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Joined 5 months ago

Pointing out that killing women and children is bad is “divisive.”



I want to replace Nvidia executives with AI for $9/hr. Wait, that’s overkill for those morons.

Your hormones are out of whack. Get yourself tested. It’s not expensive and unaddressed endocrine problems are really shitty.

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The US Supreme Court is an illegitimate, unelected governing body wielding about as much power as all of our elected congresspeople combined. It is one of the reasons that the United States is not considered a full democracy.

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If "downtown" were a carless urban greenscape, it would be thriving, particularly if folks had control over their own busy schedules. Instead, this idiot presides over a traffic-jammed, smog-filled, noisy, ugly, colorless concrete jungle and he's sad it's dying? Yeah, because most cities are hideous blight zones.

Old people on cruise ships are notoriously annoying so an occasional stabbing is understandable.

Fun fact, the moral permissibility of abortion has far and away the most consensus among philosophers. Literally philosophers are more confident that abortion should be permissible than that the external world exists.

As such, you can use opinions on abortion as a litmus test for sociopathic tendency since it’s such an easy moral question. In doing so, however, you’d be confronting the fact that 30% of Americans are moral black holes from whom no rational opinion can be extracted. In that context, slavery, misogyny, religion, and all the evils of humanity suddenly make sense.

Reddit would ban you for that comment, despite the fact that it’s literally true.

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To be fair, he wasn’t wrong.

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Daily reminder that the average 15 year old is smarter than the average 70 year old by literally any psychometric standard.

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Worthless system. After the initial threats and subsequent violence that guy should have been on death row. Idk why we cut people so much slack. Seriously.

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That’s one of the main reasons that the US is classified as a flawed democracy. A vote in California has something like 1/200th the influence on federal policy as a vote in Wyoming or Alaska.

“The Senate was designed, as part of the separation of powers, to check the impulses of the House and the popular will.”(1)

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Or killed anyone. More’s the pity.

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“Could be?” Like the way falling on your head from 5 stories up “could be” unhealthy?

Honest question, why are people so obsessed with living? I’d want to be euthanized at the first sign of dementia. Just give me like a week to get my affairs in order. It’s bizarre that people would rather exist as mindless husks than die peacefully at a time of their choosing.

Maybe it’s fear. Most humans live and think like animals whose impulse to survive overrides rationality. Or is there another explanation?

I genuinely want to understand.

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Entrepreneurship. Getting people what they need in a hostile environment.

I think profit is even more central to the system than punishment. If the powers that be could make money rehabilitating inmates instead of enslaving them they would. Punishment almost makes sense if people were making these decisions. But there are no people in the chain of authority. Only insects obsessed with turning their victims into profits.

Newsflash brought to you by “news”

Nothing will change until the rich are brought to heel. Nothing.

Jonathan Haidt is an idiot so I assume the book is bad, but this Nature article you linked is quite possibly even worse.

The amount of misinformation around this serious topic is a reflection of people’s emotional attachment to their silly tech.

“Wisdom” in this case meaning the prejudices accumulated over a lifetime? According to research, an average septuagenarian is more narcissistic, less literate, more bigoted, and less intelligent than the average teenager. Sometimes by multiple standard deviations. (I can provide sources).

Couple the Flynn effect with lead poisoning and you have a gap of almost 30 IQ points in some areas of the country.

By the way, have you ever seen an old person’s brain in an MRI? It’s missing like 20% of its volume.

I got banned from reddit for a year for commenting the word "good" under the announcement that the Queen was dead.

That’s a classic.

Cool, I feel the same way about them.

Good. The stock market is a scam and we should get rid of it, mandating that all profit dividends be evenly distributed among the workers instead.

Yes, the founding fathers were deeply worried about peasants voting to redistribute wealth or give themselves civil liberties. These were the impulses that needed checking and balancing. Hence the existence of a Senate and a Supreme Court. Democratic scholars know this, yet schoolchildren continue to be taught incorrect information.

“Democracy has never been and never can be so durable as aristocracy or monarchy; but while it lasts, it is more bloody than either. […] Democracy, will soon degenerate into an anarchy, such an anarchy that every man will do what is right in his own eyes, and no man's life or property or reputation or liberty will be secure and every one of these will soon mold itself into a system of subordination of all the moral virtues, and intellectual abilities, all the powers of wealth, beauty, wit, and science, to the wanton pleasures, the capricious will, and the execrable cruelty of one or a very few."

