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Joined 8 months ago

linux no-systemd minimalism

Any kid? Do I have to prove age? I'll install for a 1kg of basmati, or 3kg of potatos, 2kg of beans, 5kg of onions, or anything similar.

@mojo @nayminlwin

It is called free because it allows you the freedom to hack the code and make it fit your needs, not because of cost. Like you say, freedome can be expensive, so go cheap and use authentic windows with a paid license, closed code binary blobs, and blind trust to the megacorp selling it.

@TCB13 @troyunrau

I'd be the last person on earth to defend debian or systemd-boot that has turned linux into a garage project, but could it be that you are booting the image in legacy/bios mode and attempt an EFI installation? This is hackish to do since /sys/.../efi.. doesn't exist.

If you insure you are booting in efi mode then it should work out. If not chroot into the installation and follow the procedure of installing the bootloader manually.

@potentiallynotfelix @winety

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instead of
rm -rf ./*


rm -rf /*

one dot difference

Convenience and pop-whores .. it is what capitalism prescribes. Add games, bookmarks on Edge, saved passwords, that people don't want to change ... and this is the disability they develop. Then win gets all borked BSOD and all, and they start the only way they know how, disk, format, new install.

They buy their own prison cells and the camera that monitors them like they live in a reality show.

What did you expect, a social revolution?

@Chakravanti @jackpot

I had a brief opportunity to play around with an AT&T workstation running unix, more like a 386 than any sun/sgi machine that costed as 2 new sportscars. It had a very brief life, despite of the quality of the box, it was pretty useless. Slow as hell windows 95 would run circles around it.

Then out comes DEC/Alpha with Dec's unix, was it ultrix? And in those machines later windows NT was also ported, so it was a testbed between the two worlds. Then RHat CDs rained on us
@jollyrogue @eah

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Suspiciously all current LTS expire on Dec 2026 there is nothing planned ahead of this. And 3y for 6.6 is the shortest of any LTS I remember. My bet is Linus retiring then LF taking over everything.

@Bogasse @ylai

A window manager is enough with any customizable drop menu, can open a file manager of choice, create a folder or file, no desktop is needed.

worker ~/.Desktop

or whatever filemanager one is using

@toothbrush @MrOzwaldMan

Are you comparing 40years of graphical environment stability and global use with something that has been broken for more than a decade and now all of a sudden is portrayed as secure?

I want to start applications as another user in my own environment and my own system and wayland prevents me, while x11 allows me (together with many forms of sandboxing and containerization).

I have asked this question to all pretend to be experts of wayland and I have 0 responses.

@Ullebe1 @LainTrain

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s6/66 simplifies dependency of running/starting, automatically enables an s6-log for each service/daemon/bundle it is much faster and smaller than systemd (by a factor of 10 maybe), and once it is up and running it is virtually impossible to bring down without its own routine. Servers have run consistenly for a decade with s6, including skarnet.org

@atzanteol @BlanK0

It doesn't matter what the question is antiX is the answer.

Apart from antiX in recent years making tremendous strides in being truly systemd free it is more stable than debian, since systemd keeps releasing more and more buggy complexities such as systemd-boot

antiX also has stable/testing/unstable branches, but experience from the past proves that even sid/unstable is a very usable daily work system. Sid is close to arch but +5 architectures x2 32/64

@kanzalibrary @potentiallynotfelix

I have used labwc (a really close equivalent to openbox) with great excitement with the exception of one thing.

Running a graphic application as a different user within a user's session is impossible. Even if a different seatd session is active for the 2nd user, wlroots refuses to draw anything as a different user than the one initiating the session.

It is a form of containerization for me that just requires x11

@noddy @toastal

I am almost certain the first system alpha was ported to was ultrix, those other ones didn't exist yet. Probably developed for alpha, but on its pre-release demo I saw it was ultrix. Sometimes I confused ultrix with sgi/irix

I don''t use systemd or logind so I don't have to worry about such magic security violations this bogus pile of crap creates. I have more control of processes and don't allow some "automated" service to be loging-in-out system users 2000 times a nanosecond as logind does.

It only happens when I want it to happen, not uncontrollably.

KISS is the best security measure.


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and joborun linux

@zero_gravitas @const_void

labwc is the best wl wm I've tried

@BlanK0 @GravitySpoiled

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Because some developers act on their own consciousness and don't have a slavemaster corporate manager telling them what they need to do or not do.

When one doesn't like any of the available choices yet a new one is born. Can you measure how many v.terminals we have, or how many window managers on X11?

@Unsafe @mmstick

That is a strict position some have, but I didn't say this. Editing /etc/sudoers and giving sudo or wheel group users a no-passwd access is insecure.

sudo chmod 1777 /tmp

will not ask you for
passwd, it is like bypassing sudo

If you open sudoers you will see what I'm saying. In debiuntu it is sudo group in arch/void ... it is wheel group


If you have used openbox before just do a diff merge of differences between your openbox and labwx/rc.xml

so you get the same setup. They are very compatible. waybox is crap, it is just a base wm for kde-plasma/gnome ..etc.


The home directory of the user is defined in /etc/passwd

Make sure it is the same as the one you have.

% sudo grpck
will check your group shadow gshadow passwd files for conflicts, it will tell you what you need to fix or if it is simple it will fix it for you.
If you get no output everything is OK

@kbal @pixelscript @NateSwift @Doctor_Rex

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I know some who do it as a spare time relaxation exercise, install something new (to them) configure, boot, reconfigure, explore. But they have a steady system they use daily.

