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Joined 4 months ago

Defeated? Wasn't the aim full WFH?

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Im a locksmith and... Im a locksmith

As a locksmith, this is a dream come true.

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Well... He eventually kills his familly, doesnt he? Thats why disney never made part 2

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I dont care if they scrape my comments I just wouldnt want to see sneaky "promoted" posts aka ads and I enjoy the idea of boycotting facebook.

Ultimately the decision is for the instances owners and admins to make, not ours. I will just migrate to one that doesnt federate with facebook if I have to.

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So, the same thing media websites do when they ignore my "do not track" request?

Correct, it was the british. It changes nothing

Being in orbit is just falling with style.

Didn't Israel attacked Iran's embassy in siria like 2 weeks ago?

It should be considered revenge, not retaliation.

Those are synonyms.

I dunno why the focus on High School, I'm 34

High school is a recurring setting for me too, goes to show how deeply high school can traumatize us, I guess.

It doesnt help with operating machinery, it helps with not falling asleep while doing it. Sleep deprived/exhausted people shouldnt be operating heavy machinery and definitely, shouldnt be taking highly addictive drugs to enable them to do it either. Its sad that their work conditions sometimes forces them to do so.

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I wish, but thanks for the compliment.

Agree to disagree.

They explicitly said "I prefer to share the bad news" not that it was their only interest and, as I already pointed out, theres a legitimate reason as to why that could be.

Nothing of what ozma posts and comments makes me think they have a pro-trump agenda. I believe your personal opinion of Ozma is influencing how you interpret their words and their banning is based solely on the your assumption of what they meant.

All this said, I could be wrong to since im not inmune to my opinions shaping how I see things but even if I thought they were pro trump, i think the comment in cuestion is not evidence enough of their agenda (or lack there of)

I really like all of Wlfred Owen's work. So fucking sad. And I dont mean just the poetry but his life. When I found about him I read his biography and it made me cry a little. You probably already know this but not only did he fought and wrote his poetry in the first WW but he also died there with only 25 years. Just writing this Im starting to tear up, trully heartbreaking.

AFAIK yes, The only reason their kill count isnt higher is because most of their victims were other gods and titans who were immortal.

Nah, it was because they were butthurt that the cubans kicked them off of their island.

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Its been a loooong time since I watched this movie but theres also Megara, right? And if theres Megara, then Hercules' yet to be born children are implied. If theres Megara and children Hercules will kill them. c:

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I suggest also Total Eclipse by Klaus Nomi Or Eclipse by Apoptygma Berzerk. Runtimes dont match but both are about eclipses and adecuate for the current state of owr world.

Klaus nomi for the doomers and apoptygma for the positives.

Nice argument; So im some sort of shill/bot/alt now? I guess this conversation is over then.

They often involve being chased by something, often huge and very threatening looking insects or someone like a really tall dude with extremely elongated hands or being late for something like class at school. Running through corridors that then become really tight spaces that I feel Im gonna get stuck in and/or ruined buildings where I have to jump over deadly holes in the floor or broken down stairwells. It usually starts with a weird version of the apartment I grew in or my former high school and, for some reason, It doesnt feel like its wrong that the building is that way, its just how things are. And it often ends with me trapped in a room, sometimes alone sometimes not, while the insects somehow still crawl in. One time a huge spider attacked my cat and they fell from one of those stairwells and the spider then ate my cat and I woke up crying.

I also have a sleep paralysis demon. It likes to climb on top of me, grab me by the head and breathe on my neck. Good times!

Whats yours tho?

Mineclone2 has sprint since the "sprint update" long ago. You get it by pressing "E" (or the "use" key if you remapped it)

The article you linked actually confirms it isnt out of context. Its just a politician lying to save face.

From the article:

Kant’s statements and the context can be heard in the full video. It is not clear what prompted the publications to delete their stories or change the headlines when a video of the interview is available and what he said was quoted verbatim.

Damn you proprietary software!!!!

Thanks for the info. Seems like it would be safer to use librecad to create and autocad just as a reader/converter. Why people accept this, do this formats offer advantages over the open ones?

Edit: Sorry if im asking too many questions

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Same story

Thats an ok conversation I guess. But, in order to make your defense, you had to willfully ignore the fact that biden (and both party leaders) have a very pro israel/netanyahu stance and all of them are sponsored by pro israel money which, I believe, is what the comment you replied to was saying, even if this specific issue wasnt directly related to biden Thats what I would call blind/dishonest support for team blue.

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How is that in bad faith?

Theres lots of blind support and promotion for team blue on here that I think Ozma was providing a needed counter balance. You say you dont want an echo chamber but I think this acomplishes the opposite.

So whats the ratio of good to bad news that we must share in order to not be banned?

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The chart says that 50% get rich by exploitation and the other 50% by inheritance.

Edit: NVM, Im dumb and misread the meme. Still I doubt they were litterally "dirt poor" so birth lottery still applies.

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Would the children of a God and a mortal be immortal? Considering Herc has to earn his immortality, i think not.

in Disney canon she's just his mom.

I actually forgot about that lol. Well... maybe he will just eat them like his gramps did

"You work a fair day's work, you get fair wages?"

But thats not how our world works, for the most part. Better for them to learn the truth, that they will be exploited regardless if they are in jail or not. We are all slaves and prisoners under capitalism.

I recently pirated autocad for a friend. While i was looking into it I saw a couple people who recieved letters telling them to stop and one even claimed they required them to scan the pc with some software and send them the results. Also, according to some redittors, other programs on the pc, even those not made by autodesk may snitch on you. So we started looking to foss alternatives, which there are some good ones btw, but in the end we just said "fuck it" and pirated it anyways because we needed to open .dwg files and autodesk had the brilliant idea of making it a proprietary format so they gave us no choice. What were they expecting us to do? Pay? lol

Its been about a month since, no problems so far.

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lol 50%, and I used to watch DB religiously.

So you are saying that the reason they havent lift the sanctions is because they were traumatized by the "red scare" and the cold war as teenagers? Because the cuban missile crisis lasted less than a month.

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Looks like you posted an AMP link. Heres the clean link:

I am not a bot.

I just realized you dont speak spanish. Anyways, I got you with the porter album but for some reason I cant send you a DM so heres the "link".


Its on mediafire.

Did they stutter?

Futility by Wilfred Owen.

Im not really too much into poetry, Im more of a song person, so obviously I found about it through a song that uses the poem as lyrics. I think I somewhat relate to to it, the feeling of futility expressed in it, even tho I havent seen the horrors he must have seen. All of his poetry is quite good, and it was written during WWI and from the trenches which makes it way more powerfull and sad IMO

I also like The Sleeper by Edgar A. Poe but that its mostly because I was a bit of a goth kid and its also been turned into a song

¡¡¡A huevo, Porter!!! Ese ya lo tengo, namas deja lo subo a mediafire o algo.

I sometimes dream something similar but its one of those dreams where you can fly until I loose control of it and just keep going up

Havent heard of ondsel, I'll check it out. Thanks! ^.^