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Joined 11 months ago

How to spy for China and not get pregnant


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The most effecient way is to NOT peel potatoes. Why would you ever want to peel them? Potato skin is yum and rich in nutrients, whereas the flesh is mostly carbs. By throwing away the skin, you're not only wasting nutrients, you're getting rid of the texture and fiber it adds.

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There’s no such thing as odd socks. They’re called mix ‘n’ match socks now. Like Mashems!

Or just get black socks and don't worry about mixing and matching.

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They're called Kaomoji btw.


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I can't speak much about the money making stuff, but I've read that most music artists make the majority of their income through touring and ticket sales for their live performances at venues, music festivals as well as attending other private events etc - and this goes back to even pre-Spotify days. So Spotify not paying artists well doesn't really make a big difference. In fact, I'd argue that Spotify actually brings artists publicity, much like how mp3 sharing did back in the day, or the radio for that matter. I've discovered many artists via radio back in the day, much like how I discover them today via Spotify's recommendations, and personally, I don't see the issue.

Anyways, as a former audiophile, I've decided to choose convenience over perceived audio quality, so I use Spotify. Mind you, it's not like I don't perceive any difference at all, but the point is, for my day-to-day listening, it makes little difference - especially when most of my listening is in generally noisy environments like at work or during my commute. Also, Spotify streams at 320kbps Ogg Vorbis (on a good connection) - you'd need to have really good ears and gear to actually hear a difference between that and an uncompressed stream. Even then, it's not like it makes a difference if you're say just listening to pop and rock music or something.

It's not like I've completely given up on lossless audio - I do use my audiophile gear when I'm in the mood and want to listen to certain tracks like say some of Pink Floyd atmospheric stuff like in A Momentary Lapse of Reason, or say John Williams, or classical music like Tchaikovsky or Vivaldi, but these are just a small fraction of my listening experience.

So if you are blessed with the ears and gear to actually make out the difference between 320kbps ogg vs FLAC/DSD, AND you listen to the kind of music where it really matters AND you care enough about that difference that it affects your enjoyment - then sure, go for Tidal. Otherwise, there's no point.

I'm not too familiar with India's politics, but what does the BJP have to do with this incident? And how will changing parties solve these issues - is there any political party in India that's actually good and not corrupt? I heard corruption is pretty common across all of the government sector, regardless of the party in power?

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This. Reading this thread makes me sad and wonder where I went wrong in life.

Maybe I shouldn't have chosen IT as a career. Or maybe my parents shouldn't have sent me to an all-boys school, which made me shy and awkward around girls even in my later years. Maybe I should've fooled around in my college and uni days, instead of concentrating on my studies. What did all my efforts get me? What was I even working so hard for? Forget being in a relationship, I haven't even kissed a girl yet. Sigh.

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"So when are you going to buy a car / house / get married / have kids? "

All of which I'm not interested in. Just leave me be and let me do my own thing. Being single, free of debt, and enjoying life shouldn't be seen as an abnormal thing.

I've been unemployed for 6 months now. Resigned from my old job because I was fed up with how I was getting treated. In hindsight, it was probably a rash decision, but I never expected that getting a new job, with all my skills and experience, would be this difficult. I completely chew thru all my savings, sold half of my stuff, and even ended up borrowing money from my folks to survive. I'm glad my parents were able to help me out, but I feel pretty bad asking them for money when they've been retired for years, and it should be me supporting them instead. It really sucks, it feels like I failed my parents and failed at life, especially when I keep hearing stories of how well off my cousins are, how they're married, own a house, own a car, have kids etc and meanwhile I'm still single, flatting, and don't have any assets worth mentioning. Sigh.

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Not to go to the strip club when drunk. I blew like $5k in one weekend, never going back again (at least, not when I'm drunk).

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Aeroponics, under a controlled greenhouse environment, is technically the most stable food production method, assuming you have the ability to maintain the systems supporting it, and of course a good knowledge of a particular plant's requirements and growth habits.


  1. Water Efficiency: Uses up to 98% less water compared to traditional farming.
  2. Space Efficiency: Can be used in vertical farming setups, making it ideal for urban areas.
  3. Growth Speed: Crops can grow faster due to higher oxygen levels and nutrient delivery.
  4. Reduced Pesticide Need: Since plants aren't grown in soil, there's a lower risk of soil-borne diseases.

Aeroponics, when done correctly, can yield impressive results in terms of growth speed and resource efficiency compared to traditional farming.

Support open source projects, such as Wine, KDE, Wayland, LibreOffice etc.


6. Don't bother making your bed. I don't know why my parents ever ingrained this habit in me, but one day I was like... why am I even doing this? and so I stopped. Of course, I still change my sheets and pillow cases regularly, but I don't see a reason for making my bed every day.

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As a Windows sysadmin:

  • Sysadmin
  • SCCM
  • PowerShell
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3 days. Felt like shit, I immediately knew something was wrong and that it wasn't a normal cold, so I did a test and it came out positive.

