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China missiles filled with water, not fuel: US intelligence

Somebody fucked up the actual story somewhere along the way. A normal problem with liquid ICBMs like a DF5 is tiny amounts of water contamination in propellant. N2O4 is meant to sit in a missile for months but if even just the humidity in the air gets in to it, it forms nitric acid and corrodes the missile. That happened to US ICBMs like the Titan II constantly and the US never reliably stopped it, they just switched to solid fuel. If contractors cut corners building a silo water contamination causing corrosion is the first thing that would go wrong. Meth heads siphoning rocket fuel and trying to replace it with water and dying instantly in a massive explosion didn't happen.

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A lot of the arrests "at Columbia" were on the street outside when people showed up to protest the NYPD, so they're including those to juice the stats

Fun story when they made that psycho Transformers movie with the laminated age of consent law and the product placement transformer made out of Oreo vending machines, Peltz's daughter is the teenager it's supposed to be legal to molest and Peltz was on the Oreo company board.

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burned wood in the upper atmosphere also catalyzes ozone depletion That's why it was bad putting CFCs up there in the first place, almost everything catalyzes these reactions

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Thus political economy – despite its worldly and voluptuous appearance – is a true moral science, the most moral of all the sciences. Self-renunciation, the renunciation of life and of all human needs, is its principal thesis. The less you eat, drink and buy books; the less you go to the theatre, the dance hall, the public house; the less you think, love, theorise, sing, paint, fence, etc., the more you save – the greater becomes your treasure which neither moths nor rust will devour – your capital. The less you are, the less you express your own life, the more you have, i.e., the greater is your alienated life, the greater is the store of your estranged being. Everything which the political economist takes from you in life and in humanity, he replaces for you in money and in wealth; and all the things which you cannot do, your money can do. It can eat and, drink, go to the dance hall and the theatre; it can travel, it can appropriate art, learning, the treasures of the past, political power – all this it can appropriate for you – it can buy all this: it is true endowment. Yet being all this, it wants to do nothing but create itself, buy itself; for everything else is after all its servant, and when I have the master I have the servant and do not need his servant. All passions and all activity must therefore be submerged in avarice.

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Compared to Reddit or Twitter anyway, they haven't killed their API yet so apps like pocket casts are mainly using iTunes for search

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Israel's peace treaty with Egypt after the Yom Kippur War gives Israel control of a 100-meter wide buffer between Gaza and Egypt. So it doesn't open its borders because it doesn't have one, just a border with Israel. A later agreement gave Egypt some limited control over the buffer zone, so there are Egyptian guards in charge of the border crossing now, but they can't do whatever they want.

Sometimes people are assigned progressive by social expectations and start playing that role without really thinking about it. She tried to write an apolitical generic kids book, and everybody's white, fat people are evil, and bankers are big nosed goblins. Then other people read it and started pointing things out, but she couldn't detect any of this herself so when she tried to be inclusive she just added Ching Chong the asian and a minstrel slave race. Need to make someone black, I said Hermione has ugly frizzy hair so I guess it's her. Need a gay, make it the asexual grandpa so it's not gross. Eventually something comes along that cracks their assumption that they must be progressive and they come out as right wing on Twitter.

DRM plugin and all the built-in cloud stuff is proprietary on the server side

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You don't usually call the audio engineer a musician though. The fact that you "want a string section" is the important part. Art is communication, if you fuck with the AI until it communicates what you want, that can be art, as long as you're not trying to pass off that the fake brushstrokes contain any meaning. If you learn all the right prompt words to make it "good" and then Photoshop it to fix all the telltale AI glitches but the only idea being communicated comes from 6 random people on Deviantart smashed together, that's not art.

The missing point is it's a property of stainless steel that it remembers being a coil and can unflatten itself weeks later if the manufacturer doesn't know how to work around that.

Helicopters can autorotate, if quadcopters lose power they tumble with no control at all

They aren't exporting them below cost, that's why they want to export. Inside China every company tried to start an EV division because they heard Apple was doing it and assumed it must be a good idea. Now the market is topped out and the biggest companies are trying to price the smaller ones out of business (which still isn't below manufacturing cost because China regulates that and is nervous about having tons of cars from bankrupt companies on the road). They export with a huge profit margin to make up for the domestic price war.

