
0 Post – 53 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

This “the alternatives are great” gaslighting stuff has got to stop. We’ve all tried it and we’re all still here, for good reason. Reddit sucks but the fediverse sucks even more.

Oh the irony in this comment... The only person being gaslit is yourself.

And secondly - a lot of people don't know that you can now block instances individually and that defederation/blocking is not really that big of a deal anymore.

15 more...

The fact that he also fired the legal department also doesn't bode well.

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First of all, thank you very much for your service.

Secondly, you're crazy lmao

A new Tribes?


How to delete someone else's post on Lemmy?

Indeed it is a great port. The engine is incredibly optimized and very well made.

Lots of hand optimization for occlusion calculations (reminiscent of Crash Bandicoot)

I posted a comment on the video - I made a patch for this game to allow for looking with the right stick and the cheat menu during single player (with some added debug options).

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  1. Power management on certain chips is simply better than anything Linux has to offer (AMD Zen+ mobile for instance)
  2. Modular driver architecture with drivers that aren't complete jank to manage and install. A lot of people see this as a pain point, but in reality it's not such a bad thing, especially nowadays.
  3. This is a given, but as lots of stuff runs on Windows (namely older games), you can only really make stuff for Windows on Windows. So if you need to develop Win32 software, you really have to use Visual Studio for proper development. Mingw cross compile exists, I know, but that's never going to be as good.

Number 3 is keeping me on Windows. I make mods for old games and I need Visual C++. I almost got the compiler to run under Wine but who knows how it would behave if it did run.

Come play Unreal with us then hehehe

The difference this time is that Empress was angy wangy and had to cry.

In reality it was indeed a few bad releases of a popular game on a popular site... 1337x constantly had these. Just like Pirate Bay had them. I never go there expecting safety in the first place.

Aren't AMI, Insyde and Phoenix providers for 98% of PC (be it board or OEM) vendors though?

And AFAIR, TianoCore is basically used everywhere by everyone as a base except maybe Apple.

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I reported it as spam.

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Fun fact - some games also have integrated IRC clients!

Unreal Tournament 99 (and now Unreal 227) is one of them. Don't seriously use it lol, it's just funny how the internet worked back then to have that included in a game.

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On the same token - anyone who also knows what an OS is shouldn't care either. Use the best OS for your job and needs. Reap the benefits of all of the OSs that you can run and switch between them like an army knife. It is the best when all of them complement each other.

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People use tools that work best for them. There really is nothing much more to it than that. An operating system is a tool, not a religion.

EA used to do this even before Microsoft!

They have their own music system called "Pathfinder" which controls music interactively in little chunks.

I believe it was first used in NFS 2, which came out before DirectMusic.

If you've heard the pursuit music in NFSMW 2005 or Carbon's Canyon music, that's Pathfinder! It was also used in Medal of Honor and Red Alert 3.

Mod it with a CFW and put a new battery!

That is all you need. The homebrew scene is amazing and so is this console.

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I should've clarified I did that on my email provider lol

Eh, works either way.

Jak and Daxter is still theirs.

This goes for inter-developer communication too. Be nice to one another. Someone just wants to help sometimes.

delete this

i tried to sleep and now i can't, thanks lmao

Sent a response, hope it'll help!

Hyenas was absolutely not well received. A little late to cancel but better to cut losses than to keep them going.

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No joke, she looks kinda like Jeff the Killer.

Yu-Gi-Oh Cross Duel suffered the same fate. Dead not one year after release.

Now it's in the hands of a custom server, barely usable thanks to DRM that was hard to bypass.

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I am pretty sure TianoCore is also used by AMD systems as a reference as well.

Here's a similar situation that happened in 2019 at Lenovo's site


AMD systems are listed as well.

As for most board vendors nowadays, I think they barely do anything with the code itself and just create the setup utility and boot logos. It is highly likely that they're affected too.

Is this what they use at the Ram Ram Ranch?

sister make,

May I present to you, a tool called Err

Put that candy back down I ain't buying you that meth

Exactly. That's what matters. That's why SteamOS is on Steam Deck, or Linux distros on POS machines, or Windows on ATMs (which is kinda depressing ngl), etc.

It's a tool, nothing more, nothing less. An OS is just a gateway to other apps at the end of the day.

Hey Shadow, what do you think of this guy's cock?

There's this song from Lazy Town. It goes something like "yarr harr fiddle dee dee".

Either that or got a key off an admin (school, work, etc.)

There's also a chance it was bought through less legitimate means.

In any case, it is harder to obtain than even the regular Enterprise version, but not impossible.

E: oh I completely misread the question. To obtain it, I believe it can be obtained via UUPdump or something like that directly off of MS.

You're welcome! :)

I'll try to make sure it works on Linux too!

And you gotta Chazz it up!

I remember way back, around 2013, asking Gigabyte Mobile for the kernel source of one of their devices (Mika M3) via their business support.

Needless to say, they obliged! They uploaded it and then gave a link to an FTP server and credentials to use it.

So sometimes it's just worth asking.

I couldn't compile it fwiw, because it was missing key Mediatek components, but eh, what can you do...

The only thing I can think of is to try the drives in a different system and see how they behave (same OS and configuration).

If they behave the same then that rules out everything except the drives themselves and the OS.

Considering how you mentioned the behavior is better in Windows, it sounds like a software issue, but you never know until you try.

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I still love the plugin architecture of its OS. The entire device is very well designed from ground up and is really easy to develop for (even without an actual SDK).

It's no wonder why the homebrew scene was so good.

nice >:]

I have the same issue on one of the controllers.

There are some hall effect sensor kits on Aliexpress but that requires extensive work to set up and install.