I mainly used Hinge and Bumble. Fully fleshed out, verified profiles on both of them, clearly describing what I was after (ie, after a serious relationship, looking for a child-free vegan partner etc). Had premium subscription on both of them too, for more filter options and chances of getting matched. I also followed the golden rule of only swiping right on someone who actually matched my interests, and someone I could see myself having a relationship with (so no swiping on Instagram models and obvious catfishers).

I did get matches, but ALL the chats went nowhere. They all start off well, we make some small talks and the chats frizzle off over time or they ghost you.

I was doing this religiously for several months, spending at least an hour or two each day, going thru all the profiles, reading all their bios, searching again with different filters in case my strict filters missed someone etc. And after months of doing this, I burnt out. I didn't manage to land a single meetup, never mind actually having a date. It made me very depressed and my self esteem took a big blow, it made me wonder whether it was really worth wasting so much time on this, only to end up getting depressed. So I binned the whole idea of actively looking for someone, and thought I'd be best to leave it up to fate, and decided to just go back and focus on my career and hobbies instead.

It's been over six months now since I've been away from the dating game and mentally I'm doing so much better. I've got a new job which is going well too, I've been hitting my goal of 10,000 steps a day and have pretty much sorted out all my diet/nutrition bits where I was lacking a bit previously, plus I'm enjoying the new Cyberpunk 2077 update on my PS5 which has finally lived up to its hype, so, life is good and I can't really complain. I've accepted that not all people can have everything, so I've moved on. In saying that, I would be lying if I didn't feel jealous seeing people with partners or when I see threads like these, but I guess I just have to not dwell on it, and move on with my life.

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"Animal Liberation" by Peter Singer, which argues against speciesism and the ethical treatment of animals, as well as "Eating Animals" by Jonathan Foer, which delves into the moral complexities of eating animals and factory farming. Both these books have convinced me to go vegan. I've been vegan for a decade now and don't regret it one bit.

As a side effect, I've also become more health conscious, because a strict vegan diet doesn't provide everything, so I did a lot of research into what I'm eating, what my body needs (and doesn't need) etc. As a result I feel like my health has improved a lot - my hairloss has mostly stopped, my complexion has improved, also I used to have a skin condition which is now under control, no depression episodes, and I rarely fall sick.

It's been an ongoing process of learning though. Most recently I've found out about Choline, which has a critical role in neurotransmitter function and affects your mood, and thankfully I found that my diet already has enough Choline in it, so it wasn't a worry or anything. But it's always interesting knowing what's in what your eating, things your body needs etc.

Forget channels, WhatsApp itself is trash. No point talking about trashy additions to a trashy spy product.

I just wish that people who know this, yet deliberately continue to use it, find the courage one day and say FU to Zuckerberg, and switch to alternatives.

I know, I know, it's not really feasible (or some other excuse) to ditch WhatsApp in countries like Brazil and India, but I don't belive it's a completely impossible task either.

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Because nothing compares to it really. The polish, the UI, the UX, plus the developer ljdawson is an awesome bloke who listens to his users, as he's shown time and again. So, I'm happy to support a dev like that.

It was all a bit of a blur, but I recall there were lots of lapdances, champagne, and getting in a hot tub with a bunch of strippers and doing karaoke.

I'm not Indian, but I've got a few Indian friends and have attended a few Indian weddings as well. From what I've seen, there's no "traditional" gift - most of the gifts I've seen are something which would be useful for the couple or their house, eg a dinner set, clothes, jewelery, maybe even a gadget or appliance. But this really depends on the couple - younger couples these days may explicitly say no to any physical gifts (because they may just end up becoming clutter) and would prefer accepting cash or gift cards instead. So if you're close to your friend, I'd say ask them upfront what sort of gift they would prefer or if there's any type of gift they wouldn't want - and that should help you narrow it down. Beware that they may say not to worry about bringing a gift and just your presence alone would be a gift (I've heard this dialog a few times...), but regardless, you shouldn't back down, and insist that you will gift them something irrespective of what they say, so this should make them back down if they're being stubborn. :)

As someone else said, a Polish gift might be a good idea - doesn't have to be a "useful" thing, but something symbolic to remember you would be nice.

Missed opportunity on your username!

Nice try, Dr. Crane.

I don't see the problem here. What makes you think that the false positives in this case is "unacceptable"? So what if Joe Bloggs isn't able to share a picture of a random kid (why tho) or an image of a child-like person?

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But were they also not in concrete agreement when you said that you didn't want kids? Or did they only give a vague response? Just curious what was the initial agreement exactly, and how did they changed their stance, because I'm currently on the market myself and I've been pretty upfront that I don't want kids, and it's usually my very first question before I proceed to even ask them about anything else. Those who don't want kids are also generally upfront about it and would agree immediately, whereas others may either give a vague reply or be on the fence, or straight up say they wanted kids - all of which would be an immediate rejection from me. Unless they're in firm agreement, I don't proceed any further with the chat.

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eBay is fine. Just check the seller's reputation first before buying.

If overall positive feedback is greater than 99%, and they've sold hundreds of items, then there's no problem buying from them.

