
4 Post – 159 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

How is your experience with exporting GIFs in terms of file size? They tend to run larger than, say, mp4 files, right?

I use Shotcut btw.

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Yo dawg, I heard you like tests, so I got some tests for your tests so you can test while you test!

Do you have backup copies of your important files? If so, nuke that shizzle and try again starting from scratch.

Editing to clarify: Nuke that shizzle = nuke the installation device, not the backup. 😉

Thank you for the excerpt. I initially interpreted the title as US government agencies will stop using Firefox, not US government agencies will stop requiring their web masters to test in Firefox.

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Not to downplay all the blood, sweat, and tears that have been shed while making the fediverse work, but if I may offer some unsolicited advice to the author of the linked post: Publicly airing out a team’s dirty laundry tends to be… counter-productive. Usually it’s best to “keep it in the family.”

In this case, we don’t know what’s going on in the original project owner’s life right now. The author of this post could have just said “hey all, we apologize for the inconvenience, but the original project appears to be abandoned, so we’ve forked the project with the intention of patching some of the known issues and adding some new features.” (insert GH link here)

Although the original project dies, this new project is born, and who knows—the original project’s owner might even show up again someday and start making meaningful contributions to the new project (or not).

I say all this without knowing the full history of this project, and I don’t mean to downplay the author’s frustration, just my two cents.

All of that said, in my mind this situation makes for an interesting case study on the pros and cons of different ownership structures for public/open projects.

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Great, I’ll be sure not to use that so I don’t lose all my content when Google kills it!

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In general, I downvote content with shitty or incomplete titles.

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nasal congestion intensifies

The data set is available under the Mozilla Public License v2 through the Common Voice GitHub page. I’m not sure if I’m reading the terms of the license correctly, but I believe it allows commercial use.

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Ventoy for life

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Good boi.

Or you know, just legalize recreational use and call it a day.

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initially read this as bca chefs

Replace fruit juice with soda in the title and no doubt it’s a slam dunk, but I personally didn’t realize how much sugar’s in fruit drinks until I entered it into a calorie tracker. I’m guessing fruit juice is slightly less bad compared to soda, but I wouldn’t be surprised to learn most people are oblivious to how “not good” fruit juice is for them. Probably some, “Well, fruit is good for me, so fruit juice must be okay, too.”

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How I interpret OP’s message is that it isn’t specific to Linux, but seeing as we are the Linux community, we might be more inclined to advocate for Linux features? 🤷‍♂️

Well, if this isn’t a classic case of “he said, she said.”

From the article:

“Rather than making independent decisions on what the market here in D.C. calls for in terms of filling vacant units, landlords are compelled, under the terms of their agreement with RealPage, to charge what RealPage tells them,” said [Attorney General of the District of Columbia Brian Schwalb].


RealPage told CNBC that its landlord customers are under no obligation to take their price suggestions.

So, which one is it?

Regardless, these are some very interesting cases revolving around the Sherman Act as it applies to housing markets.

EDIT: Here’s the video version of the article.

Since you chose Linux Mint—good choice btw—something to keep in mind is that Mint is based on Ubuntu. While you’re learning and searching the interwebs for how to do x, y, and z, if you don’t find an article or guide specifically about Mint, try searching the same phrase replacing “mint” with “ubuntu.” There’s far more content out there about Ubuntu than Mint, but since Mint is based on Ubuntu, 9 times out of 10 the same solution on an Ubuntu forum works in Mint.

Good luck!

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Okay, I was wrong. I see the problem. Thank you.


OP answered this in another comment: They are getting prompted to sign up for Ubuntu Pro whenever they upgrade.

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Yes—it’s why you should use a password manager to generate a unique password for each and every site you sign up for, and think long and hard before trusting any site (or any org for that matter) with your personal information.

Haveibeenpwned.com is a website for checking which sites have leaked your data.

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Abolish FPTP and the Electoral College.

Alternate alternate title: EVs’ cost of ownership too high compared to ICEs.

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Excerpt from the article:

By Wednesday, Haley had somewhat amended her stance. Asked on CNBC if she was advocating a ban on all anonymous social media posts, Haley said that, while she believed “life would be more civil if we were able to do that,” she was focused on foreign-based actors, not U.S. citizens.

“I don’t mind anonymous American people having free speech; what I don’t like is anonymous Russians and Chinese and Iranians having free speech,” Haley said, not explaining how she would recommend that social media companies parse those users.

Saying DeSantis “wants to let Chinese propaganda machines run wild on social media without any restrictions,” Haley campaign spokesperson Olivia Perez-Cubas on Wednesday added that the onus should be on social media companies to better police anonymous, foreign-based accounts.

“What Nikki doesn’t support is letting the Chinese and Iranians create anonymous accounts to spread chaos and anti-American filth among our people,” she said. “Social media companies have to do a way better job policing that.”

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Axel Springer filed several suits in Germany against Eyeo on the grounds that the Adblock Plus extension interfered with their business…

Umm yes, lady madam of the court, let the record show that I hereby counter-sue the advertising companies for interfering with my ability to use the internet!

Floof mode engaged.

Similar story—last year my mom wanted a new macbook for Christmas. I got her a refurbished Asus something or other for a fraction of the price, installed Linux Mint on it, and customized it with a Mac theme.

I was transparent with her about the fact it’s not a Mac, and taught her to use things like Keepass and Firefox. It took some convincing and persistence, but in the end she stuck with it and I’m kinda proud of her tbh.

Good on you for showing your rents there’s a viable alternative to Windows.

Honest question: Why?

IMHO stack exchange is basically reddit/lemmy with hand cuffs because no threaded discussions and every other question is closed as off topic. I don’t understand what another stack exchange would buy anybody.

I guess one thing stack exchange does well is “related questions” and tagging, but… I dunno. (shrugs)

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Fat chance they’re actually using Firefox in the first place. My money’s on Chrome or IE.

Yup. Two words: Vee, and toe.

Not a lawyer or from Texas, but a quick search reveals many stories of people being charged for the death of an unborn child in cases of homicide and other offenses.

Kudos to dansup for at least giving us proofs of concept to build on top of. Despite my own reservations about registering for pixelfed until the discover pages federate with different instances and hash tags work again on the flagship instance, I look forward to a post-instagram world.

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may jump to humans

That’d be some shit!

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Well said. Honest question: Did you really type this up on your first try? It takes me like six to eight edits to get anywhere near this level of eloquence.

Are you able to play the video linked in the comments of this post? It plays for me (in Firefox btw).

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Well, they’re “purchases” of a license that can be revoked at any time for any reason.

Can confirm, am investor, need stonks to go up.