
17 Post – 59 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Avatar description: An imperfectly drawn greyish green cute frog on a pinkish background.

This articles style of writing is so infuriaring. Mask wearing is the best thing everyone can do to protect themselves and those around them. It is proven that it works and works best when a) everyone is doing it b) everyone is doing it all the time, not just when there is a surge. It is not fearful to do the best things you can to protect yourself. It requires courage to go against the conformism and the peer pressure to reinfect yourself over and over again. There is nothing fearful about seeing the science about covid and long covid and doing the logical thing. It is being rational.

I have gotten it once, a year ago. Had a relatively mild acute phase of the infection. Still have not recovered. And I will keep doing my best in order to not get it again. I am not afraid. I am angry that the world has decided to abandon those that are disabled, immunocompromised, and those with long covid.

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Anecdotally: i fell sick with covid less than 2 years ago. I never got better.

Yes, it very much is a thing.Covid is more deadly than the flu, and has a big risk of postviral illness. We are still in a pandemic.


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As an ND disabled person who tried my whole life to reclaim the word weird it bothers me as well.but same here, not an american.

Thabk you very informative

I care about the story of the game and general enjoyment. As long as I can see and understand what is going on my screen, i do not care that much about the graphics. I am fine with playing old games with potato graphics. Also, I know we could have both, but if studios had the choice between more accesibility options for more different demographics, or better graphics, i wishthey would always choose to put the resources in accessibility.

How is this even possible?

I think i cant see your post. The ads have obscured my vision. Ads everywhere.

Link? I need this as someone with basically "tummy hurt" as my disability hahahah

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Ya'll have gemders?

Yes. That is why I am a vegan, a leftist, covid cautious and I try my best to help other beings whenever I see they are in trouble. I also have a lot of trouble with accepting the world as is. It should not be the way it is right now. We should have a world built on empathy and on scientific thinking, not on prejudice and violence. This world just makes no sense to me. Why do evil when you can do good?(this is a sort of rhethorical question)

What kind of test did you use? The rapid tests are not always very accurate. A negative result might not mean that you do not have it. And yes, the time of taking the test / day of infection does make a difference. The loss of smell and taste does sound like it might have been covid.

Divinity is great

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I am very lonely, because in this world I have been left behind. We are living in a pandemic, and yet most people pretend we do not. I am disabled, have long covid and have been left behind by the majority. I had to give up everything because people refuse to fucking mask and spaces accessible. Staying at home for christmas is the best thing you can do for your health. We are during a global covid surge, the numbers are very high pretty much everywhere. Travelling at this time, especially maskless, is a recipe for death or disability for yourself and anyone else who you would gather with.

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I am surprised. I already made peace with this game never actually being released. If it does, then great I guess. Nice to know someone is still working on it.

Right? Haha....


You can follow the official fedivision account https://fedi.vision/@announce/


That is not a peach

Not sure, but I think the name might be from the dutch counterculture

Yeah, at the very least, the ways cities are should be completely reorganized and redesigned. Air filtration systems everywhere. Fancy self cleaning toilets. Accessible buildings. Prioritizing walking, bikes and mobility aid vehicles over cars. And air filtration in public transport. We could do so much better.

On Tymora, i wish we actually got neverwinter 3, but masks of betrayer style

Also, not sure if it works on the threadiverse part of fedi, but following the hashtag #fedivision is a good way to be up to date

I should try this, thanks

Honestly same, but well, my bad for not noticing the rules xD

In my country it is impossible for me to get a booster anyway. You have to be 60+ or have cancer. Other at risk groups are left to fend for themselves.

Ive seen Yat kha live a long time ago. Unforgettable experience.

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Yeah. It must have been around... 6 years ago or more or something like that. They are really good. Travelled to a different city to see them and it was worth it.

Here to second the signal recommendation. Screen share and voice chat work without problems. No need to selfhost either. Secure and privacy friendly.

Radio free fedi is the best for discovery. All kinds of stuff from all over the fediverse

Thanks for the reccomendations! I quite like listening to generally serious games, I care more about tone and style rather than genre. When I run games, I mostly keep things fairly lighthearted, so I like to listen to styles that are different from the things that I usually do.

You can start with either, does not matter. I finished both, liked both. And both of the games were equally laggy and buggy for me. I sure hope the Rougue trader game will be less buggy.

I tried using jami with family, but it was not accesible because of issues with making the text and the ui bigger.

I always launch my lutris games without steam running

I try to find ways to make me feel like my life has meaning. For me, those things are: Creating things, protesting and acting against injustice (even in "small" ways), telling others about things they did not know before.

Nonono it is build boars bays brrtt