
1 Post – 50 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

This data does not include digital sales, so it’s essentially useless. Not saying MW3 is likely or deserves to be higher, but this article is misleading.

I love how the majority of comments in this thread have a single downvote. I wonder who’s doing that 😂

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I’m not going to touch your other points, but you clearly have no idea how encryption works if you claim that any proprietary program using end-to-end encryption is insecure.

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Hey, I didn’t quite get it. Can you copy and paste this reply a few times more? Thanks.

AOC would not be a serious contender at all. She’s way too extreme. Nobody can win without centrist support at this point, and AOC is not capable of winning that.

Not to mention the hurdle of the first woman president on top of that. Not saying I agree with that being a hurdle of course, but in reality it is.

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When my siblings and I were young we would occasionally get eczema flair ups on our hands. Whenever this happened my mom would fill a sock with Vaseline and have us wear it on our hands to bed. Kinda funny.

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Ah interesting, seems he immediately downvoted you too!

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Legitimately the best advice in this thread. Speaking from experience.

I’m sorry, but this point of view is so brain-dead to me. What do you think happens when a billionaire dies? The money magically disappears? It’s redistributed to the masses? No, it’s inherited by relatives. Killing billionaires only creates different billionaires. How about we use our brains and come up with actual solutions rather than parroting brain-dead bullshit?

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holy hell

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👍👍👍 arch btw 🤤🤤🤤 I use arch btw 🥺🥺🥺 you 🫵🫵🫵🫵🫵🫵🫵 should use arch too btw 👄❤️ I used to be a filthy 🤮 windows 🤮 user 🤮 but now I use arch!!! 🤤🤤 don’t be afraid of the install process, you’re just a dumbass normie 🤓🤓🤓🤓

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Ok deal, but that means we need to change the equality operator to 👉👈

cries in PHP

Anybody who gives the slightest fuck about finding an alternative is already aware of kbin/Lemmy. By trying to “advertise”, you’re only opening up the platform to brigading. Anybody who actually cares has already made the switch.

Oh, and on top of that, you’re giving Reddit additional traffic, which is exactly what they want right now. Just leave it alone!!

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I was a young Boy Scout (yes I know) camping in a mountain range known for its beautiful scenery, amazing fishing, and unpredictable weather. On the third day, we decided to hike about 4 miles to a different lake. We started the hike, and all was well. About 3/4 of the way through the hike, we saw some intense dark clouds closing in on our position. We continued to press on regardless. By the time we reached our destination, the storm system had rolled in and we were dealing with a light drizzle. No big deal! That’s great fishing weather.

Within 20 minutes the rain went from a light drizzle to pouring rain. We knew we had to go back to camp. We moved as quickly as we could as the storm intensified. It got to the point where the wind was so strong, and the rain was so intense that I could barely breathe. We finally made it back to the pasture our camp was in, about a mile away from our camp. At this point the storm was so intense that two of the strongest leaders decided to run ahead and bring the truck to us.

We make it about another half mile before they come back with the truck. The storm has only intensified in the meantime. But, there was another problem. There wasn’t enough room in the truck for everyone (including the bed). Three people had to walk the rest of the way. I was dumb enough to volunteer.

The truck departs and the three of us start running towards camp, as the storm continues to intensify. Then, as we’re running through the pasture, lightning strikes within 100 feet of us. So close you could feel the shockwave, and the sound was deafening. One dumbass leader suggested we take cover under a tree and pray, and I just respond with “are you actually that stupid?” And continued to run towards camp.

By the time I got back to camp, I had severe hypothermia. And to top it all off, one of my tent mates left our tent door open. So all of our clothes and sleeping bags were soaked. I had to borrow thermals and sit way too close to the fire to eventually warm up.

I will never go back to that place.

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Taco Bell is far from being ethnically offensive, because it is far from being representative of Mexican food.

You’re right, Taco Bell is way better.

(just kidding pls no hate)

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Ok? Then maybe do that without the murder part??? If you have actual ideas of how to change the system, then do it?

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I work for a very large company which uses Jenkins for CI/CD and it’s an absolute nightmare. Granted, some of these issues may be related to how my company has it setup. I’m not in DevOps so I wouldn’t know. But these are my complaints:

  • Can have incredibly long queue times in some cases. It takes forever to spin up additional build agents to meet demand. In one case we actually had to abort a deploy because Jenkins wasn’t spinning up more build agents, and our queue times were going to put us outside of our 3 HOUR maintenance window.

