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Joined 7 months ago

The other ⅔ apparently have their head in the sand .

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How the hell can you be a chain smoker and run a marathon?!

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It's criminal that Cuba has been crushed with sanctions for decades all because the US doesn't like their government. Imagine if the shoe was on the other foot how people would react

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I looked into this for myself but I was told a lot of what has already been said here and decided to go with a pixel + graphene OS .

I'm probably sticking with this type of setup until there's a proper Linux phone that can be easily used as a daily driver.

I think the key is patience. One day I think we'll have something that will be able to daily drive Linux that won't feel like you're using the alpha release of android.

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But have they figured out how to keep the wheels from falling off?

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Eat them or they will eat you.

This only applies to people on the stock rom? Or?

I'm using graphene and not having any problems with my device.

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I'm on Lemmy.world & using the eternity app I haven't had any real issues yet but it's only been about 2 months for me since I started using this platform.

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But they are paying you for it. Not for your time specifically but for your distance. Idk if you read the article but highest tier is 130% of your base salary.

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For music:




There's also alternatives for YouTube like newpipe & libretube etc

IMO it's not that Debian isn't good for gaming. It's that it's not good for gaming IF you want to just install Debian and start gaming right away. There's going to be a bit of downloading/installing, & configuring first.

If Debian is too far back of a starting point for you then I'd either go with a gaming distro where many things will already come installed and possibly (idk for sure because I've not used any gaming distros) configured for you to where you mostly just need to sign in and download your games.

Honestly. I don't think you're missing much. It's not like if you go to a different distro suddenly you're going to have all these new applications you can't get on mint or anything.

I started with mint and played around with other distros (mostly Debian/Ubuntu & Arch based ones) and I ended up settling on an Ubuntu based distro with kde desktop.

Using something like Arch might make sense if your PC is super new as they tend to have support for the newest hardware.

At most you might want to try a different desktop environment but if you have no reason to hop I would say don't waste your time unless you're bored and want to experiment just for the hell of it.

there's a site that will let you play around with different distros/desktop environments over the Web (it's going to be slow and you can't use a VPN when connecting) but that might be a good choice before going through the trouble of downloading a distro, flashing to USB and possibly installing it on your PC/laptop just to find out you hate it.

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I've been using dark mode since dark mode was a thing. Even on LCD screens (although I try to avoid buying devices with LCD when possible/affordable)

Light mode is annoying to me now. I can't use it .

For me it's this (the color coded notification LED on phones) and while on the topic of phones I used to have a xiaomi phone several years ago that had an infrared face unlock feature so you could use face unlock in complete darkness. Haven't had a phone with that before or after. It was awesome.

I think it's likely updates. The phone was originally built with an earlier version of the OS in mind. Just a guess. I feel like this happens to all my phones eventually.

Fwiw I have an old s21 fe version that I still play with (I have a pixel 8 now) and it feels more sluggish than it used to.

Depressing. Mainstream media is such a cancer.

There would be another president & the west wouldn't be happy with that one either

I can't remember. It's been such a long time. Usually vending machines don't have anything I want anyway since I don't drink soda and rarely eat junk food and that's the overwhelming majority of what I see in vending machines at least where I live

True. That's why I chose graphene in the end. Ib liked the idea of the multiple user profiles to sandbox certain activities to a disposable profile and the fact that if I need Google play I can sandbox that as well by running it as a regular system app on it's own profile..

So far it's been pretty good. I think my only complaint is I can't get my Chromecast devices to connect. I got my Google TV to connect but all Chromecast devices refuse to pair for some reason but that pales in comparison to the headaches I'd get trying to daily drive a Linux phone. But I'm big on Linux (I use it as a daily driver on my computer) so I'm patiently waiting for a daily driver worthy Linux phone. 🤞

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Hard to say. Gotta check the labels because I've noticed a lot of the store brand items (especially at Walmart) have known carcinogens in the ingredients.

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Btw I'd still use mint...I only switched away because I wasn't a big fan of how much it looked like windows and how green everything was. Lol. But I was still a noob at the time and hadn't fully comprehended how customizable Linux distros are. I could've changed a lot with the appearance if I knew what I was doing

Are you using the VPN on your laptop or phone only? If so, maybe try to run your VPN at the router level and see if you can cast then? It might work..

