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Are we supposed to think it’s normal that millennials are the first generation in modern American history who will die younger and poorer than their parents?

On average a quarter of millennial parents’ combined income goes to childcare. That is bizarre and unprecedented. Is it normal that they have 1/10th the wealth their parents did at the same age? That very few of them will retire?

People are unhappy because their lives suck. Millennials have iPhones and cars, sure. But these are toys. They aren’t important. What’s important is family, community, access to nature, good health, education, accomplishments, creative outlets, hope for the future. Instead we have YouTube and Samsung and other distracting material garbage that all the neoliberals think amounts to anything. Ridiculous.

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Nobody should own a private jet. If you have one, it gets tracked.

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Yes, the only options are crony capitalism and communism. Nailed it.

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I vote we eat this guy instead of the animals. Everybody wins.

Meaning speculation. Just because someone is willing to buy Nvidia stock at a $3 trillion valuation doesn’t mean it will someday achieve that kind of tangible value.

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It’s impossible to underestimate Spez’s intelligence.

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As opposed to Trump, who famously balanced the budget.

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What is this, mumble rap for science deniers? Just riffing this bullshit on the fly.

Florida was -200F.

Exactly, the closer you get to the equator, the colder it gets.

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To be fair, genocide is nowhere near as bad as a man wearing a dress or something.

Except it does seem rather odd to keep a medicine from people whose lives it could save (obesity causes a lot more problems than diabetes), because someone somewhere might try to abuse it. Frankly, if you want to voluntarily abuse a drug, great. My interest is in relieving the suffering caused by obesity, not protecting people from the Darwin awards.

Imagine saying that “insulin should be expensive because some people use it for suicide and it has side-effects.”

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We also don’t technically require that you have a steady supply of oxygen in your apartment, but I’m guessing you’d find it unreasonable if you woke up in a vacuum.

Do we even have a law that says landlords can’t heat your apartment to 100 degrees Fahrenheit? Or a law that specifically proscribes noise machines? Do we really have to specify every fucking thing or can people just be reasonable?

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Yes. We could have had reusable rockets 30 years ago if we funded NASA properly. We chose not to. Now, decades later we got a private company managed by man-children accountable to no one burning billions and billions in play money exploding shit in a manner that NASA would never be allowed to do until they finally, by some miracle, got a reusable rocket, and we’re all acting like “omg how amazing.” Give me a break. Not to mention that now we just have a bunch of trash in space.

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Just to be clear, there is no philosophical or morally consistent principle that anyone has been able to articulate in the history of political philosophy to defend the bizarre policy of excluding people who want to immigrate unless their presence is a danger or detriment to the public good.

The supreme banana court will rule as they like, of course, and I’m not saying they’re wrong from a legal perspective; that’s just beside the point.

This is the truth. You need to create conditions that make renting unprofitable and unsustainable, and all of a sudden property prices will begin to fall as landlords sell. This happened in London after WW2, when renting was over-regulated and most of the residents ended up owning their own apartments as landlords sold off property. After deregulation, the reverse trend began again.

I wonder if we could get a license to hunt whale hunters and how much that could bring a year? I’d jump at the opportunity to hunt a toxic invasive species like that.

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This comment would get you banned on Reddit.

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But I don’t think it has changed for the better. Private industry can now cheaply and easily put trash in space, and they have been at a stunning rate. Literally nothing good can come of this at all.

This isn’t about Musk. If Bernie Sanders owned SpaceX I’d be saying the same thing. I do not want private citizens to have the power to launch objects into space. Period. Unless those objects are themselves and the target is the sun.

The idea that a bunch of conservative religious nutjobs who regularly kill LGBT people and rape children are “fighting against colonialism” is absolutely comical.

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Samsung is well known for being evil — they’re one of the most exploitative corporations on the planet, and nobody should ever buy their products.

With a fine that small, it’s just the price of doing business.

(Weird calling what Apple does “business,” since these anticompetitive practices are metaphorically closer to pollution than legitimate commerce.)

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Can you tell us who? Maybe someone will “run into” them.

Animal agriculture is comically inefficient, produces pathetically small amounts of protein for the amount of pesticides, fresh water, and sheer unimaginable pollution it requires, and to top it all off, it’s nutritionally unhealthy.

The only human suffering that “forced” veganism would cause is having to endure dumb people living longer lives due to better health. Imagine all those steak-eating morons no longer dying of heart attacks and diabetes at age 60. The horror of their protracted existence.

So true. And before that don’t forget that Earth didn’t even exist, because it was just a clump of dust.

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“I walked into Mordor and was swarmed by orcs.”

I feel bad for her but WHY? Why did she go to Mordor? Unless you have the one ring to destroy or an army at your back, do not go to Mordor.

Just like those annoying abolitionists, always talking about ending slavery. Ugh. It’s like so annoying, you know?

I was hoping it was obvious.

What a joke.

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Not right now. Fed rates are high at the moment, which is why mortgages have a 7% interest rate.

Well, maybe they shouldn’t.

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The whole prescription system is a rent-seeking scheme that enriches various middlemen, including your friend.

How far have we fallen as a civilization that people have to meekly seek permission to take drugs? Bodily autonomy doesn’t extend to medicine, is that it? The unfathomable hypocrisy.

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Overfishing is horrific, but people get up-in-arms about whales because cetaceans are basically people. Think of the dumbest human you know: they’re about as smart as a typical whale.

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They could always stop torturing pigs to death and feeding their lard to a population riddled with chronic illness.

Want us to compromise on anything else while we’re at it? Burning down the rainforest? Poisoning small children? Clearly you’re comfortable letting billionaires who shouldn’t exist have everything they want. What else can we do for you to facilitate the apocalypse?

When MBFC factualness ratings of ‘mostly factual’ or higher were compared to an independent fact checking dataset's ‘verified’ and ‘suspicious’ news sources, the two datasets showed “almost perfect.”

I was trying to find the criticism you cited, but it must be buried somewhere under a mountain of praise. Could you explain what the nature of their complaint is? I’m out of the loop.

I mean, it was. Covid was literally killing all the old people until our gerontocratic government stuffed them full of vaccines. Trump supporters were dying at 2 or 3 times the rate of the general population.

True, and justice is dangerous. Imagine the board of directors of Tyson Foods on death row. Tut tut.

The point is that the Chinese EV’s are being heavily subsidized. But we shouldn’t trade with countries that lack labor protections and unions anyway.

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Yes, we should act like sophisticated apes and pummel each other with laws, hostile takeovers, and backhanded compliments.

Seriously though, the violence isn’t the problem: it’s the irrationality. Our legal system is based on violence, because there’s no other way. We don’t bat an eye when it makes sense (police arresting a corrupt bureaucrat). The issue is when it doesn’t. I’m actually not even sure this is one of those times!

Anyway, I find it so exhausting in politics when people try to kill each other with laws and bureaucracy. For instance, if the SCOTUS wants religious authoritarianism, wouldn’t it help to just be honest about it so we can fight to the death and excise the insanity? Just a thought.

So are you a religious authoritarian or a garden variety fascist that you feel entitled to dictate to me what I can and cannot do with my body?

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You mean funny ones?