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Joined 5 months ago



no read ಠ_ಠ

only trans god junk ಠ_ಠ

For those seriously wondering, yes, in the U.S justice system, many celebrities have been on jury duty, as well as several politicians. Unfortunately, fictional characters aren’t typically allowed jury duty, meaning that you’ll never get a Quintesson to give you “Innocent” before throwing you into a vat of Sharkticons.

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Then explain why the chad in this meme is on the side of the capitalism

You can’t, and your argument lays in shambles

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96 bricks of cocaine? Damn, I can’t believe they found 95 bricks of cocaine. What kind of a dealer has 94 bricks of cocaine?

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I thought bats were nocturnal

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This implies there could be a gay gluttony month and I’m all for it

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Also, for anyone over 35, our ability to understand “last decade” means the last 10 years, decreases over time. I read this question and still thought about songs that came out 2009.

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Wait until you find out “bottoms up” isn’t about a group of people taking an elevator to get mimosas

There’s a sticker that says “CAR” if it helps

From the signature at the bottom, I think their name is “End”

Can I just put them in my mouth but not eat them if I want to scare children by opening my mouth so that they make that noise so children will think that the noise is coming out of my mouth and then fly out at them for the coup de grace?

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I hate chicken sand. It’s chicken course, chicken irritating, and it gets chicken everywhere.

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The shitpost is also cursed

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In Quebec, we play fast and loose with license plate laws, just like our bridges and general road conditions 😎

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“We didn’t get all the way there on January 6, but we will endeavor to get rid of it and replace it with this, right here,” he said, gesturing to the crowd and holding up his fist.

Wait, I thought Jan 6 was antifa plants paid by Soros?

Ok but when do you start feeding google false data

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I reneige

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Reclass everyone to sorcerer / wizard - panic at fire immune bosses - ??? - win game


My method is that I’m both a shut-in and low-level employee so I only get a few emails a day which results in 0 unread emails

who’s a broke friendless loser now 😎

“Renege” is the correct spelling in english - I’m just bilingual and confused.

Same. At least, not until years later when I realized how bad my eating habits have gotten

You’ve misunderstood the “anarchy” of anarchy chess. I recommend totalitarian chess or libertarian chess (it’s the same thing it’s just that you checkmate by charging your opponent for the squares they occupy)

Cowabunga! That’s one sick turtle 😎

Like, open the pod bay doors, Scoob

It pairs great with the Khlav Kalash

It was a weird tv show back on some late night channel. That or a collective mass hallucination

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This is some serious Siskoposting

Get in the jack shack, Shinji


Oh that’s wayyy better than the one I had come up with

My fellow chums and I think it would be quite corking if we gave our personal data over to the local advertisement agencies

nice 😎

Yeah the $20 really gave us the forecocking for four cocks

Paper money, sure. But nickels and dimes? No thanks, I don’t want to walk around with radioactive currency

Woah, slow down there professor calculus, not all of us have 10 fingers to count on