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That's the idea. US prisons are designed around cruel and unusual punishments. sexual violence by guards is already rampant, and sexual violence in general is so ubiquitous it's literally one of the first things people think of when they think of prison. The judge that ruled she needed to go to a male prison did so intentionally and the cruelty is the point.

Honestly, the only reason this made the news is because her fellow prisoners are helping her and doing favors for her, instead of punishing her further. There wouldn't be a news article if it was just another story of violence done to a trans woman

His skin color.

Hopefully it's obvious I don't agree with that statement, but at the end of the day, that's what this case is really about.

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The Catholic Church has the power and influence to cover those things up and pressure victims into silence. Hollywood has a huge power imbalance as well. Where in the world does the LGBTQ+ community have such power? The only answer these fascists can give is "the Jews".

If there was large scale abuse going on in the LGBTQ+ community, it would have been found out for sure; especially considering how many hateful zealots spend their retirement actively hunting the imaginary abuse. (I'm also not saying there's no abuse because well, humans suck. just that it isn't large scale, organized, and actively defended like churches and corporate hierarchies)

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but it's MUCH cheaper, so keeping with every other shitty idea he's ever had, Musk was REALLY banking on Tesla engineers to make a crazy breakthrough so he could reap billions in reward.

It worked at SpaceX because of a perfect concoction of all the best rocket scientists and engineers wanting to work at SpaceX, since it was one of the only space programs not owned by a government and could push the boundaries, the technology being possible and wildly practical to implement, and massive government subsidies.

Tesla is in the car market, which is notoriously competitive and, while they do have massive government subsidies, they don't have the best engineers and musk's insistence that they "figure out" how to shove autonomous driving into a medium that simply doesn't provide enough information drives even the better engineers away.

I really wish my government would stop funding his ego and let his fantasy projects die already.

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Listen to how a large portion (obviously not all) Israelis talk about Palestinians. They genuinely do not view them as humans and certainly do not value their lives. They speak of the ongoing genocide with gleeful anticipation. People will literally go to the border to taunt Palestinian parents who've lost their children or the orphans themselves.

They're not shooting a 4 year old kid, they're simply shooting another "worthless" Palestinian. This way of thinking was and is specifically crafted to enable almost every genocide that has ever happened.

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distance: how far you've traveled if you put all the steps in a line (may also be gps tracked too)

azm: active zone minutes or how many minutes you've spent with your heart rate in the "active zone" where you burn more calories

floors: how many flights of stairs you've climbed

calories: estimate of how many calories you've burnt based on all the other stats


I really like using .env files, but you can hard code env vars in the compose file itself if you want.

"War is Peace" is doublespeak; an inherent contradiction. Anybody can say it and still see the contradiction and believe that it isn't true. Doublethink is the internalization of that doublespeak. A Party member says it and sees no contradiction. Deep in their hearts, they understand that to be in a never ending war is to experience neverending peace.

All that to say that doublespeak was certainly a thing in the novel, as it labours on the distinction between doublespeak and doublethink.

The paradox is literally what's happening with you in this thread, genius. the Christian church has been out of bounds for centuries, and now that people are finally responding appropriately, you kick and scream saying "not like that! you can only respond appropriately if you follow all the rules laid out by the people who oppress you! you need to tolerate our intolerance because our imaginary friend says we need to hate you to stop the end of the world"

There were "good" people who identify as Nazis. should we let that ideology thrive because a minority of its population put flowers on the graves their compatriots created?

I get that you just want to hold hands and sing kumbaya, but I have trouble holding the hands that are covered with the blood of my brothers, sisters, and allies.

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It's on the bottom of the image: pizzacakecomics is the artist

She didn't write the Harry Potter books under her pseudonym, but a lot of her mediocre crime dramas are written under the name Robert Galbraith. The conversion therapy psychiatrist I'm talking about was named Robert Galbraith Heath.

Not even just a man's name, but the name of one of the most infamous conversion therapy "psychiatrists" from the 20th century.

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Several cultures throughout history have used base 12 for their numbering! You can count to 12 on one hand by counting the segments of your fingers (excluding the thumb).

To be fair, wasn't the vim codebase entirely committed by a single person? He did that with everyone and, while I don't agree with that at all, it reads less like elitism / stolen credit than this particular story.

I may be wrong about that, so feel free to correct me 😊 either way, people should be credited for the work they do! and preferably not in the footnotes of a commit authored by someone else that didn't fix the bug

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"We are all domestic terrorists"

A split keyboard and a good chair improved my desk comfort more than anything else I've tried.

