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If I don't own the product after purchase, the button shouldn't say "buy/purchase" it should say "rent".

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My favorite thing about mail in voting is Utah. Utah for years had a very successful mail in voting operation. Everyone loved it. A few critics here and there, but generally well respected. Then Trump lost and now mail in voting is a very bad thing, don't you know! (even thought Trump won by an overwhelming majority in Utah via mail in voting)

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I think the main issue with initial Led bulbs was their color was wrong. Incandescent bulbs emit light at 2700K, a nice warm white. Early LEDs emitted light at more like 5000K or there abouts, which is a really white light. Same with CFLs. Elderly people didn't like that at all. Honestly it wasn't just them, lots of people hated them for their too white of light.

Today you can get LEDs that are 2700K and/or are adjustable to what ever color you want.

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Honestly I expect, just like in the early days of personal computing, that Gen Z and beyond will suffer from PC illiteracy. The main issue is that phones and tablets are being used almost exclusively during school and on personal time, so they have no idea what Windows nor even Mac looks and feels like. What happens with Zoomer gets an office job for the first time? They have to figure out how to use Windows and Office for the first time. It's crazy to think that your 70 yr old Grandma and your 17 yr old Nephew could potentially be on the same level of knowledge of how to use Windows, Office, etc...

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"I'll show you a gateway to heaven!" punch

Preferably don't. But if you had to, perhaps a 3d version using unreal but with the style of the box art.

Let me guess, Congressional Republicans are going to hate this....

Just now noticing this??? LMAO

The private key would have to stored in clear text somewhere. Potentially if you had non volatile space on cpu that to store the private key, that might work. But if you’re going to do that, might as well just use an ftpm.

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Still rocking Slackware today via Unraid! 😎

Maybe he needs a bigger comb....

I think the battery swap is more like this.


No need to worry about pervious owners or anything. The system charges and maintains the bank of batteries you swap with.

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I've always envisioned this type of utopia to be robot based, with a few machines thrown in for sure. I've thought if you can robots plant, grow and harvest the raw food. Then have autonomous trucks drive that food to processing plants that then have robots and machines processing it. You then again have autonomous trucks drive it to the grocery "store" that then have robots placing the product you could in theory make all food free*. (add a billion asterisks to that last statement) Making the food free would probably require the entire economy to migrate to robot workers as much as possible or at least have it be where the robots make other robots so at least they are low cost/free to make. It'll never happen, we're totally destined for a Cyberpunk future instead of Star Trek future, but it's at least fun to think about.

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I do like the idea of industry standard license.

My thoughts are:

  • They need to limit EULAs to something like 600 words.
  • Make them binding and non-changing to the product purchased, only newly purchased products can get the updated EULA.
  • They should make a Ethics Policy (things like no cheating, be kind, no swearing, etc.) separate from the EULA. This Ethics policy can be updated whenever.

No, there are no fees at all. Authentic just means approved device state, which will be defined by the website you go to I believe. So youtube might required many different things in order to be "authentic" like no ad blockers, genuine browser, non-rooted phone, etc., whereas bank-xyz may just check for one thing, like a genuine browser. Also, websites have to enable this on their side, so its not going to be used by default on all websites. The whole thing is crap though, even if only a few websites enable this, it could have huge impacts.

Hell yeah, brother! 🤙

Here's a simple one.

Double check that newly installed clothes washer actually has the drain line properly connected. If you don't know how to check it, have someone else do it for you.


Maybe Slice & Dice will fit your bill?

FAA and Boeing are basically the same entity at this point.

In the past you could install Windows on a flash drive,but not sure if that’s supported anymore. It was called windows to go I believe.

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When v2 gets removed, why wouldn't it be possible for ungoogled-chromium to just re-add it (or not remove it in the first place)? The more I think about it, the more silly it becomes that downstream forks would not be able to re-add v2 support. I mean, it's all open source right? The code is right there. I guess it could be technically impossible, or perhaps the fundamental aspect of Chromium changes so much that you could not be able to do it.

Correct. In fact many, many companies have ASNs. Little companies all the way up to large ones. The key difference for an ISP is they allow you to route traffic through them. Almost every company that has an ASN blocks traffic from being routed through them, assuming they know how to configure that and that they have different peering points. Valve most certainly does not allow you to route through their network, they already have enough traffic just doing their own CDN stuff.

Windows Defender is actually really good for the common person. If you're doing highly risky things then perhaps getting better software would be warranted. But if your doing low risk activates, Windows defender is pretty great.

Also, that's not what VPNs do; you can still download ransomware through a VPN tunnel.

It's not necessary accurate to say timeshift is filing the drive. All timeshift is doing is the taking and management of snapshots. You could only have timeshift configured to keep 4 hourly snapshots, which wouldn't reasonably fill a drive. Now if you 6 monthlys configured, sure you could fill up drive no problem since it will take at least 6 months before deleted data is removed.

You can't do that since vulnerability is the connection between the TPM and the CPU, you need to encrypt that path.

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What do you mean by that? Generate a new private/public key pair every time you setup a new TPM? Or when you boot the system or something?

How is it fiddly for Windows users?

I think you're still misunderstanding how this would work. So this battery swap setup is like the equivalent of going to the gas station. Basically, when your battery is close to being dead, you head to this place and get a fully charged battery. So it doesn't matter that the battery is used, you just keeping swapping batteries out when you need it. Sure it would be annoying to know that when you bought the car, it came with a fresh battery that would get swapped out with an older battery, but you would have bought the car to get into the swapping system since this is mainly for folks that can't do charging at home.

I think what I was hearing is that the CrowdStrike driver is WHQL approved, but the theory is that it's just a shell to execute code from the updates it downloads, thus effectively bypassing the WHQL approval process.

I can say with full confidence this is something you'll never actually need to worry about. Law enforcement isn't just going to grab laptops and pull keys. Plus, it's easier for them to grab the laptop while it's logged in anyways. 😐

Eh, it's just exchanging what brain cells are used to remember what.

With Fahrenheit you need brain cells to remember that 32°F is freezing point of water. With Celsius, you need brain cells to remember that 40°C+ is super hot outside.

I don't think it's necessarily that they're drawing some kind of line on exclusives now. The issue is that Microsoft has pinky promised that if they buy Activision, that CoD at least (most likely other games as well) will NOT be Xbox exclusives. So that's why Microsoft's purchase of ZeniMax and then releasing a Xbox exclusive out of the deal shows that Microsoft's pinky promise for Activision might not be as good as it seems.

Honestly, I hope the deal gets blocked. I am a slight Microsoft fan boy (and I really loved all of the ree'ing from PlayStation fan boys when it was first announced), but I really hate all of this buying and consolidation of companies, it really needs to stop. Let companies compete with each other.

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Pretty sure you can sign up with a username now for signal. No number required.

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Holy crap yes, honestly I get so tired of these firefox posts. I only get a Lemmy once a week or so now just cause every post is literally just how bad Chrome is and why you should switch to Firefox. XD