
7 Post – 33 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

insane little person walking back and forth

Pronouns: He/They
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I absolutely lost it the first time he called me a nerd for using Arch and straight up started doing Fedora elitism lmao

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Open source developer and Linux enthusiast here. Although cluttered, Android's home directory is fairly simple to understand

The nightmare begins when you take a look at the root filesystem.

One time I was trying to port an OS to my phone and I had to figure out the Android init system. Went to source.android.com and what. the. fuck. Just as a side-by-side comparison:

Linux boot sequence: Android boot sequence (unmodded, SIMPLE):

There are so many wrong things about it like why are there 11, 12 places to put programs (/system/bin, /bin, /usr/bin /system/usr/bin, /sbin, /system/usr/share/bin...)

Why the fuck drivers are scattered around folders instead of just /lib/modules

Why is the home directory /storage/emulated/0/ instead of just /home/0/ (also why the user is named "0")

Where the fuck is everything???

God (Linus Torvalds) forgive me but even Windows is better than that shit

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Tbh he's got a point

Check out Dearrow. It's a new extension from sponsorblock's developer which removes clickbaity thumbnails and replaces them with crowdsourced ones

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cat /dev/random > /dev/pty23

Imagine someone adding this to your .profile

Gay chemicals! To turn the frogs gay!!!

Yeah, I installed KDE because it functions similarly to Windows. But something like Budgie would be ok too I guess

Also, I think young people like theming. My brother uses KDE's theme store a lot

"Human Moon Juice" sounds like what aliens would call human food

At this point I don't even look at what community posts are posted to. I'm just convinced that lemmy is just a big subreddit with no categorization whatsoever.

I think the community names on posts being too small and moderators not caring about community subjects is a massive contributor to that.

I still love it tho

Well, I think Linus Torvalds is one of the rare rich people who actually "deserves" being rich.

I think the main motive behind leftism should be stopping 8 people from owning the 50% of the world's wealth, not to distribute Linus Torvalds' 50 million dollars which a well deserved amount of wealth for someone who created the OS which runs the modern world.

Besides, what Linus owns is not even a droplet compared to billionaires like Bezos, Musk or Bill Gates

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Xenia is way cooler than the fucking penguin

And you can still bypass it if you put your software in a .zip

Yup, I think so. That's why I gave OpenID and XMPP as examples.

Tumblr wouldn't be much of a deal but if Zuck gets Activitypub integration working that would be a huge pain in the ass

I think you're right about the Threads situation. As always zuck is pumping out buzzwords and hype.

Tumblr announced they will be starting to work on activitypub integration in November 2022 but I guess either it's taking a long time due to how Tumblr works or they completely forgot about it

When I was about 12 I imagined a world where population was at ~100k and people were treated better because there was less of them. Also robots would do boring stuff for us so we get to do fun things and invent.

Everyone would have a fixed livable income under a very controlled and equal economy. My utopia was also a very developed space civilization and everyone was able to go to space and stuff since the population was too low. This meme reminded me of that

Guess what some guy 200 years ago thought the same thing in the toilet

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I hope not. But even so seperate networks defederated from Threads can exist which is the most optimistic outcome if Threads implements activitypub

It's more like cult symbols. I remember someone seeing my arch (btw) sticker saying "Oh, you are a part of us 1337 h4xx0rs aren't you"

Idk I haven't placed myself anywhere in that society but I didn't imagine a leader so I guess I would be one of the 100,000. "Regulated economy", "near perfect judgement system" and how I will achieve it without a government was a "somehow" for me didn't really think of that because well I was 12

Found the Activision® employee

Would like some font recommendations by the way

There ought to be way better UI fonts for this rice but I don't really understand how to pick a font

I'm planning to push these changes upstream (to vinceliuice/Graphite-kde-theme) as a color variant when I'm done so issues and pull requests are also welcome

oh shit we need to create c/vinyljerk

17th century aristocrats:

Use another instances then? Afaik beehaw is more of a family friendly place and not for nsfw. lemmy.world allows both community creation and nsfw

I have a 17 yo cis female friend at school. You look the same as her

You "will" not pass. You ARE passing

Unrelated: I wanna hug you aaaaaa you look so squishy

Lv.1 crook vs Lv.100 Mafia Boss

yup I did

Planning on buying a surface and installing Linux. How's your experience, is there so much bullshit to deal with? I really want a Linux tablet

How did you get a single letter domain? I thought all single letters were reserved by ICANN in 1993. Did you buy it before that happened?

Or I can install Linux and get fucking murdered by the OOM killer instead! Yay

Long obama 😳😳😳

Nope because it's just different themes hacked together with sed not something I've made from scratch but I'm gonna add it as a color variant to the Graphite theme. And although it's not entirely done yet you can download it from the github repo

TTY through telekinesis