
1 Post – 39 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

given Android, it might even be that most linuxes aren't GNU/linux

When Android came out, it really hit this and the limits of the GPLvII home for me

don't care about absolute performance, more interested in performance/watt

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Brazil. Directed by Terry Gilliam, with a great cast including Robert de Niro

Ok, maybe it's not my all time fav, but it deserves a mention

The mixed blessing of GPLv2

I tried to rate limit myself, but I never hit it. I don’t think the is so much a policy as an engineering fuckup (maybe some combo of losing the Google cloud compute and the limiting of viewing without being logged in)

wasn't sure if I was on linux or esperanto community for a minute there

Makes me nostalgic for when I got really excited for Ubuntu releases (circa 8.04-10.10 era)

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Whoa settle down there

Sucrose is 1:1 glucose/ fructose which is near the optimal 0.8 ratio for fueling endurance activities

I rode 100 miles solo in less than 5 hours Sunday on 360g sucrose in 4 750ml bottles

It’sa lot cheaper than all that fancy SIS/skratch etc

Carbs aren’t poison if you move your body

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I'm gonna rip the process out of memory and piss into your dead inodes! You fucked with the wrong sysadmin!

Great to see

Closest I got to running it though was Zenwalk for about 6 months in 2009

*looks west to Egypt. hmmm

Only 2 of those 3 (age, linux)
If you ever had to configure your xorg.conf to not set your monitor on fire, the fediverse isn't very complicated

lol, that brought back memories

Sabayon linux. Like Gentoo but without the compiling. shit was always broken. Though the guy who made it had a good sense of humor and was very enthusiastic

Sidux/aptosid: great distro, absolutely worst community

one too many BSOD
this was 2005 ish

for sure. I listen to a number of podcasts that instead of having dynamically inserted ads, still have the hosts do an ad read. I don't mind that at all

what's the problem? Happy to help if I can

these days it's pretty easy to just pick one and go, but you can still run into issues, and for people new to linux it can be frustruating for sure. When I started using linux, I didn't even really know what a terminal was, so a lot of the stuff I would read on forums etc (it was a long time ago) I couldn't even put into practice. I once got insulted for asking a dumb question with both RTFM and PEBCAC but didn't even know I had been insulted. Just kept plugging away and eventually got it going. I think PCLinuxOS was the first distro I ran seriously as a "daily driver" and I think that stuck because the community on the forums was the friendliest

This was sort of a thing in the brief netbook flowering

It didn’t work

I assume you mean Debian for ideology, not Sid, unless you have strong feelings about breaking toys

but is that because of the community nature of Debian, or because default it's free software only? Guessing the former, since there are other options for the latter

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Cake! A person of taste!

just an FYI, the rum is probably much more carcinogenic. WHO has had a statement on that for some time https://www.who.int/europe/news/item/04-01-2023-no-level-of-alcohol-consumption-is-safe-for-our-health

Bodhi linux users do. Their Moksha desktop is based on Enlightenment, and the pace of development, while not speedy, is ongoing

Very much so. Unless there are in kernel drivers, support is all over the map, particularly for newer or “non standard” hardware with proprietary drivers

? If you're hardware runs Fedora, it should run anything

Did you read the whole thread? It was more than just saying “I’m skeptical” with well reasoned and sourced data correlating ERAS region preference signaling

Thought maybe Lemmy would be a return to og Reddit style discussion rather than brigading downvotes as per the last few years…but nah

is it that big because of the snaps? It used to be (well after it breached to 700M CD limit) ~1.5G and AFAIK doesn't include a lot more default software?

Wealthy enough to exercise? Wtf?

Ain’t even going there

Have you read the book by Nick Hornby?

What are you, a rival DCL school alumnus? I mean, not Weston obviously, cause that’s a thing. It’s a better name for a display server than Lincoln-Sudbury or Cambridge Ridge and Latin

Or are you just traumatized by the 128/Pike interchange traffic?

I've been on Pop for a couple of years now (?3), I just keep upgrading, and nothing breaks. It has all the applications I need, no snaps, I'm very familiar with ubuntu/debian systems, and it just keeps ticking along. Usually I'd distrohop when whatever I was using would crap out, but Pop just keeps trucking along

piling on for Dokuwiki. Have been running it personally and for an org (2 different wikis) for like 7 or 8 years. No problems, and it's own syntax is pretty easy too. I've migrated a few times too and love that it's just plain text files

is there enough activity for that?

EXWM (Emacs X windows manager)

all it lacks is a good editor

(j/k, I've settled on Cosmic on Pop for the last few years, and now I'm so lazy, I barely update it)

Martin Wimpress is working on it https://github.com/wimpysworld/nix-config

At this point in my life no. When I was young, for sure

Well there are/were systems like that, Crunchbang bring the one that pops into my mind most immediately, but there are others. I think they’re the minority though, even something like MX which you might say is just Debian with a nice xfce has the option of not using systemd, pop and mint don’t ship with snaps…so a bit more than just themeing…where to draw the line?

Rebecca Black here, though now that Wayland is everywhere, should switch