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Joined 11 months ago

Possibly OpenTTD?

Same developer but different games, from what I can tell he released Transport Tycoon first, then Locomotion which had ?better graphics and less complexity?

I'll have to try openloco, I've only ever played OpenTTD and it's pretty good

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And there's quite a few missing!

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And the surveillance station in the middle of Australia (pine gap)

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Please bring it officially to Australia!

I don't really understand how they consistently manage to screw things up. And they always say that the features are coming, but they never do.

I'm still bitter over Inbox.

I used to be excited about new things from Google. Tried to get into every beta, downloaded the newest released apps etc. But not anymore.

I just read about tasks being removed from Google Keep. Then the feature removal from nest hubs. Do they have a unified strategy at all? Or is it just the whims of a manager's daily musings that drive what development does?

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No definitely don't sideload a YouTube client that doesn't play ads!

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"It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life."

  • Picard
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The worst part is it's not just 'they'll kill whales, trust us', it's that they've cited a study in a journal to support their claim - but the journal says they have no record of the study being published or existing in the first place!

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Not a meal - that's just the burger. $8.30 AUD (5.42usd). Ridiculous.

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That makes sense - never considered cave artifacts to be an example of survivorship bias before

It looks like it's the photo from her tweet

Iirc just recently they started giving out blue ticks to people with lots of followers, regardless of if they wanted it. Then this week they make it so you can't hide them. It seems like a dim move - piss off the people who bring lots of traffic to your website, but actively decided to not get a blue tick, by forcing the tick on them.
If they didn't leave beforehand, maybe this would make some people/orgs consider leaving?

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Already has - air Canada was held liable for their ai chatbot giving wrong information that a guy used to buy bereavement tickets. They tried to claim they weren't responsible for what it said, but the judge found otherwise. They had to pay damages.

"Everyone you know is facing a battle you know nothing about. Be kind always."

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But they're leaving their two main accounts - news and sports - on Twitter? The two things that people really use the ABC for?

Sounds like an 'exit' to me.

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A lot of the new systems can use battery powered cameras that are motion activated - they can last for a month+ on battery because they only turn fully on when they detect motion.

You're right though - if it's mission critical don't rely on wireless.

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Antarctica: 🥶

Or when the same thing happened with Paul McCartney collaborating with Rhianna on 'FourFive seconds' - apparently Paul was a new up and comer!

I like shorts! They're comfy and easy to wear!

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The Hunt for Red October

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Vader's scene at the end of Rogue One.

'of all time' - hmmm the earliest item on the list is the newton from the 90s, but then everything else is firmly in the last 20 years.

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Titanfall 2 is an amazing game. It's single player is one of the best - it never gets stale as there's always a new mechanic, both as a 'pilot' (soldier) or in a titan, to master or a twist you didn't see coming. The story itself is top notch, and it's length is good.

If I remember right, you can pause at anytime, even in cutscenes. They're not long though.

Plus, the multiplayer has been fixed just recently so you can vs others in some of the best feeling combat any game has to offer.

I've never played the others though, so feel free to go with them.

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I think the difference is that Apple products can be repaired, as parts are plentiful for third party repairers and apple will also repair it (for a premium).

The article is saying how no-one, not even Google, can repair a pixel watch as there were no spare parts produced.

Edit: I understand their repair policies re MacBook repair shops etc, but for a consumer being told that even the manufacturer can't do anything is a bit galling and cause for reflection on future purchases.

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Niche case- I'm a maths teacher and it's been good for replying to emails from students with problems.

Second the hybrid. I had a nice one - bronze face and the gold hands would move to indicate notification type etc. had some complications for step count etc. It looked great, I reckon it'd be even better with a small eink screen to show who the message was from etc. Kind of like the withings

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Speed 3, the moped that couldn't slow down.
Setting: Bangkok.
Starring Sandra Bullock and Bradley Cooper.
Villain is Ken Jeong.

That's interesting - in Australia we do have 'protected action' that can be taken when bargaining. Basically each workplace in a union has a vote to strike (endorsed by the fair work commission) and if it gets up any action taken is protected from retaliation.

First time I've seen the distinction 12nn and 12mn for noon and midnight - I like it!

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One of the best drives I've done is from Queenstown (on the lightning bolt lake) up the west coast to Greymouth (on the north west coast where the snowcaps stop, the plain there).

Beautiful scenery - you'd be driving (no speed limit, so you can concentrate on the bends) through rainforest one minute and then emerge onto a vast river delta with a giant wooden bridge, then back into forest, then out onto a plain with towering snowcapped mountains above you, then back into forest, then pop out at a beautiful beach.

Never experienced anything like it, it's one of my favourite memories of my trip to NZ.

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You should read this page:

It's very detailed about what to do to get stuff working (on lots of distros), and what currently isn't working (see camera support etc)

I took a look in the past but deemed it too much of a compromise at the time for what wasn't working.

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You think emus look prehistoric, take a look at our cassowary!

You said it - money. They want you to have to buy new.

That's pretty much what a tokenizer does for Large Language Models like Chat-GPT. You can see how it works here:

Type in the word 'Antidisestablishmentarianism' and you can see it becomes 5 tokens instead of 28 characters.

Replacing a fuse

The fish and chip co-op that used to be nearby was the best - trawlers parked out the back, super fresh produce, generous portions and reasonable prices.

I think it depends on the game.

Need something fast paced, where the options don't really matter? Go with just labels and don't show the script.

Need fast paced but it matters? Go with the other commenter's game that has a time limit while still showing scripts.

Slow and doesn't matter? Do what you like, it doesn't matter.

Slow and matters? Think Fallout: New Vegas - excellent script detail and what you choose makes a big difference

Well older to a point. Go back to to anytime before late 2000s and every board had a speaker!

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Have you tried Ardour?

But the point of the article is that the watch literally can't be repaired - no first or third party can do it.

But I can get any apple watch repaired. Yes they are scummy about third party, but apple will gladly repair it for money.

I can understand the shift.

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