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Joined 12 months ago

Apollo refugee here. Wefwef and Lemmy are very nice :)

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“ I think that you will be able to fall asleep in a Tesla, is about two years away” Elon Musk, 2017

Yeah you shouldn’t believe anything this guy or his companies say lol

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Yep and admins are removing posts about the censorship in the place sub apparently

11% can be substantial, especially if the users were the ones generating a majority of the “good” content for the platform. Just look at Reddit. User numbers may not be down that much, but the quality of the site is far, far worse than it was just a few short months ago.

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Living in their own reality and being drip fed propaganda constantly

So he wants to built WeChat for US, but everyone here will either be on WhatsApp or iMessage, and good luck moving people from either of those platforms, it’ll never happen. Especially given his continuously worsening reputation.

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You literally cannot trust a word any of these clowns say. After Roe was struck down they said “we’ll just leave it up to the states” and now that a majority of Americans are making it clear state by state that they want the right to control their own bodies they’ve once again changed their tune.

“This is why a pure democracy doesn’t work”

i.e. let’s subvert the will of the people. Trump tried and failed to do it too. I’m beginning to believe the worst words you could possibly hear from someone’s mouth is “I’m a conservative”

Right it was a Democrat president who ordered the military marched into the Middle East based on completely made up information only to kill millions 🙄

Dropped Netflix and got a Plex share with tens of thousands of movies and TV shows. Costs less than their 4K plan for several streams. Now they’re doing the “you can’t login in more than one location” bullshit? Back to sailing the high seas for me and hopefully many others

Yeah it’s definitely life changing. The public sentiment over the last couple of years has gone from

“wow Elon musk is a genius who will electrify the world and get us to mars”


“Wow Elon Musk is a massive moron who clearly isn’t anywhere near as smart as he thinks he is”

and the more he spreads right wing conspiracy shit the worse it’s getting for him.

Let’s not even talk about the public image but the private one now- he borrowed something like $20b? from several banks to make the deal who are now saddled with the debt. They have also been discussing (publicly) selling it at a loss because they’re done with Elon. Other banks will not lend him money, ESPECIALLY with interest rates being what they are and what he’s done this last year. The time of free money (which is how he built all of his companies) and unlimited government subsidies is done and that’s the only way he’s been successful- when there’s virtually no risk.

He cannot pay his interest payments because he’s only rich on paper. He’s likely cash poor and hasn’t even been paying normal Twitter bills let alone interest payments for his $20b loan, which IIRC gains like a billion in interest every year. Dude dug himself into a hole with no way out

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Wow it’s true. Linux users are like vegans. You never have to wonder because they’ll tell you they are whether you care or not

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Gaming on Linux has never been easier OR better and it’s constantly improving.

Sadly I think the latest rumours were that they’d use the Xr/11 chassis for the new SE. hopefully not because if they use the 12/13 mini… oh boy it’d be great

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This is referring to the vast majority of users. At least for a few years

The “vast majority of users” do not know what RAM is and they don’t know what expandable memory means. Nor will they ever open their own laptops. If the laptop is slow after a few years they will just get a new one.

The screen is definitely adhered to the glass. You’d need to use gold razor wire to get it off, then assuming you don’t break the screen you’d need to clean it and install the new glass with adhesive. Definitely not a repair most people should attempt and you need more than just the glass.

Yep. They use and sell your data whether you block ads or not. So they’re still making money off of those of us who block ads. I don’t owe them anything lmao. It’s sad seeing so many people in other threads defending YouTube/Google while they’re increasing the price of premium and locking shit like background play and higher bitrates behind a paywall all while selling out data. Nah fuck em

Ah yes, let’s defend Google for not raising the price of features that were free to begin with like listening with screen off and background listening? Not really sure how much lower the bar can get here

I'd argue security updates are not needed too.

lol tell that to the people still running Windows XP/7 with an internet connection, it’s definitely false for them too

And this is all ignoring the fact that this is a scam statement that should be struck down by the FTC. You can't call an 8 gallon gas tank equivalent to a 16 gallon gas tank even if your car has better MPG.

lol good luck when Tesla literally charges $12k for “full self driving” software that does not do what’s advertised nor do what was promised over the last 10 years the CEO has been selling it. FTC and other orgs are toothless when it comes to false advertising, they’ll do nothing.

Tracking != taking all of your data and selling it for profit. That’s what Google does with YouTube, even if you pay for premium. So I see no reason to pay for it.

