point of society, if people dont have a place to live.

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Armenians are christians, azeris are muslims(and ethnic turks). Turkey(Ottoman Empire) did a thing(genocide) on the armenians back in the day. Anyway eventually both countries were part of the USSR. The USSR collapses and all these new countries are created.

There is a large region in Azerbaijan, inhabited mostly by armenians(the azeris say the armenians ethnic cleansed the azeris from the region). This armenian controlled enclave in Azerbaijan is separated from Armenia. Wars ensue, things become as they are now, with many issues but relatively peaceful.

Fast forward to today, Azerbaijan has a lot of natural gas reserves, they are relatively somewhat rich and with the war in Ukraine, Russia(the ally of Armenia) refused to help Armenia and Europe has a huge appetite for non russian gas(ie for azeri gas). So Azerbaijan is in a very powerful political and economic position atm.

Azerbaijan is using that power to "solve the issue" by military conquering the armenian controlled enclave, knowing that Armenia doesnt have any military allies anymore(Russia refused to answer Armenia's equivalent to NATO's article 5 request for help) and Europe/West cant do much politically because they are extremely dependent on azeri gas.

Are the armenians the victim? Well, kinda. They are atm. But they were also the perpetrators in the past.

Not even Lukanshenko is safe in Belarus, what are the chances that Prigozhin will be safe there. He will probably escape to southeast Asia.

Let me start by saying that i have no idea about what i am talking about.

The only reason F-16 werent dropping like flies, other than the fact that the US mostly fought people whose biggest antiair weapon was a kalasnikov, was that the US used a billion stealth bombers, fighters and cruise missiles to bomb everything that can shoot or detect airplanes.

This would not be the case in Ukraine. And while you can use F-16 for SEAD, i am not so sure that can work against russian anti-air, which is considered the best in the world and whose whole tech history was about shooting down planes similar to F-16. Russian antiair has stronger radar systems that can see further and can shoot further than F-16 with a HARM.

F-16 wont have a stealth plane or awacs guiding them and detecting targets. They have to do everything on their own, which means that you have to risk them.

The biggest advantage of the F-16 is the ability to use NATO weapons. But they are not a wunderwaffe, they will get shot down. How often they will get shot down really depends on how you use them. If you afk them in the back, lobbing vbr air to air missiles to russian planes/missiles, they will be safer. If you are using them for SEAD, then the hunter will often become the hunted.

There is a reason why no russian or ukrainian planes are flying in Ukraine(near the front). The F-16 doesnt have any special ability to dodge the s400/s300 in comparison to those planes.

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Be aware chinese jewelry might contain metals or alloys that differ from the description and which are bad for your skin/health. And a lot of jewelry sold in the West is from China.


"Do you know that if you make abortions legal and available, fewer black people will be born?"

You need to adjust your messaging depending on your audience/platform.

Wow, that is insane, i didnt know Australia does that.

Yeah, it was both. The european brands avoided electric cars for a long time, while the chinese pushed hard for them. And because electric motors and car batteries were a new technology, this was a great opportunity for the chinese to pull ahead(everyone started from 0).

And the chinese also used their cooperations and acquisitions(Volvo and Lotus are owned by the chinese brand Geely), in order to improve the conventional car making part production(everything other than the electric engine and batteries). Tesla followed a similar arc. Their motors/batteries are great, the other parts started as bad but they are improving all the time.

I have a diabetic dog. She hates giving blood(so we had to go to the hospital to test her) but she loves her insulin shots, because she goes absolutely bonkers over pate. We had issues giving her insulin at the start but i created a small ritual.

I noticed that in the doctor, she kinda freezes(or at least doesnt try to escape) while she is on the examining table. So i replicated that at home. I am using a giant mousepad(so that she is comfortable and wont slip) on a table and then i put her on the table. We spread some pate on a plate and give her the insulin shot(using an insulin pen) while she is licking it. Twice a day, every day for the last 3 years or so.

If you want to change your injection times, you can do it slowly over a few days/weeks, so you need to schedule your changes.

She is 15yo now. Diabetic dogs can live for many years with no issues. Be aware that diabetes can amplify some things. She had a skin wound that even the doctor thought was some super aggressive cancer(it looked bad) but it turned out to be nothing and it just healed normally.

Her energy levels will fluctuate over the day. Because the insulin is slow release, her energy will be at the lowest at the midpoint between the shots. We havent had any issues with low sugar, though it is something that you need to keep in mind.

Also her eyesight is mostly gone, because of diabetes(maybe because we failed to reach her ideal insulin dose fast enough because of the inability to take blood samples at home).

We never give her pate outside of the insulin injections. She is like the borg, she quickly adjusts to things, so we dont want her to adjust. For example, she let us take blood samples for 24hours once but never again.

It is a result of the systems being trained based on white adults

It's both. The system is racist because of how it was trained and because its developers were not black, therefore "it worked for them" during development. And because black people are harder for cameras to see, especially in low light environments.

Even with clothes on, the dark skin, in a dark environment, "breaks" the "this is human" pattern that the ai expects to see, since the ai can see only the clothes. It is like camouflage. Can the ai "see" a pair of pants? Maybe, eventually but it still reduces the certainty, since the ai sees fewer "signs".

