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That still doesn't prove the claim "America was always fascist"

Partially because being copied by the Nazis doesn't intrinsically mean you're fascist (they copied a hell of a lot of things, including but not limited to fascism)

And partially because that doesn't cover the "always" part at all

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(in a political context) favouring free enterprise, private ownership, and socially traditional ideas

Conservative implies right leaning, centrist implies opposed to large scale change

One can be a radical conservative, and one can be centre-left

The word I was looking for is "centrist"

I think it's reasonable to call it centrist, despite also being right-wing (ie centre-right)

To me, centrism isn't just about being somewhere in the middle between the left and right of the political environment, but also about having policies that make small adjustments to the current system, as opposed to fundamental, large scale change

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I should go to the library more

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Pleasure doing business, good sir

I thought it looked like a stealthy power ranger

There's plenty of situations where even a contextless generated alt-text is a huge improvement on no alt-text at all

The alternative is only supporting self hosted LLMs, though, right?

Imagine the scenario: you're a visually impaired, non-technical user. You want to use the alt-text generation. You're not going to go and host your own LLM, you're just going to give up and leave it.

In the same way, Firefox supports search engines that sell your data, because a normal, non-technical user just wants to Google stuff, not read a series of blog posts about why they should actually be using something else.

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Yeah, just create an entirely new, incompatible extension engine from scratch for this one feature specifically!

Criticising liberal policy is absolutely reasonable

Using "the libs" as a catch-all term for "anyone I disagree with" is the marker of an incoming terrible take

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Word "libs" in first 5 words, opinion rejected

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Didn't mention capitalism, and I consider myself a socialist, but go off

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"generally speaking" as in "I pulled this stat out of my ass"

Calling you a russian bot isn't exactly a liberal policy, is it?

If your reasoning for determining someone is "a lib" is saying that, then that's exactly how you're using the term.

The fact you immediately assumed I was a capitalist is a pretty compelling argument that you're not good at determining people's ideologies based on their unrelated complaints about your bad takes

Sorry, what's that in hand-egg-ball fields?

Mozilla isn't in charge of the extension API, it uses Chromium's WebExtensions API

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Ah, I missed that alt text specifically is local, but the point stands, in that allowing (opt-in) access to a 3rd party service is reasonable, even if that service doesn't have the same privacy standards as Mozilla itself

To pretty much every non-technical user, an AI sidebar that won't work with ChatGPT (Google search's equivalent from my example previously) may as well not be there at all

They don't want to self host an LLM, they want the box where chat gpt goes

Amusingly, even the russian government corrected him on that too - to paraphrase, "we have lots of requests to interview Putin, he just doesn't want to do it"

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But this isn't an M rated game, it's a transformative new technology with potentially horrifying consequences to misuse

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It's crazy that this isn't even the first comment I've seen this week arguing that the Ukraine war is somehow a conspiracy by the West to sell more weapons, as if Russia didn't just roll up and invade them, illegally and unprovoked

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My brain runs arch btw

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It's difficult to quantify, but I think there is a compelling argument to be made - just off of my head, WW2 led to:

  • the fall of German autocracy/restoration of German democracy (though Hitler did kinda break that one in the first place)
  • Italian and Japanese democracy
  • redistribution of wealth/power in Britain
  • the 4th french republic
  • alignment of the European democracies
  • establishment of the UN
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My last job had not one, but two programming languages they had created in house over the last couple of decades.

One of them was the primary development language for the whole corporation.

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That's the maximum non-custodial sentence

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That's not actually a viable solution though, in the same way as "deleting Germany" wasn't a viable resolution to the second world war.

Their citizens won't just magically disappear, forcibly displacing them would constitute a war crime, and transferring ownership of the entire region to a Palestinian state is just setting up the dominoes for civil war and extending the instability and suffering in the region.

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But they can't extend it longer than the shortest ads, since then it'll affect users after they watch ads too, which kinda defeats the point

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It casts him as a 3-D-printed “ghost gun” enthusiast, a practitioner of the martial art of Krav Maga, a seasoned lock picker, and perhaps even “immune” to pepper spray.

They couldn't make him sound cooler if they tried

Brics doesn't even have a centralised currency of any form lol.

For it to have the world standard currency, the bunch of systemic competitors that make up brics (almost all of which have at least some major cause of friction with at least one of member) to:

  • agree on a name, design and production strategy that every single member is happy with
  • have a centralised bank somewhere that is controlled by some (presumably inter-state) entity
  • have all members adopt that currency as their primary currency, phasing out their existing state controlled ones
  • have the currency be more stable and commonly accepted than USD

Only then can it even really begin to start being a world currency

Frankly, I don't think there's nearly enough cooperation within the group to even start making steps toward a common currency for decades

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As far as I'm aware, twitter has actually been a lot smaller in terms of users than you might imagine from its influence.

It has a relatively low number of active users, but the fact it's designed to be a centralised public forum (rather than users being selective who can follow them like Facebook) means it is/was very attractive for businesses, celebrities and politicians.

every time communism has been tried, it involved massive genocide

This argument is so frustrating, because it totally ignores the fact that the common thread, both for communist countries and capitalist countries, and both for intentional genocide and crises through incompetence, is the consolidation of power in a small set of individuals or group that prioritises their own self interest over the common good.

The big issue with "trying" communism is that it historically has only really occurred through violent revolution. The political instability in these situations gives a perfect opportunity for the seizing of power by exactly those kinds of people.

Never mind the fact that genocide is absolutely not limited to communist countries, and that genocide goes against the actual fundamental principles of a communist system, which is centred on equality.

Yes, the USSR committed genocide - so did Britain and America, and so are modern capitalist Russia and China right now.

There's loads of good reasons both for and against every economic system, communism included. But "communism=genocide lalalala" is just a cheap excuse to totally avoid considering the merits of a different economic system. Doing that denies yourself the opportunity to genuinely consider how a different economic approach, whether that's communism or just using concepts from the ideology, could improve the lives of citizens in a healthy democracy.

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Jfc, they're trying to help YOU specifically and you're being a prick?

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Good pooping entertainment

That's not what Wayland is like these days - screenshots etc have been implemented for years now

The point they're making is that, as a totally distinct project, every single feature had to be implemented from scratch. It's not a fast process, especially relying on volunteer labour

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Well, yes

They're trying right now

That's what this post is

Go back to closing tickets as duplicate on stackoverflow

Yet another EU w

They're really just regulating big tech on behalf of the rest of the planet right now

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If you're whistleblowing with information not otherwise in the public domain, I'd suggest contacting wikileaks or a trustworthy independent media outlet.

The Guardian, for example, has the securedrop platform at theguardian.securedrop.tor.onion.

If you just have an opinion to express, the local authority probably isn't really that interested in trying to compromise the encryption on your web traffic, unless they're extremely authoritarian. A standard VPN and a burner account should be sufficient to keep your anonymity.

Your regularly scheduled reminder that Mr 70 hours is the step- father in law of Britain's prime minister

And for bonus points, it's basically just a list of every possible approach, starting with diplomatic approaches at the top:

  • diplomacy
  • military intervention
  • regime change
  • doing nothing at all

It's "all going to plan" in the same way "guessing all 52 cards in the deck until one of them is right" is a magic trick

Actually given your comment, it's more like someone else listing all the cards until it's right, and then just saying "tada" when they say the right one

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Presumably they're referring to baby formula and/or imported (human) milk. This would be necessary if there isn't a parent who can breastfeed, or they can't produce enough to meet the baby's needs.

I recently got hit with "western pseudo-intellectual hipster that likes to dance around morals and authenticity"