Not to mention a premium sub costs more than most streaming services out there, including double the price of lots of Plex shares that have thousands of movies and shows to watch.

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And honestly, how many CEOs do you know who can walk the grounds of his business and tell you exactly what each component does and why? While it may not be his idea, that’s still a lot of knowledge to hold in your head.

Not Elon, that’s for goddamn sure. The dude randomly unplugged and moved entire racks of servers which caused massive downtime and glitchiness on Twitter.

It's also extremely obvious he has done 0 actual tech work since the 90’s based off of the way he talks about coding. Also allegedly he had no idea how to run a Python script lmao

lol for real? Just look at the timestamps of his tweets on his Twitter account, the dude does nothing but post 24/7. Look at his jet locations, dude hasn’t been to work at Tesla in a long time. He barely goes to Austin and basically lives in the Twitter HQ. I mean fuck, during Tesla quarterly earnings calls you can literally see he was tweeting about conspiracy theories and shit. Come. Fucking. On.

He’s a greedy fat fuck who torpedoed his own reputation along with the reputation of nearly everything he touches. He’s living, breathing, and walking proof that CEOs do essentially nothing and that they are EXTREMELY overpaid for what little they actually do compared to their employees who actually make the businesses run and develop the products.

I don’t believe that those scenarios are that plausible.

lol i think they said the same thing about the Titanic sinking. also the submarine guy said the same thing about it imploding.

Hmm 🤔

also all evidence that’s not conservative propaganda points to us hitting the worst possible outcomes when it comes to climate change. Read the IPCC reports and the worst case scenarios listed within. That’s what’s going to happen over the next ~40 years

And now they are easily one of the worst predatory tech companies. Go figure.

Yep, got the Razer TB4 Dock Chroma when the M1 MacBook pros came out, think it was $350. It’s VERY nice to be able to go from desk to couch when WFH and have everything right where you left it, but damn it’s pricey.

AND mine already died once as well. Replaced under warranty but it was a hassle that took a few weeks

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I replaced all of mine with “fuck spez” and then deleted my account but not posts, so they’re still there. I went back and checked lol

Though I must say as a dev, being able to use 3 different safari windows for 3 different accounts to test is wonderful, instead of needing multiple browsers.

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Yes it’s unfortunate Biden is still the democratic front runner. But he’s not on stage saying how old and dementia-ridden his opponent is only to have major mental fumbles minutes later lmao.

Trump is really using the GOP namesake here- Gaslight, Obstruct, Project

Indeed. If Wefwef can reach feature parity with Apollo (and I suppose lemmy with reddit lol) it would be an awesome alternative since it is cross platform

Don’t think we’ll ever be able to “confirm” it the same way we can confirm if there’s/was life on Mars, Venus, Europa, etc.

It’s just too far away

Jeez every day Musk does something else to help prove what a giant baby he is. Maybe if you didn’t run Twitter into the ground this wouldn’t be happening??


Personally I become a member of the channels I’d like to support or join their Patreon if they have them and then use AdBlock+SponsorBlock and uYou+ on mobile.

If you pay for premium Google is still collecting all of your data and using it for their own gain. Why support them at all?

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Too bad you constantly have to be worried about dumb policy changes that can affect your older videos which can mean cutting off those revenue sources

Also I’ve never seen another platform that demonetizes content as much as YouTube does.

Less than 1 year of premium can buy an Nvidia Shield that you can install any YouTube app you desire, including the ones with no ads and SponsorBlock built in.

Along with the fact that even when you pay for premium Google still sucks you dry for user data they can sell it’s not hard to see why people are completely unsympathetic to YouTube as a corporation.

They’ve also removed free features and locked them behind a monthly cost. Yeah nah, fuck Google.

lol didn’t parts of California flood last year/earlier this year? Why even bother calling them “10-year floods” when we can expect them annually or even more frequently

In the last two years Michigan has gone from being on shaky ground politically to being a stronghold for human rights and rejecting garbage. Now that Ohio is following suit with codifying abortion rights and legalizing recreational cannabis… Great Lakes region is stepping up!

Fingers crossed idiot republicans don’t try to undo the will of the people.

Probably his fillers shifting around so you might as well make fun of him, for that and his ass to head hair transplant.

IDK why people are downvoting. I could see it being decent for YT Music but for YT Premium you’re literally paying for features free software can do for free. So it’s not really a good deal by any metric.

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lol that would never happen, the GOP would NEVER allow anyone but natural born citizens to serve

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