
32 Post – 105 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Yeah, but the question is who else. Any suggestions?

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Totally makes sense not to microwave plastics, why take the risk?

That said this article is alarmist. It states, “… The human health effects of plastic exposure are unclear…” then goes on to give a bunch scary quoyes to generate fear.

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Does the person she is speaking with know where she is?

Loud grunting and farting noises intensify

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A few things are very clear: 1. a phone with a voice assistant enabled has to listen all the time and 2. in order to train the voice assistant the data sometimes needs to be sent to the cloud and listened to by humans.

What is less clear is does this data ever get used for advertising. As you stated there are a number of reasons that make this unlikely.

Simple solution: disable your voice assistant. I do this today and I do not feel like I am losing anything. That said, with the pace AI is improving I can forsee a day when I would feel like I have to enable my voice assistant or I am losing some key functionality of my expensive smart phone service.

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Investing in one company is not a bet against another company.

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“Being ‘Hitler-like’ is not a verifiable statement of fact that would support a defamation claim,” Singhal wrote in his dismissal. “CNN’s statements while repugnant, were not, as a matter of law, defamatory.”

Well shucks, I thought the judge had ruled that Trump was in-fact Hitler like. Still he took the L here, with prejudice.

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The article refers to Vivaldi’s response as scathing, but I think it is fair and even and the best overall summary I have seen -> https://vivaldi.com/blog/googles-new-dangerous-web-environment-integrity-spec/

I block logs.roku.com and cloudservices.roku.com on my pihole without impacting any functionality.

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I have two:

  1. Maxing out employer matching retirement plans
  2. Investing in college savings accounts from the day my kids were born

I did both decades ago, now I am set to retire early without worrying about paying big college bills for the kids

Canadian Geese. They are super aggressive but cannot hurt you.

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Everyone in this thread is ignoring all of the invisible things we do everyday as part of the social contract:

-Every time someone stops at a red light

-Every time we accept a piece of paper and in return render some service or surrender some treasure

-Every person waiting in line everywhere

-Every person who pays taxes

-Every time we go to the grocery store and just take it for granted that there will be food at the grocery store

I get it some a-hole cut you off in traffic. But we rely on our social contract to literally stay alive. It is a miracle and the pinnacle of human achievement. Maybe just say thank you?

Not anymore according to Wikipedia:

SteamOS, version 3.0. This new version is based upon Arch Linux with the KDE Plasma 5 desktop environment

Their ads are natively served so ad blockers already are pretty useless for them already.

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I would focus on getting top posters from Reddit to move over or at least cross post.

As a kid I got a lot of “Do as I say not as I do.”

The lesson I learned is that a lot of grown ups are hypocrites. I saw this so much it made me decide I would always be honest with myself and others about why I was doing the things I was doing. It is not always easy, especially now that I have kids of my own, but it is much healthier in the long run. I teach my kids by example rather than preaching fake piety.

Yes, exactly. And in order to improve the ability to understand the wake word, they need to occasionally send data to the cloud when there is some indication there may have been a misunderstanding. Also, sometimes humans need to listen when the computer has low confidence.

And of course everything after the wake word goes to the cloud. And sometimes it thinks it hears the wake word when it did not. This goes to the cloud and a human may need to interpret it.

So, some things your phone hears will go to the cloud without the wake word. And humans sometimes listen to them. This is pretty clear. Is this malicious or nefarious? Probably not. But it is complex and hard for unsophisticated end users to understand. And the reality is your phone absolutely does 110% spy on you. Just not by listening to you. It is easy to understand why so many people refuse to believe their voice assistants are not spying on them.

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The Wire

Gotta keep the devil in his hole

The EFF is one such group:


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What exactly was the breach? There is no detail about what data was accessed or who accessed it in the entire article.

Were these cops named Fred, Velma and Daphne, cause this headline sounds like it came right out of a Scooby-Doo episode.

Did anyone read the phrase “fed up carpenter” and immediately think the was the second coming of Christ?

x * y * log (x)

What Lemmy needs: buy the top search term for the word Reddit in the Apple/Google app stores.

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So was she struck by lightning or by a tree that was struck by lightning?

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So your saying a guy who has 40 years of experience in lawmaking is good at lawmaking?

First commentor missed the Cassandra side effect: you can do nothing to change it and no one believes you.

What exactly is the attestation checking? As far as I can tell it is a TPM assertion possibly that you have secure boot enables and that the browser has not been tampered with. Is there anything else? I looked in the Github page but alls that I saw was placeholders. Is this documented somewhere?

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I prefer wired - one less thing to charge.

Allowing cookies for websites you are logged into makes sense. If you are going to login the site already knows who you are can track you, so you do not lose much with the exception. What I do for some sites like google services is access them from a separate browser.

Are there any modern web browsers that still work on XP?

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When my kids were younger I monitored their usage and restricted their access. As they earned trust this eased up. Now that they are teens they are mostly free to do what they want. I will still ask what they use their phones for and we have frank conversations about it, but I will not invade their privacy unless there is a good reason.

My obsession with the Fediverse and Linux.

My experience with a number of bug zappers was that, while they did zap some number of mosquitos, this was not enough to prevent other mosquitos from biting us. On the other hand a good strong fan can act as an area denial defense. Not always easy/possible to have a good strong fan going, so YMMV.

Getting elected president seems to be his legal defense strategy.

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99% so far. I rarely open Reddit at all aymore.

Bug zappers dont work too well. A fan can be more effective in some cases depending on your circumstances.

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I pretty much sort by new most of the time. There is less noise in the system right now so you do not have to wade through so much toxic BS. That also means that you actually run out of genuinely new content pretty quickly. Viewing new posts has some nice side effects in that comments get good engagement much more often and you get to have a real influence on whether something gains traction.

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Does it support offline access?

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Good communication is key to effective incident response. This is a good example of that. Kudos.

If you look at the link it contains two pieces of model legislation.