"Reps choose...him or her" lol I'd eat my shorts if the GOP ever nominated a woman for their presidential bid in my lifetime

The vast majority of Christians have spent your entire life moving more towards the middle.

Huh, dang I guess you're right. I mean, it certainly would be pretty wild for you to say that if the majority of Christians that I've personally met and the ones controlling my government had been organizing and campaigning to take away the rights of the LGBTQ+ community, women, and any racial minority since before my parents ever met. It'd be downright dishonest of you if, instead of moving more towards the middle, christians have spent the last 40 years sprinting to the far right as fast as they possibly could, to the point where a comparison to the Nazis doesn't seem so far-fetched. Do you honestly think the women's rights, LGBTQ+ acceptance, or the civil rights movement was championed by the Christian majority and they weren't the primary opposition to those ideas?

It'd also be insane if the "secular Nazi ideology" was actually heavily Christian and the Catholic Church spent centuries laying the groundwork for Jewish Genocide, helped the Nazis seize power, and continued to protect them long after their atrocities were well known. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_Nazi_Germany

I guess if you are part of the oppressors, they're probably quite nice to you. Sorry if my words are what push you to finally be honest with yourself about what you believe. Didn't mean to radicalize you

No, they are people. Ignorant, hateful, and actively supporting a genocide, but people nonetheless. My comment was explicitly calling out and criticizing the impulse to dehumanize the "enemy", real or imagined. Thinking of Zionist Israelis or Nazis as less than human not only perpetuates the mindset that allows these groups to carry out genocide, but at the same time denies how easy it is for average people to fall into such traps.

It leads to thought processes similar to "If you have to be less than human to support a genocide, then obviously what I support can't be genocide because I am definitely a human."

And I'm definitely not one of those "oh, we just have to talk to these hateful ignorant perpetuators of genocide because they simply don't understand why they're wrong". I'm of the opinion that violence is absolutely necessary to uphold equality if the situation has been left to get as bad as it has. I'm mostly just railing against the idea that people who support genocide are somehow less human because of that hatred.

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Yeah, I agree with everything you just said, but make no mistake, the monsters committing genocide are still human beings. Denying that blurs the line of the purpose of violence done against them and makes it difficult to understand that we must constantly be vigilant against rhetoric and propaganda that advocates for genocide as it is scarily easy for people to fall into patterns of thinking that can justify genocide.

It is irresponsible to say that, because they are actively committing genocide against a population, they are no longer human beings and that is why they deserve violence. It's an unnecessary extra step that opens the door for the very same genocidal thinking. They are people who have engaged in genocide with no signs of slowing down or stopping, and for that one reason alone, deserve violence until their threat is quashed. That is enough for me; I see no reason or benefit to dehumanize them to justify righteous violence.

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This is becoming frustrating. We are on the same page that violence is the only answer; I'm only insisting that we understand that the violence has to be done against our fellow humans. It is a tragedy, but one that must be enacted because, as you say, there is no negotiation to be had here.

Denying their humanity weakens the claim of righteousness and, moreso than enabling room for their bad faith bullshit, directly feeds into their bad faith claims of antisemitism as dehumanizing them removes genocide from the argument and all your left with is killing animals/barbarians/evil monsters. I don't know about you, but that argument is wholly unconvincing to me. You can certainly claim that because they've engaged in genocide, that's why they've lost their humanity, but again, it's an unnecessary mental step that gains us nothing and weakens the argument for deploying violence against them.

For the soldier / PTSD argument, I again disagree. Soldiers kill people. There should be no way around that fact. Dehumanization and making it easier for soldiers to mentally compartmentalize the taking of life is not a good thing and can easily be warped to make soldiers follow any order, regardless of the moral imperative. The soldiers can and should be made to understand that they are committing a traumatic amount of violence and death in order to stop an entire genocide. Violence is a tool and it must be wielded responsibly and with full understanding that the violence is both necessary and just.

Also chill with the faux philosophical ramblings of simulations and video game analogies. I don't care what you believe outside of this context, but this is a serious issue and talking about "disabl[ing] PvP flags for the middle east" belies that this is the real world (simulated or not) with real, serious consequences. It damages your entire argument and makes you come across like you don't see the actual human pain and suffering this massacre has caused.

I'm no defender of AI and it just blatantly making up fake stories is ridiculous. However, in the long term, as long as it does eventually get better, I don't see this period of low to no trust lasting.

Remember how bad autocorrect was when it first rolled out? people would always be complaining about it and cracking jokes about how dumb it is. then it slowly got better and better and now for the most part, everyone just trusts their phones to fix any spelling mistakes they make, as long as it's close enough.