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It's specifically about the efficiency of the usage. If it's not used effectively, then it really is a waste.

And we all know how efficient the Web is nowadays...

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I got banned from "World News @ lemmy.ml"

Gee, what else is new?

Ridge Racer

Gran Turismo

GTA Liberty City Stories

GTA Vice City Stories

God of War Ghost of Sparta

Maybe Tekken 5 DR if you can stand playing it on a portable device.

Loco Roco

And if you're into Yugioh - Tag Force are some of the best games in the series.

That's my list OTOH.

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A little thing called the "Massive Ad client" exists in NFS Carbon, Pro Street, Undercover and even World.

It was used to download ads off the internet and display them in the game's own billboards.

It was also an entrypoint for a NFS World hack too lol so ripbozo EA

I'm referring to the philosophy behind the usage of said allocated ram.

If you allocate 5 cookie jars to store 1 cookie in each jar, then that's not good.

If you store 2 cookies per jar, that's better already, but still kind of crap.

If the websites keep putting rocks in those jars, then you'll obviously run rampant with usage. (Read: https://tonsky.me/blog/js-bloat/ )

The goal is to store as many cookies in least amount of jars. You might crumble them down and reconstruct them later (compression and/or clever code) but that could take more brain (processing) power (of which we kinda have, especially on the desktop).

As you've said, it's often a tradeoff between processing power and memory usage and depending on the application, you can configure things the way you need them (at least when you're coding it).

Yarr harr fiddle dee dee...

They kinda don't have the sources there. That's a decompilation by IDA in that image.

But nevertheless they could run it if they set up an arm64 machine, technically.

I've worked with Dennis in the past on NFSMods.

Surprised it took this long for something like this to happen.

One thing, I don't know why

I bought a PS5 with no games to buy

It's not bad at all, actually. The interpreter is excellent and the Apple devices are fast.

The benchmark game would be Gran Turismo, where it can lag really badly in the menus. But other than that, a lot of the games run just fine.



Ahh the memories

Oh this is the "next gen" update? That would explain things.

Oh well...

AFAIK LUnix exists as the "little Unix" project aiming to run on the Commodore 6502 computers.

There's even a video where someone got it to run on a Famicom.

Technical question - does the script extender use signature/pattern scanning at all?

It sounds to me that it may have broken because it doesn't use it.

You could say "oh they recompiled it so the registers changed" but I highly doubt they changed the code that much or touched optimization flags.

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It's already been done. Black Box's NFS Carbon until Undercover all have ad clients built in that did that exact thing (displaying real ads on billboards).

Luckily it doesn't work but if someone were to buy the domain it could be dangerous.

A little thing called the "Massive Ad client" exists in NFS Carbon, Pro Street, Undercover and even World.

It was used to download ads off the internet and display them in the game's own billboards.

It was also an entrypoint for a NFS World hack too lol so ripbozo EA

In before someone tries to guilt trip you for that because "developers aren't getting money from stolen keys" and the developer isn't an indie developer but a studio owned by Microsoft or EA...