Watch out, rich old people with relatives.
Watch out, rich old people with relatives.
It's the truth, though. Humans create hierarchies whenever they sre in a group, explicit or not. Also, working without any incentive to do better only works for so long.
How would you implement porn banning? Through pervasive survailance?
Not all places in the world have coyotes. Some places are safe for cats. I don't have cats, but there are several out-doors cats where I live that seems to be doing just fine.
Fun little utilities: robotfindskitten, cowsay, ponysay, botsay, sl, aafire, bb, viewing videos in the terminal with "mpv, --vo=tct" and perhaps feedgame that comes with orbiton. Htop is also pretty colorful. Lazygit and mc too.
I wonder about the same thing.
Pinapples did nothing wrong