The Dresden bombing is overhyped, by the soviets(as proof of how "evil" the West is) and far right nowadays.


38mins in, it compares the percentages of cities destroyed in Europe in comparison to japanese cities. So if we are talking about suffering and destruction caused by bombing, Japan got wrecked a lot more. And thats without even counting the nuclear bombs btw.

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Motorola mobility(the one that makes phones) has been sold to Lenovo(chinese company). Their recent phones range from great value for money to mediocre. Their moto g32 was(and still is) great value for money


Snapdragon 680(6nm), 90hz screen, water repellent design, fm radio, 5000 mah battery, 30w charging, 85% screen to body ratio, headphone jack. All that for 160€ which is basically as cheap as you can get(a decent phone).

For me, their main feature is the flashlight shake, that allows you to turn on the flashlight just by doing a shake motion(no need to go into menus and stuff).

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It is a common misconception, but modern cluster bombs can be good against everything, even(or especially) against tanks. It really depends on the munition. Cluster just means that a big thing releases multiple smaller things that explode.

In any case, grad isnt armored. It is just a truck with rockets attached on it.

Because thats not how human nature works. Convenience tramps everything and almost noone is as ideologically driven as they think they are.

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Big companies can do whatever they want. But we are enabling them to do it easier if we federate with them. When i joined reddit 15? years ago, it wasnt that dissimilar to the fediverse. Of course it is even harder now to replicate the thunder in a bottle that reddit was and to scale but still.

Most vegans are against causing death and suffering to animals, not against how things taste. The abhorrent part is the killing, not the taste(for most vegans).

Also i think your definitions are self limiting without a reason. Seitan tastes like "meat", yet it is not. You cant just assign exclusivity on specific tastes. Those tastes can exist outside the realm of meat. But it is easier to talk about those things by referencing something that most people are familiar with(meat or sausage or burger).

Would you be ok if we assigned 16 digit numbers to specific tastes and then used that number to describe products that have that taste? Is the use of the word "meat" that is problematic to you?

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Reddit's week appears to have gone from bad to worse, as AlphV (aka BlackCat) has claimed that operators broke into Reddit's servers on February 5, 2023, and took 80 GB of zipped data. Furthermore, Reddit has been contacted by BlackCat, once on April 13 and again on June 16, with no response and no attempt to find out what was taken.

The hack happened before the api thing.

My point is that we shouldnt enable those big companies even more than they currently are. We shouldnt let them into our own garden. This is a lemmy.world thread, i didnt even know that, i am using kbin. Tomorrow, this might have been a threads thread and i might have not even noticed it. But if for x, y, w reasons, kbin defederates from threads one day, i will notice that most of my feed will have 0 content all of a sudden.

Taking stuff away is a very powerful motivator. We will end fighting human nature. While if we never federate with threads and naturally grow the rest of the fediverse, this wont happen. It's easier to grow a garden amongst other gardens than to grow it next to a skyscraper.

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Youtube has better quality and rewind but twitch has more interesting chat, even if it is just spamming emojis. Twitch chat has a vibe, feels like you are in a stadium. Also for gaming streams, twitch is a must. Also you need a browser extension like 7tv to appreciate the chat.

Pinnable notes with adjusted transparency is pretty cool, especially for people who are on 1 monitor.

300 posts, most of which are text are obviously too much traffic for a multi-billion dollar social media site.

The Acropolis of Athens is extremely small. EPCOT is 40x larger(123 hectares vs 3 hectares).

I think having multiple houses(for different seasons or whatever) is fine. It is the financial exploitation of housing that is wrong. You shouldnt be able to rent houses.

They can withdraw, delay, mobilize more people, wait for the West to get tired, Trump to get elected, etc.

Ukraine needs constant supply of money and equipment from the West in order to survive. Their economy is fucked and they cant really produce the military equipment needed to fight Russia. What will happen if Trump gets elected? Or Le Pen? Or if opposition parties in the West, start using the cost of the war for propaganda?

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I mean everything exists in everything, the issue is what is their form. And cows convert methane in a very bad(for the environment) form. It's like burning down a tree, CO2 already existed in the tree but it was harmless. By burning it, you are releasing it in the atmosphere.

You still need a valid phone number to play ranked games, so there is some limitation.

The people that would abandon one platform to follow their favorite "high follower" poster are normies that never cared about what service they were using to begin with

Thats now how things work. Let's say that now you are following people from fediverse. Those people are motivated to post things, because someone needs to, because they want to grow the community, etc. Meta joins, then meta people post a trillion things(because they are a trillion people, some of which might even be paid by meta). Those initial fediverse people no longer post things because "they have already been posted".

Then you defederate meta. Congratulations, now you have 0 content and 0 content submitters. You will start to start from the beginning, from an even worse point than we are atm. You are now dead.

Very few people are as ideologically driven as they think they are. Ultimately it is about quality of life. And maybe you can tolerate some junk because of your ideology but everyone has their limit. Content is king, not only for the "normies" but for everyone. What is the point of a fediverse that has nothing to interact with and noone to interact with you?

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It's still real to me damnit.

Many people, including me, just played vs bots and kept sniping bots from the top of the tower.