  • Non-standard format for pipeline configuration files. It could just be JSON or YAML, but noooo, I have to learn something completely different that won’t transfer to other products.

  • Dated and overly complicated UI with multiple UX issues. I can view the logs in a modal from the build page, but I can’t copy from them? Fuck off Jenkins.

I’m actively pushing my team to transition to GitHub actions, because it’s just better in every single way.

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Beyond this, they will use the data in their fucked up rituals to “Baptize the dead”. They will take your ancestors names, and retroactively baptize them into their church without consent from the deceased or family.

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If Biden gets re-elected and croaks during his next term, the secret service should just pull a “Weekend at Bernie’s” for the remainder of his term. Now that would be good television!

Nice red herring. The argument was that demanding a billionaire give up all of their money and live on a relatively small salary is absurd, and nothing you said refutes that.

What you’re describing is possible in certain circumstances , but it would expose the companies to an insane amount of liability. Also, open source software can introduce vulnerabilities that could be exploited to do the same exact thing. Open source software is not inherently more secure. Remember that time malware was introduced to the Linux kernel directly as a research project?

Oh really? You read the entire codebase of a project before downloading it, and every time you update it, you go over every single change like you’re the Greek God of code review? Because if you’re not, by your own standards, you’re opening yourself up to “additional attack vectors”


… which is exactly why we should give it zero attention or traffic. They’re using this as a pathetic attempt to bolster their traffic ahead of the IPO so they can point to this and say “HEY LOOK HOW AMAZING OUR TRAFFIC IS!!! Think of the potential ad revenue!”

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I like your tattoo! Is it from something?

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We had pretty mild cases, but yeah I remember it working quite well! I wouldn’t recommend it without speaking to a professional first since your kids’ cases are quite severe, but I’ve had good experiences with it.

I will downvote every single one of your posts. This is pathetic.

I agree. It’s already a stretch to call our system a representative democracy, but it’s so much more egregious when you consider the unilateral power congressional leadership wields.


For real. I’ve done a lot of camping/backpacking in my life, and I’ve never seen anything like that before or since. And I really hope I never do again 😂

But you still haven’t refuted my main point. If killing them just creates new billionaires, what does that actually achieve?

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People like that are shitty. I’m sorry you have to deal with that at all.

Oh cool! I love the aesthetic of it. I’ve been wanting to get a sleeve for a few years now but I haven’t been able to come up with any good ideas lol.

Sure, and that worked when money was a tangible asset rather than a speculative one. It really doesn’t apply in modern times when most money can’t be physically taken.

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ANYTHING BUT… catastrophe
But suddenly I begin to see
A bit of good luck for me……………….

I totally get your perspective too. I just feel like at this point we’re dealing with diminishing returns. Anybody who really cares about finding an alternative has already migrated. I feel like giving Reddit ANY traffic at this point benefits them more than it hurts them.

Oh I completely agree. Funny enough, I never intended to do it as a career. I always wanted to be a pilot. But unfortunately the FAA considers me “medically unfit”, so I had to go with my backup plan.

For video games I’m all over the place lol. I’m a huge fan of 2D platformers, so Spelunky 2 and Hollow Knight are pretty high up on my list. I’ve played a ton of OSRS over the years, but I’ve been taking a hiatus for the last few years. I imagine I’ll start playing again eventually! Besides that, some of my other favorites are Factorio, Terraria, Dark Souls/Elden Ring, and Divinity Original Sin 2. There’s just too many to even name haha.

For music I’m a metal fan, specifically progressive metal. But I really enjoy electronic, rap, and classical as well.

How about you?

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What they believe is irrelevant. It’s disrespectful to the beliefs of the deceased and their loved ones. Do you realize how insulting this would be to a Jewish person? It’s spitting in the face of their own beliefs.

I love video games, board games, music, and traveling. I used to love programming too, but working as a software dev for as long as I have has kind of killed that passion 😅

Life is great! I feel very fortunate to not have a lot of stressors in my life. I hope that’s more common than it seems these days!

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