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Joined 11 months ago

OTOH 20 years ago half of the sites on the internet were not yet made of copy-pasta SEO optimized copies or stolen content designed to get search engine clicks. Maybe the enshitification of the web itself has something to do with it.

. that thing would run over people.

By running over people it will ensure that it has a decent supply of people in wheelchair. Because even AI need job security.

Having the legal staff and having the upper management from another country able to understand it at a conceptual level and integrate it into their decision making process is entirely different. One of my friend is a lawyer in France who specialises in helping US corporation handle their subsidiaries here. There's not a week that passes without him being asked how to do something illegal here but legal in the US and the client being baffled and literally refusing to understand that they can't.

The main one being firing people, from the way he talks about it, he seems to be earning half his income re-explaining to the same people over and over that no you can't just give 2 weeks notice and fire people at will just because you need a quick expense reduction before the end of the quarter to amuse the shareholders. It just doesn't register.

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I think that underestimates the difference between handling tech that need to keep people alive and restoring a computer that sits in a basement and is not expected to do anything more than provide cool entertainment.

Going through testing, certification, documentation and training for a USB adapter would cost millions, even if the piece was available off the shelf for 50 bucks.

The floppy is just the funny visible part of the issue, the core issue is that their whole stack has seen the dinosaurs roam free.

Trump is locked up.

Trump get epsteined.

The moronverse explode.

That's why they have centimeters (cm). When I buy a TV in Europe the diagonal size is expressed in cm.

People here have a better feeling of what 138cm is than they do for 55' because they are just more used to it.

Neither is a better measurement, it's just a matter of what you're accustomed to. If you were used to banana scale you'd think 8b is easier to understand than 55'.

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That's why I always use the best of both world.

ansible.builtin.shell: install.sh


I think a literate person would have checked a dictionary before complaining ;)

And technically the proper word to describe trump would be aliterate not illiterate.

The president is just a bobblehead. Cabinet member are handling everything based on rough direction and party line. You just need to elect someone who will choose competent secretaries and not... well... not hiring Jared and fucking Ivanka.

APIs that don't exist

I had that. I got a bunch of ok code for an AWS API, but then it decided to hallucinate a method. I tried all kind of prompt to instruct it that the method didn't exist and not to use it, but it always came back telling me it was the right way to do it.

Anyway, still faster than reading the doc for a one off script I just wanted thrown together quickly and never to be reused again.

Whether it's true or not there's a lot of supposition that he is afflicted with dyslexia and most likely hyperactive disorder since childhood and without diagnostic, let alone treatment he was left unable to acquire information from reading, most likely making him hate written text and spending his whole life "making shit up" to compensate for his lack of knowledge, borderline illiterateness and inability to focus long enough to retain information.

True or not, it's coherent with his behaviour.

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Any somewhat touristic city that didn't implement some drastic restrictions has been fucked. In those places you can make from 2 to 10 time as much with airbnb as you can with a normal tenant so it becomes the obvious choice for a property owners. the only way to fix supply is regulation.

Yeah, I get them mixed up all the time. I don't use them.

On the other hand Wikipedia was absolute dogshit it the early years because it was riddled with wrong or false information, yet it remained popular and arguably improved.

Moving him all the way to a volcano is a waste of time and energy. Just let him try his bleach medecine on himself.