EX30 is a rebadged Zeekr X which has a normal separate speedometer cluster in front of the driver, Volvo deleted that and put everything on the center screen like a Tesla.

They weren't just being cheap, they wanted to take human-written ads, auto-generate a million variations to send to individual people, then feed the ones that got clicks back in to train an AI clickbait generator. It also means the variations would be functionally watermarked so if anybody posted part of their text on Reddit or something the BBC could track who they sent that variation to.

They're 20 year olds and teenagers who probably don't have any Israeli assets let alone American. They're from the 0.01% of violent settlers with no clout who did something politically inconvenient enough to actually get arrested by Israel. One of them beat up a liberal Jewish activist so that's why they got in trouble. One of them was from the Huwara pogrom attack where high-ranking Israeli government officials and the IDF encouraged and facilitated it, and he's a random loser they arrested to deflect attention.

The US picked some people to sanction that Israel has already deemed expendable, and they're people Israel agrees did something bad, so Biden isn't offending Israel by listening to any Palestinian accusation against an Israeli.

iTunes api, and if apple turns evil there are other list-o-cast apis like fyyd.de.

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Yes one of their quotes is the opinion section of the bill at the beginning that has no effect on the law.

And "kill switch" is trying to get you to think that the police get a button to turn off the car, which is the one thing it doesn't do. It wants the thing most current luxury cars have where the car detects the driver falling asleep, but tune it to also detect drunk driving.

That's also bad if you just want a manual car that isn't full of DRM, but FEE is trying to tell idiots that BRANDON is giving the BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT a SWITCH to KILL YOUR FAMILY just like in your favorite CAMERON DIAZ movie THE BOX (2009).

ADA doesn't care about cheaper, watching the movie with no dialogue is cheaper than giving a closed captioning box to deaf people, but theaters still have to do it. The standard is undue burden. Starbucks is going to have a hard time claiming it's going to bankrupt them if they can't charge extra for oat milk.

No source it's just pretty much physically impossible. Even if there's no safety system setting off alarms N2O4/UDMH is denser than water, you can't fit enough water in the rocket to make it weigh like it's full of fuel, it's going to read like 20% is missing either way. And if nobody cares about that why are you putting anything in it at all?

Water contamination and the 100 ton armored door not working are both super likely results of generals embezzling money, water instead of fuel is dumb and Bloomberg has a track record of fucking up this kind of thing

People say that because outside of modern times in the first world, landlords = the mafia. Without expensive police, landlords have to enforce their own rent. So if you're socialist or any other political movement bad for landlords, they probably make up the biggest paramilitary force in your country and if you don't decapitate that chain of command fast you get dumped in a cave with 20,000 other skeletons.

And even in a first world country, the police manhours dedicated to evictions and the private security industry funded almost entirely by landlords is something anybody who wants to deal with housing prices is going to have to worry about.

alarmed social media executives warned the new administration that the Pentagon had been trafficking in COVID misinformation

The military argued that many of its fake accounts were being used for counterterrorism and asked Facebook not to take down the content

Sounds more like the Pentagon did tell them so they could whitelist the Pentagon trolls from getting banned. Then social media companies got nervous that the troll farm was sloppy and going to get caught by someone not under NDA sooner or later, and a new admin was an opportunity to lobby to get out of this bad PR situation.

Russia's army is built around deterring the US from nuking them + special operations against Chechens, North Korea's army is built around a war of attrition with a country next door that's armed by the US.

The opposite of woke is random shit boomers happened to grow up with. If your politics are based on some principle you can justify, then if you lose you try again later. If your politics are based on a random collection of historical accidents you can't justify, and you don't even like most of them except for a couple, but you think the only way to keep the couple you do like is to defend all of them, then losing is the end. You have to fight to the death, and once you do lose you can't cope by doing better next time, all you have is revenge.

Sometimes liberals also want to defend historical accidents that they think fit their idea of liberalism, and then they adopt the same kind of aggressive deterrence strategy, like pro-Israel liberals with college protests or the English with trans people.


They had a Ming-style mosque that was destroyed in a massacre of Muslims during the Cultural Revolution in 1975, they rebuilt a warehouse-looking mosque in 1981, then the Arabic-style mosque was built in 2010.

The Guardian does write the article to make you think it's a historical landmark, and not a Chinese copy of the Eiffel Tower kind of landmark that's being rebuilt to look more like the one the government originally destroyed.