Idk what client you're using but I'm using eternity on android. It let's you select all the text from any post/comment.

Many others commented that their clients allow it as well. Maybe consider trying some new ones out?

I think the US would be better off to finally have a president who is one of them. Meaning not rich or famous. Just a regular working class person who isn't well connected.

Seems like every president is rich, well connected, famous or totally bought off and they all end up running the country basically the same way. The only thing that ever changes is the surface level Idpol/who they pander to.

I have play services on one profile on mine. It's working fine for me too. Must not apply to everyone. Not sure why but I'm not complaining lol

If you want to save money on a pixel I'd recommend taking a look at swappa(dot)com Even if you don't want a used one they do have people selling pixels new sealed in the box for usually pretty good deals. I think the cheapest new in box option is a pixel 6a. Or 6 pro.

You can also find new pixel 7, 7 pro, the 8 and the 8 pro.

I've been buying and selling devices there for years and never had a problem as a buyer or a seller.

56% of my gaming was just one game: Streets of rogue.

But you're right there's plenty of games I bought that I didn't play very much. I hate it when I realize I don't actually want a game but it's outside of the window to return it for a refund 🙃

Ironically it's the financial facilitators of the US defense industry that need targeted. These cocksuckers find a money laundering scheme every few years that results in mass death and destruction (usually totally unabated).

In my experience I've noticed Linux tends to (disproportionately) attract both libertarians and socialists/communists. I feel like I run into more of both within the Linux community than I do in other communities.

I started using Linux because I couldn't force myself to use Windows 8. Up to that point I used whatever version of Windows came right before the graphical interface but 8 was too awful so I started playing with mint and never went back..

I got off the capitalism train in the middle of that but that was only because I decided to major in business and when I saw how the sausage was made I jumped ship but I didn't know anything about socialism or communism or marxism or whatever you want to call it. I was so not into politics or economics that I literally had to search the Internet and ask people on social media what was an alternative to the crap I was reading for my classes.. And then I went down that rabbit hole. If was enlightening. I learned a lot.

Also... for people who think college is Marxist indoctrination...Marx was brought up for one paragraph in one book at the very very end of my 4 years. But by that point I already knew who he was just from the rabbit hole I went down when I was curious for some alternative to what I was being taught.

If enough people steal via self checkout they will go away. (This is not shopping/self checkout advice)

You're right. I was just referring to items where the generic version did but the name brand version didn't.

much of the emphasis is put on the citizens voting on election day but what is far more important is the process used to select the candidates. By the time the citizens get a say it's too late. Every election it's one faction of the elite versus the other.

There's never an option for working class people on the ballot (especially in a general election). This applies to the entirety of the duopoly.

Your argument is that it was smart to go this route and let thousands be killed only for them to end up (at best) in the same place they would've been had they just negotiated a peaceful resolution in the first place.

By not caring who wins you already seem to understand this sick game of three card monte they keep playing on Americans every 2 to 4 years. Good on you for not playing along.

Reading the comments it's pretty clear we have a lot of mainstream media enjoyers in the house

The headline is unhinged.

I say this as someone who doesn't support or vote for either of the major two parties

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I don't think it matters all that much if trump/republicans win or if Biden/democrats win.

I feel like I've seen enough elections in my life to know that the POTUS is largely just a human sock puppet for the peasants to fight over online and in the street.

No matter which corporate owned tool wins the gameplan stays the same.

Impoverish you. Obey the donors. Sanctions + bombs. Tax cuts. Turn their pockets inside out when it comes to anything poor/working class people need. I could go on but I think you get the point.

The slow suicidal summersault into ww3 shall continue. Buckle up.

Unions in the US continue to be controlled opposition

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The absolutely delusional take was the popular opinion that all that needed to be done was to shove as many weapons as possible into Ukraine and with that they would defeat Russia. I even recall talks of "taking Crimea" (which is kind of silly in retrospect given their inability to retake the donbass region).

Instead of avoiding most of this bloodshed thousands of lives were lost only to end up at basically the same position they would've ended up had this just been negotiated early on and that's me being optimistic & assuming they'll be offered the same deal as before (which there's very little incentive for Russia to do given their position, Ukraine's position, & the west's appetite to continue funding/arming Ukraine going forward.

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I have beach front property for sale on the Las Vegas strip for anyone who buys this..

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