6 Post – 297 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Which sub are you talking about, there are quite a few in this community

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Theoretically yes, as it's Ubuntu based.

In practice, probably not because it's ancient.

why is this even a comic

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I'd say the CEO is the only one who's overpaid. The other executives make between $200k to $370k, which is a lot of money but barely noteworthy imo.

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Yet you have a 'w' in your name.

Checkmate liberal.

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However, people often sing the first one

Correction: Nazis - and only nazis - often sing the first one.

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Why would you use a pile out of all data structures, only adding is in ϴ(1), searching is in ϴ(n).

I suggest throwing the clothes on the floor and remembering the spot they landed on. That's ϴ(1) for adding and for searching, far superior to a stack of clothes on a chair.

Side note: fuck big O notation, use big ϴ notation >:(

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A prison sentence doesn't make sense in these cases, since there is no risk of repeat offenses and therefore no rehabilitation required.

Just give them a 4 digit large fine and maybe deport them, unless you have a non-functioning justice system focused on cruelty, then give them a significant prison sentence.

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"We are deeply saddened by the loss of any marine life," the officials said, adding that the Geneva-based MSC Cruises follows all regulations designed to protect whales, such as altering itineraries in certain regions to avoid hitting the animals.

Translation: We don't give a fuck what happened because we do the absolute minimum to abide by laws we lobbied into existence, therefore we will not face any consequences.

Just so you don't have to give the fascist any website traffic:

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"All those who sought to weaken me by striking my family should know that even if a water drop can hope to break a rock, a rock will always be a rock while a drop is just water."


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Can someone help me with the extremely relevant task of deciphering the icons on the desktop? I spot:

  • VSCode
  • OBS
  • FireFox
  • Windows Recycle Bin icon
  • a Windows Folder icon
  • 2 IntelliJ programs(?)
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It seems kinda dead though

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it's neovim and anyone who disagrees is wrong

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This is the opposite of peaceful

Bicycling up an infinite slope is a punishment straight from hell.

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While they can do so, that's a very effective way to permanently destroy relations between the EU and the US. The US will be unable to effectively project power onto both Europe and the Middle East once the military bases in Europe are closed down in the aftermath. It will be the US's biggest loss in soft power since its founding.

I'm sure he will have a normal childhood now and isn't pushed to continue his academic career.

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Br*tish isn't a race, it's a nationality.

And despising people who happen to live in another country closeby has been one of the most popular European pastimes for millenia.

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You withdraw cash at an ATM but the software has faulty code which causes your balance to remain the same after withdrawing any amount.

You notice this and then empty the entire ATM this way, making $200,000. I'm sure once you explain to the jury that the ATM just gave you a bad contract, they will acquit you.

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A one way mirror would probably work as well.

Additionally, it would literally work since the inside of the backpack is much darker than the outside.

Huh, I didn't realize exclusive is an auto-antonym

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Why are there dots scattered around the transparent layer? Why is it cropped so weirdly?

Unacceptable. I will email your boss about your terrible cropping.

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Sample image of a power bottom

Unfortunately real

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Imagine not being turned into a puppy by feminism, sucks to suck

Keep in mind politico is owned by the German equivalent to Murdoch.

Here's a few headlines from this month of their main rag pretending to be news:

  • Trans-criminals supposed to decide on prison
  • Transsexual climate activist doesn't want to go to male prison
  • Anger because of climate activist: Prison union sounds trans-alarm

And a bunch of other trash I am too tired to look at.

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Minister Faeser also makes it clear: "Racism, anti-Semitism or any other form of misanthropy stand in the way of naturalization - there is zero tolerance." A clear commitment to the values of a free society should therefore be a prerequisite for naturalization. Anyone who does not share values such as the dignity and equality of all people and the equal rights of men and women, or who even acts against them, may not become a German.

Pros over male/female classification:

  • gender neutral
  • separates genitals from sex
  • same sexual implications


  • none
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In Germany:

When using vehicles, unnecessary noise and avoidable exhaust pollution are prohibited. In particular, it is prohibited to run vehicle engines unnecessarily and to close vehicle doors excessively loudly. Unnecessary driving to and fro within built-up areas is prohibited if it causes a nuisance to others.

§30 (1), StVO

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They want manufacturers to stop writing the USB specification on the packaging and instead focus on the speed.

Of course, this backfired since manufacturers are glad to have another opportunity to confuse potential buyers into purchasing a sub-par product.

Source (PDF)

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Not a member, can you post the reason?

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More shipping those two? More shipping.

Bhutan grabbing some balls 😳

Bhutan and Wales HOLDING HANDS 😳😳😳 (NSFW)

You can tell it's not some right-wing boomer cartoon because there's diversity.

For example, the group of lions is (almost) evenly split between male and female lions.

And there is one antelope which is left-handed, while all others are right-handed.

I know I'm completely butchering the color palette here, but I've finally realized what I felt was missing from the new logo. In the previous iterations, the head was always turned in such a way that you couldn't see the eyes. Now the head is at an angle where you should see the right eye. But you don't, the head is completely empty.

Here's an """"improvement"""" making the logo a bit more friendly I think:

There are three target groups of migrants, he explains, who should be extradited from the country – or, as he puts it, “foreigners” who should undergo “reversed settlement”. They are: asylum seekers, non-Germans with residency rights, and “non-assimilated” German citizens. It is the latter that, in his view, would pose the biggest “challenge”.

Silke Schröder, a property developer and board member of the right-leaning Verein Deutsche Sprache (German Language Association), wonders how re-migration would work in practice. Surely if a person has the “appropriate” passport it would be ” impossible”, wouldn’t it? For Sellner, this is just a detail. A “high level of pressure” will be exerted on people to adapt, he says, via “customised laws”. Re-migration won’t happen overnight; it is “a project that will take decades”.

The masterplan even includes a destination to “move people to”, a so-called “model state” in North Africa, that would apparently provide space for up to two million people. There would even be educational and sport offers there. And anyone who lobbies on behalf of refugees could join them there, Sellner added.

According to Sellner, the problem is “not just that foreigners live here. They also vote here.” “Ethnic voting” means that immigrants are likely to vote for “immigration-friendly” parties.


We also know building nuclear takes 20 years and costs more than building thrice the capacity in renewables + Germany has no long-term nuclear storage, only temporary one's a la Simpsons.

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*couldn't have been more

Grandpa's having a great time and his grandson isn't hurt by the loss anymore. Win/win.

What's a footjøb, is it something like a Danish variant?