  • John Adams (1807)

"Too many... love pure democracy dearly. They seem not to consider that pure democracy, like pure rum, easily produces intoxication, and with it a thousand mad pranks and fooleries.”

  • First Chief Justice of the Supreme Court John Jay

"If we incline too much to democracy, we shall soon shoot into a monarchy."

  • Hamilton (1787)

"Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths."

  • James Madison (1787)


Let me again recommended this textbook on Ethics:

The death penalty is chapter 20.


  1. “Death” isn’t (or should not be) a punishment. We don’t “punish” rabid dogs when we euthanize them. Sometimes the alternative is simply worse.
  2. Earlier you said that “evil cannot be quantified” and therefore doesn’t exist. However, quantifiability is not an ontological prerequisite. If it were, then almost nothing would exist, including you and me.
  3. You don’t need to resort to straw men. Respond to my arguments instead of arguing with yourself.
  4. Moral claims wouldn't be “arbitrary” unless nihilism is true, which you’ve denied.

Dementia is a spectrum of neuropathology, so you’ve effectively ignored my question. But ok, let’s go with your specific example. Why would you keep your father alive in such an undignified state? You’re describing him as playing with “child-level jigsaw puzzles,” meaning he's barely sentient and someone has to wipe his ass, which is a horrifying indignity. Literally my idea of hell. Are you punishing him? Are you punishing yourself?

Humans are supposed to transcend the mortal realm, so why this obsession with remaining alive even at the expense of everyone around you? I guess I’ll never get an answer.

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I defer to you on whether your particular life was worth living. The question is why you would want to live if your mind, your character and memories were gone — if you were a burden on those around you and could no longer engage in self-reflection or abstract reasoning. What would be the point?

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The irony of this comment is just incredible.

For anyone not brain-dead: the scientific evidence that excessive exposure to social media garbage and “doom scrolling” is bad for you and especially bad for children is completely overwhelming. It’s something we’ve known for years. Jonathan Haidt is a douchebag who picks low hanging fruit.

Damn, I wonder how that happened in these intervening years to radicalize young men.

Facebook gets politically involved, and in just 8 short years:

Does this mean we can’t have social media? No, it just means the way we are living, the hellscape of online abuse and concrete jungle we’ve created for the next generation is making us vulnerable to manipulation and misery. This isn’t about social media. It’s about the fact that most of you fuckers haven’t touched grass in years. That’s why our democracy is dying.

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Here’s how your answer sounds to me:

“I would rather pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to waste people’s time wiping my ass long after I’ve lost my mind than help future generations and my loved ones by passing away at a moment of my choosing.”

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Voluntary Human Extinction is the best hope yadi yada

The only thing that would happen if Europeans and other progressive people around the world stopped having children as this article suggests is that their cultures would disappear and the world would enter a new Dark Age. That’s it. Ridiculous proposal.

And I gave you my answer- I don't believe in an afterlife, so I don't want to end my life unless it has to end.

WHY? That’s what I’m asking you. You haven’t even attempted to answer this question.

You don’t like the answer

You haven’t given an answer, and my guess is you don’t have one. Perhaps the reason you would want to live, even with dementia, is a mystery to you. That’s fine, but just say so.

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Yeah no hard feelings. It was funny. Or it would have been on a better day.

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I think the point is that here we have an actual journalist doing actual journalism… and the DOJ is suing him, specifically for doing nothing wrong.

The only person using rhetoric here is you. There are morally depraved people out there whom we colloquially refer to as “evil.” I don’t know why you insist on having a semantic argument. If “[moral depravity] does not exist,” as my interlocutor claims, then nihilism would indeed be true.

I would also like to point out that the ethical arguments against the death penalty in the scholarly literature are very weak and it remains an open question whether the death penalty is advisable on practical grounds. Morally it’s unlikely that any good argument exists to make it impermissible to kill “evil” people. You can check out the latest edition of any textbook on ethics, such as Living Ethics by Schaffer Landau, which syllogizes a variety of arguments on this topic.

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What’s extra comical about this claim is that if nihilism were true, as you claim, then a fortiori the death penalty would be completely permissible.

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Give them their Darwin awards.