I've bought dozens of phones from eBay over the last two decades, never had any issues.

Same here, never got around to cursing, just not in my vocabulary.

Cheers for the reply and sorry you lost your original comment, I hate it when that happens to me!

What happened here? How long were you chatting?

Nothing really, they just never went anywhere. I would usually chat for maybe 2-3 days, and I think the longest chat I've had active was for a week. The problem is I'm not really good at chatting (it just feels so fake asking the same old small talk stuff, like you know, how you feel inside when put on a fake smile?), and I don't know how to organically switch from a random small talk to asking them out.

After a handful of good exchanges I'll usually ask them out.

Whats your criteria for this? What's a good number of exchanges, and do you ask your dealbreaker / serious questions during this time, or just keep it all casual, like asking them about their interests etc?

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I don't. In fact, I don't send birthday wishes to anyone unless they're really close family/friends. Otherwise it just seems fake, there's no point wishing someone if it doesn't come from your heart.

You're not wrong that I'm lazy, but I also do things that actually need to be done. Like, I'm lazy about say, getting my haircut and will put it off, but I'm not lazy about say vacuuming the house, or waking up and getting ready for work - because those things need doing. I just don't see the value in making the bed.

Don't get a bagless. At least, as someone with allergies - I (my nose) can tell you that bagged vaccum cleaners are much better. The main HEPA filter lasts for ages (I've only changed my once in the last decade), thanks to the double filtering - the bag ls themselves are a filter, plus there's a second filter that sits in between the bags and the inside of the vaccum (which btw, you get free every time you purchase a ser of bags).

The main advantage of bagged is of course the maintenance/cleaning/disposal - when it's time to empty out your vacuum, just open the hatch and chuck out the bag and you're done - no risk of dust or tiny insects like dust mites etc spreading around. Especially in this era of microplastics - you don't want to inhale all the microplastics you've just vacuumed up now do you?

Sorry, but I find that really hard to relate. How would that make any difference, practically? At the end of a day, a bed is always welcoming to me - I mean, I don't need an excuse to hit the bed lol, in fact, I need an excuse to get out of bed. On some lazy weekends I may not even bother getting out of bed lol.

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Pretty much most manhua/manhwa. There's sadly no manhua/manhwa community here.

Again, what you're saying isn't relevant to Lemmy at all. Please elaborate how would a graphics card on some random server help protect actual victims?

I'm a decade older than you and ask myself the same question. In fact, I've never even been in a proper romantic relationship. The closest I've gotten to is holding hands, but we never even kissed.

In saying that, I do fine for the most part, and live a normal life. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested in a romantic relationship, but trying to find someone has been next to impossible and stressful, so I tend to just avoid the topic. It does get a bit annoying though when you're the only single person and you go to a meetup or something and everyone else is coupled up or has a partner. Even more annoying when I hear about people in poly relationships.. I'm like.. mf I'm struggling to get even ONE person and you have two or three partners, wtf‽

In all seriousness though, I don't think I really mind bring single, but practically speaking, it sucks because of the higher living costs. We need more affordable housing made for single folks and we need the government to treat singles with the same rights/perks as married folks.

Same here! Well, it's probably even rarer than unicorns for me - I'm looking for someone who's also a vegan and childfree.

My interaction with my neighbors is just to the extent of saying "hi" when we bump into each other and that's it. They have a friendly dog and I love dogs, so I did offer them that I could dog sit for them if they ever needed it, but they never took up the offer. I've spoken way more to their dog than I ever did to them.

Oh well. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I believe the era of "love thy neighbour as thyself" is long gone. Back in the day there were many reasons to interact with your neighbors, such as for keeping up with the local news and gossip, borrowing rations when you've run out of stuff, or keeping an eye out on your place when you're away etc. But these days, in the era of the Internet, home deliveries and security cameras, there's very little need to interact with your neighbors. Which is a bit sad, but I guess that's the way the world works now.

Yes, but it's quite inactive. That community basically died shortly after the Reddit exodus. Check the stickied Patch Tuesday megathread for instance, it hasn't been updated in two months, which shows that the mods have abandoned the community or don't care - and given that no users posted there either, it seems like users also stopped caring.

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Most Lemmy tech people are skewed towards FOSS, from what I've seen. Not that it's a bad thing mind you.

Linux sysadmins are just a different breed, most of their issues/discussions revolve around the choice of distro or around corporate takeovers/license changes (Terraform, LXD etc), and very rarely about actual issues (because there are rarely any issues that matter or can't be fixed easily, if you're doing your job right). Whereas in the Windows world we're at the mercy of Microsoft, and often have to rely on the community coming for feedback around issues and workarounds (cause MS support is useless), or because Microsoft is bent upon taking away choice, we've have to rely upon the community coming up with innovative solutions for various things. So yea, I really do miss seeing those sort of discussions, as they were quite helpful for my job and gave a lot of insight on different things. Even if there were no issues, just reading about different infrastructure setups and configurations at various workplaces was quite enlightening.