sudo pacman -Syu

@sudo pacman
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Joined 1 years ago

My third world country only have Thinkpad around so. It is what it is.

1 more...

Thanks! I will boot up my old laptop to update for this.

Just a question. How do you do "Kernel modules are no longer compressed during initramfs creation, reducing boot times"? Is there a config, or commit I can see?

Numix icon theme Catppuccin for GTK Apple Cursor

Been using your cursor for a long time :D Now I use your Apple Cursor version. But still feeling good when you keep contributing like this :D Thank you.

Done with it since I graduated, from then 4 years with Linux and still go on

Same question here, anyone having benchmark or something?

I use both WezTerm and Kitty, they are both great with customization. You can see my config in dotfiles here