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Joined 1 years ago

He is definitely an authoritarian demagogue, so close to fascists, and about doing his job well... it depends of what you consider to be "his job".

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They misspelt distopian.

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Am I the only one disapointed this isnt about a bunch of characters from A24 movies fighting each other?

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Streamlink+Twitch GUI
Blocks ads and performs better (at lest for me).

There will always be a way.

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The same difference as telling someone in which alley they can buy weed and selling the weed yourself

Oh god... Its an epidemic!!!

I mean, for starters, how does it work.

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I never knew about the origin of the flag but I always see it used by ancaps and other far right groups.

This flag is implying monarchies can simply bend over anyone they want anywhere and properly fuck them without giving the courtesy of a reach-around.

The red and black colors and the black cat arching its back are anarchist symbols.

About 500 billion dollars worth of oil and gas is the answer.

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In what way were they, the current Dutch king and queen, involved?

Their inheritance is comprised of stolen riches. Their whole socioeconomic status is a result of the crimes of their ancestors. They didnt commit the crime but they have kept the loot and are still profiting from it.

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I was told that the advantage of the fediverse was that I could browse and interact with the entirety of the fediverse from one instance and one account. I dont need nor want to be "protected" from what is considered "harmfull" by a bunch of people making decisions in my name at any given moment.

Now, I understand that controll over federation is one of the advantages of the fediverse, just not the one I am looking for. Is there a kbin instance with an ethos focused on "user choice" when it comes to defederating?
Better to switch now than later when Im more attached to this instance.

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And people say there are no good cops.

They forgot to pay the "Record Renovation" fee to Guiness.

Why is this news?
World records are mostly meaningless and it is known that guiness sells some of those "world records"

BTW, I'm not complaining about this being posted here (Thanks to MicroWave for their service) but about this being presented as "news" on a newspaper I thought was somewhat respectable.
It feels like the world becomes more ridiculous/absurd every day :c

Its a bug in Fenix 117 and 118. Either downgrade to 116 and wait for a new update or use nightly 119.

However, had we not brought them over here, it’s a good possibility they would still be running from lions.

This is not factual, this is willfully ignorant.

AFAIK xapk is not proprietary to APKpure and its safe. Its just a way to ease the installation of packages that require additional data (OBB) not contained in the apk to run. If you installed the same app from APKMirror (as an plain apk) you would need to then hunt for the obb files and "install" them manually for it to run. Packages that dont require this additional data are distributed as plain apk's in APKpure, its only those that do that come in xapk format.

As for the sketchy installers, I've seen a couple of them and they suck, I agree. Fortunatelly I discovered the other day that an app called ZArchiver (a file browser developed mainly to manage compressed files) can install xapk's without problem, its a quite competent file browser and its free, without ads.

Now if you still dont trust them you can try with the sites listed in FMHY

Edit: Just remembered a site called They too use xapk but they also offer downloads as zip files containig both apk and data or the option to download them separately directly from google servers. I've used it a couple of times without issues.

pronounced as shits

I believe theres a twilight zone episode where that happens.

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One of the true heroes of the fediverse. Songs will be written about them.

pashang fong, inyalowda!!1!

I dont want to be mean but this type statements are very reductionist of and inconsiderate towards suicidal/depressed people and how they actually feel and they seem to be used to shame and ridicule people into compliance while ignoring the underlying issue.

As a suicidal and drepressed person, I couldn't care less about a percieved victory over some assholes, I want the pain, sadness, anxiety, apathy, tiredness, that i feel everyday from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep to stop. You telling suicidal people are dumb for choosing suicide instead of simply "living well" (whatever that means) doesnt help. In fact makes things worse because now Im not only a depressed, suicidal fuck up but also dumb. Thanks.

You hate saturn's rings? :c

Yó también, amig@. De toda la puta vida.
La centralización de agencias gubernamentales, los milicos haciéndola de policía, sus ataques a instituciones diseñadas para fiscalizar el gobierno (INE e INT), La "aprobación" de proyectos como el chaifa y el tren maya por orden presidencial, brincándose las leyes que supuestamente regulan este tipo de proyectos son ejemplos de su autoritarismo, específicamente, el autoritarismo de morena que es el nuevo pri.

En cuanto a demagogo; Que no has visto las mañaneras?

Its not just "ancestral guilt". Like I said : "they have kept the loot and are still profiting from it", And by loot I dont mean only valuable goods but power too. They still benefit from the power imbalance between countries that was created during colonialism. Just look at the world economy and the dynamic between the "economic south" and "economic north"

They are not guilty of colonialism "per se" but they are guilty of perpetuating, and using, the inequality and oppression that colonialism was built on for their own benefit.

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Friendly reminder that having a woman president doesnt mean things will be different, and I really doubt they will.

For starters, one of them is partially responsible for the colapse of a school causing the death of 26 people and has left México city fall into disrepair for the last 5 years.
The other one is a demagogue who says she will fix the country because "she is diferent", following the steps of our current president by fueling the "us vs them" rethoric he started/boosted.

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I think I have felt that way for one thing or another since 98.
Internet itself blew my mind, playing age of empires with my buddy with just one phone call, then finding about mIRC, peer 2 peer, torrents, stuff i cant remember, and video games getting better graphics at ever increasing steps. I still get a little shocked when I see PS2 games listed as retro games.

And now they are making advances way more often in quantum computing.
I just remembered the first time I heard about a terabyte and the story that "the only place that can hold that ammount of massive storage are the vatican servers" (whatever those may be) lol.

Preventing war by allowing powerful assholes do as they please sounds like preventing bullying by punching yourself.

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Just did a quick search and there seems to be some material from both in, even youtube and theres some DEK movies in yts too. In case you are interested.

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What makes you think its safe? People die trying to cross it all the time.

Thats extreeme metal elitism, but you also prooved the usefulness of genres. How else, without using genres, would you describe that german band as efficiently as you did so someone like me can understand it and say:

Sounds awesome, whats their name?

Maybe peertube? Its a decentralized and federated video plataform

Making secretive arms deals in order to "jump over" the regulations, protocols and overall legislation meant to enforce transparency and accountability over this specific type of bussiness is not diplomacy, Its corruption

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Its open source and mugen compatible

There is an opportunity here to develop the gas fields in offshore Gaza, on behalf of the Palestinians," Hochstein told The National, adding “as soon as we get to the day after and this horrible war ends, there are companies willing to develop those fields.

You read "help" I read "colonialist looting". Guess only time will tell

I think Robert Higgs explained it best:

"The whole Good Cop / Bad Cop question can be disposed of much more decisively. We need not enumerate what proportion of cops appears to be good or listen to someone's anecdote about his uncle Charlie, an allegedly good cop.
We need only consider the following:

  • A cop's job is to enforce the laws, all of them;
  • Many of the laws are manifestly unjust, and some are even cruel and wicked;
  • Therefore every cop has to agree to act as an enforcer for laws that are manifestly unjust or even cruel and wicked.

There are no good cops."

I believe the technical term is Stiffies

In spanish we use "dis"

I have weird, vivid dreams when I'm not smoking, but also wake up once or twice at night and get sleep paralysis.
When I smoke I sleep the whole night without waking up, but I dont have dreams, or cant remember them.

Nobody enjoys watching mitch mconel.
At least theres some comfort in knowing it might die soon.

How does not selling watter discourages drug use? Like, i get that some drugs can or must be diluted in watter, but I know you can get high on most things without it. What was their logic? Drugs bad :c Heatstroke yay c:!??