Internet is full of text and video about humanoid bipedal things performing tasks. There's a lot of investment money gambling that LLMs + human-shaped robots can make an electric slave that an unskilled overseer can vaguely yell at and the robot can figure out what they meant and how to do it like a human can.

The Space Shuttle was also a private company. United Space Alliance LLC owned the Space Shuttles, United Launch Alliance LLC owns the military rockets, Deep Space Transport LLC owns the SLS rocket.

"Privatized" space just means instead of the government hiring Boeing or Lockheed to design a rocket according to their requirements, picking contractors to build it, and creating an LLC owned by all the contractors to pay them, Jeff Bezos hires ex-Boeing and Lockheed employees to build a rocket to his requirements, and then sues the government until they agree to pay him to launch it.

Fatah doesn't control the West Bank because it's more popular there, the IDF just couldn't help them seize power in Gaza when they lost the election in 2006. If anything Hamas is a little bit more popular in the West Bank.

WP burns yellower, and magnesium is very rare because it's expensive and complicated. WP auto-ignites in air, magnesium has to be separately lit by the delivery system. You can't practically put a magnesium incendiary in an artillery shell, what you see in Gaza is mostly artillery.

And suddenly switching to magnesium would be an absolute psycho move. The way you treat a WP burn is pouring tons of water on it, magnesium explodes on contact with water.

They've been saying that for decades but nobody else is interested.

It's just War Thunder and that other thing with the jogging app that was mapping military bases. They already had rules about "harming national unity" for political content.

Biden isn’t a genocidal maniacBack during the Iraq War, Biden and Blinken came up with the idea of partitioning Iraq into 3 different ethnostates. "We should take [ethnic group] and PUSH it somewhere else!!" is the kind of thing Biden thinks makes sense.

"It is important that whatever you do succeeds quickly. We would be able to influence the reaction in America if whatever happens happens after we return."

If you don't get the historical or political reason why something is the way it is then it seems "natural" by default. China never had a several millennia empire unless you think Europe is also a several millennia empire. The modern concept of Han is the same thing you're doing when you say "fucking Saxons". The Saxons didn't do anything, the imperial system and opposition to it is racialized. From the 1600s-1900s Han wasn't the dominant group in China, the Qing dynasty had a Manchu identity, and they executed people for expressing Han culture. Opposition to oppression and corruption and European imperial influence was racialized as Han nationalism.

CCP politics straddles an anti-colonial idea of Chinese identity where the diaspora of people shipped around European empires to build railroads or farm plantations are still Chinese, and then also a geographic identity that all those millennia of different systems whether Mongol or Manchu or Han or split up into 100 different states are all equally Chinese.

Mill very well expresses the essence of the matter in the form of a concept by characterising money as the medium of exchange. The essence of money is not, in the first place, that property is alienated in it, but that the mediating activity or movement, the human, social act by which man's products mutually complement one another, is estranged from man and becomes the attribute of money, a material thing outside man. Since man alienates this mediating activity itself, he is active here only as a man who has lost himself and is dehumanised; the relation itself between things, man's operation with them, becomes the operation of an entity outside man and above man. Owing to this alien mediator – instead of man himself being the mediator for man – man regards his will, his activity and his relation to other men as a power independent of him and them. His slavery, therefore, reaches its peak. It is clear that this mediator now becomes a real God, for the mediator is the real power over what it mediates to me. Its cult becomes an end in itself. Objects separated from this mediator have lost their value. Hence the objects only have value insofar as they represent the mediator, whereas originally it seemed that the mediator had value only insofar as it represented them. This reversal of the original relationship is inevitable. This mediator is therefore the lost, estranged essence of private property, private property which has become alienated, external to itself, just as it is the alienated species-activity of man, the externalised mediation between man's production and man's production. All the qualities which arise in the course of this activity are, therefore, transferred to this mediator. Hence man becomes the poorer as man, i.e., separated from this mediator, the richer this mediator becomes.

Even if they built them in a US factory their cars would still be better and cheaper. They just know that once they start the US will ban them like Tiktok, and they'd rather keep the battery and bus factories they already have in the US and avoid competing with anybody politically connected.

The only reason the US wouldn't be on the side of the European colonists bringing god and civilization to a deserted wasteland full of annoying houses and mysteriously angry natives is antisemitism. Once that calmed down criticizing Israel is criticizing US history and that would be woke.