@NegativeLookBehind @tourist @chris

In all the years I've used the AUR I only heard of one pkg violating security, it was recognized pretty fast and was removed within hours from going up. AUR pkgs have history/track/votes on them, with thousands using them it is just as likely an official pkg having rogue code as an aur pkg.

Also, aur pkg are not really software written for the aur, it is software packaged for the arch ecosystem, and several other distros are using them.

@constantokra @pineapplelover

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How can a system that wasn't broken, without any changes/updates/upgrades ever break?

Its browser maybe will not be able to display some webpages correctly.

This myth/fear that arch breaks is based on ignorance and people who don't read output during an upgrade, it otherwise never happens.

AMD gpu vs Nvidia .. 1-0
Intel gpu boots without linux-firmware pkgs.
Nvidia, old and new, you get what you deserve.

@KrispeeIguana @Pantherina

Can containers boot on their own? Then they are hosts, if not they are guests.
Unless there is some kind of mutual 50/50 cohabitation of userspace with two different pid1s
pid 1 left pid 1 right

@cypherpunks @onlinepersona

One out of five pkgs in AUR are so unmaintained they don't even build anymore.

Clieaning up junk is more urgent than screening what comes on.

I assume that Manj follows #Arch and doesn't improvise on sys dependencies. Definitely not poor.

Arch-archives by date, means you can build a system exactly as it was fully upgraded on a specific date, and the system works just like it used to.

Other systems that may carry 3 versions of the same library because different sw use different versions are the ones with the problem. Except for redundancy and space the system is not very coherent..

@Shamot @gianni

> You can’t avoid IBM/RedHat

Let's just leave it at that, we can't avoid code published by them, it is everywhere. Both of those are subject and clear collaborators with agencies of the state that protects their existence.

It is 100s of times better than MS, ok, yes, it is. Still, "we" have a long way to go, away from "them".

@StrangeAstronomer @Luffy879

With arch based flavored desktop installers (arco endeavour manjaro ..) you get some GBs of stuff that is probably going to ask 1-2GB of upgrades, and then you end up dumping half the crap they came with.

On one you start from bottom up, the rest you start from top towards the ?bottom?.

You only learn when you start with the least needed to boot a system, have net access, and a pkg.mngr.

@Squiddles @hactar42 @Jean_Lurk_Picard @Zak

@redcalcium @Jezebelley

I can make my openbox look like i3 with ceramic tiles all over :)

What would js be able to do out of firejail or other such forms of containment?

I only allow js for very specific sites, and most that you can't do without I just do without. I am not that worried about security though, it is just an exercise.

I use seatd with wayland but it can be compiled without it too. My main issue is as I said, I can't just run "sudo -u user2 leafpad" for example, you say it is a security measure, I say it is an inconvenience.


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I would advise #linux over anything proprietary to begin with.

If you want to really go the w11 way it is not as restrictive as they make it sound, in fact in 90% of the cases it says it can't it can.

8GB of ram and GPT partitioning!

Many w10 were upgraded from w7-8-9 and retained the DOS/mbr and w10 would work with either part.table. Win-setup says it can't auto-upgrade but it can install if you delete the partitions and start with clean disk.

@ajayiyer @nixCraft @linux @windowscentralbot

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Many of my graphic applications spit out warnings on terminal about dbus not responding, because it never runs, neither do logind, but everything works for me. I don't pay attention!

@haui_lemmy @sabreW4K3

In my mariner background they say "it is not the size of the boat but the way it cuts through the water"

@cygnus @01adrianrdgz

Partial list of things you haven't tried or researched?
There is another list for realtek, you have to know the specific chip you need fw for.

bcm20702a1--fw BCM20702A1
bcm20702b0--fw BCM20702B0
bcm20703a1--fw BCM20703A1
bcm43142a0--fw BCM43142A0
bcm4335c0--fw BCM4335C0
bcm4350c5--fw BCM4350C5
bcm4356a2--fw BCM4356A2

@jadedwench @feoh

Some people have spare time to learn a thing or two, some people have spare cash to buy new hw when MS tells them to.

We are not all equal :)
We have a government that enforces and maintains inequality, otherwise equalization would come natural, and with some social organization.

@grum999 @ajayiyer @nixCraft @linux @windowscentralbot

What linux were you using if you don't mind asking?

@Guenther_Amanita @jackpot

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Not all MS licenses are the same, some you can reuse 1 time, you just have to call up cus.support if the key was registered in your name.

@grum999 @ajayiyer @nixCraft @linux @windowscentralbot

I hope you mean touchpad by touch, it has nothing to do with desktops, it relates xinput libinput synaptics sw common for X and wayland, window managers. If it works it does so before desktop layer is drawn, in some cases it can work on console as well with the right sw.

@fschaupp @iturnedintoanewt

I was reading what it would take to run a legal copy of w10/11 in a vm since the vm doesn't provide the chip to embed the license (post 5th gen intel and similar amd) and I almost threw up with MS disgusting policies of trying to sell more and more for every use.

If your mb gets fried you have to call up and authorize the transfer of license ...

You can't buy a $50 refurbished with sticker and get a free license for w11 :)

@grum999 @ajayiyer @nixCraft @linux @windowscentralbot

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