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Most people aren't going around checking the commit history on every piece of software they use. The git repository being archived made the Linux news rounds, so now a bunch of people are newly aware. It's not complicated.

These kinds of lists have to factor in popularity too though. Otherwise the top 1,000 would all be shovelware with 1 or 2 negative votes. It's not interesting or useful to point out that the games no one is going to play anyway are bad. A game that's popular enough to even make it onto the list obviously isn't going to actually literally be the worst game on Steam. That's just how it has to work.

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Putin declared Prigozhin a traitor on national TV, then fled Moscow, then gave Prigozhin everything he asked for and let him walk away. All within a day. This wasn't some 5D chess nonsense. Putin just surrendered.

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This is fine, but why does everything need to be part of Systemd? Like, seriously, why can't this just be an independent project? Why must everything be tied into this one knot of interdependent programs, and what's going to happen to all of them when the people who are passionate about it and actually understand all the stupid ways they interrelate move on with their lives? Are we looking at the formation of the next Xorg? Will everybody being scrambling to undo all of this in another 20 years when we all realize it's become an unmaintainable mess?

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Not doing everything possible to prevent something is not the same as actively doing it. It's still bad, but if you seriously think it would be a good idea to let fascists take over America because Biden isn't marching troops into Gaza or whatever it is you want him to do, then hopefully there are enough sane people left to make you irrelevant.

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Musk is actually kind of impressive at this point. It takes some real talent and determination to make Zuckerberg look like the good guy in comparison. There are not many people in the world who can even manage to pull that off once or twice, and Musk is doing it over and over again.

And I'm hoping you grow up and learn how people organize themselves instead of wasting your life feeling morally superior for accomplishing nothing while isolating yourself from all the people you need on your side to change anything.

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Honestly, unless there's some specific thing you're looking for just use your distro's default. If your distro doesn't have a default I'd probably default to ext4. The way most people use their computers there's really no noticeable advantage to any of the others, so there's no reason not to stick with old reliable. If you like to fiddle with things just to see what they can do or have unusual requirements then btrfs or zfs could be worth looking into, but if you have to ask it probably doesn't matter.

Soooooo, spez plans to get kicked out of his office for not paying rent then?

If you think the US government gives a shit about "millions in bribes" then you have no idea how numbers work.

I'm not delusional enough to think I'm voting for a leftist. That's never what Biden was. I'm voting to stop fascism. Socialism isn't going to win at the ballot box. Elections are how we stop things from getting worse while implementing real solutions. If all you're doing is whining about presidents then you are a bad leftist.

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It doesn't really seem workable right now. A video platform that just lets anybody upload anything and everything onto a large main server is going to use completely absurd amounts of storage and bandwidth, so PeerTube can only really work if most people either self-host or join small communities to host their videos.

Unfortunately, PeerTube is absolutely terrible for discovering videos you'd enjoy on smaller instances. Until they can fix that, there's really no hope of it taking off. I'd love to see it happen, but we're just not there right now.

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Open source is not a very useful term. Grayjay isn't free and libre software because it restricts commercial use, and it is definitely source available software. Whether that makes it open source depends on who you ask, and no, OSI is not the undisputed arbiter of all things open source just because they say so.

Griping because someone is using a different definition of open source than you do when they are being very clear about what exactly their license allows is not productive.

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One of my biggest problems with critics of systemd is that a lot of the same people who make that second point also argue against wayland adoption when xorg does the exact same thing as systemd. It makes me feel like they're just grumpy stubborn old Linux nerds from the 90s who just hate anything that's not what they learned Linux with.

Which is sad, because honestly I think it's kind of not great that an unnecessarily massive project has gained such an overwhelming share of users when the vast majority of those users don't need or use most of what it does. Yeah, the init systems from before systemd sucked, but modern alternatives like runit or openrc work really well. Unfortunately they get poorly supported because everyone just assumes you have systemd. I don't like the lack of diversity. I think it's a problem that any init system "won".

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People are creating new operating systems, but the reason they don't catch on is hardware and software compatibility. It was hard enough to make an actual performant operating system that could work on a wide variety of hardware back in the 90s. Trying to do it for every possible hardware combination available now is just crazy. It can also be an incredibly difficult task to get even open source software working properly on a new OS. Anything else is just completely out of the question.

Reddit was important to a lot of us for a long time. It's natural to talk about it, especially while the dumpster fire is still burning. If half the conversations are still about reddit after things calm down I'll start to worry, but for now they keep finding new ways of pissing everyone off, so there keeps being new stuff to talk about.

Minor problem. I'm neither liberal nor angry. I'm trying to get you to understand that purity tests on Lemmy are at best completely useless, and realistically make you a liability to real leftists. What do you think you are accomplishing here? What have you ever done in your life that actually ever made anything better for a single person?

He is intentionally vague in his videos, but he has worked with the military in some capacity as a civilian before, and he still has a lot of contacts in the military. Mostly though, I personally trust him more than most because I've been watching him for years and he usually turns out to be correct. He's also pretty level headed and willing to admit what he doesn't know.

Okay, so first of all, yes, I do live in one of those 10% of districts.

Secondly, you don't even have a candidate, let alone a popular one. It'll be a miracle if an actual leftist candidate can pull 3% of the vote to come in fourth behind the Libertarian candidate.

It is less dangerous to cast a protest vote if you're in a district that is dramatically unbalanced, but if you think you'll make a difference by doing it you are going to be sorely disappointed in November.

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The Nazis set the fire, and now they're fleeing along with everyone else.

And hey, I'd rather have them on Threads than in here with us.

Fedora is designed as a relatively stable testing ground for widespread use. It is incredibly unlikely that they'd ever even want to restrict its distribution, and nobody is signing any contracts with Fedora, so they'd have no leverage to stop us from doing it even if they did want to.

Long term who knows what stupid things Redhat might try to get up to, and even if they don't make any catastrophic decisions the whole project could potentially start to drift away from the rest of Linux if they keep making smaller divisive decisions, but that's both unlikely, and in the far distant future if it ever does happen. For the more foreseeable future there is absolutely nothing to worry about with Fedora, other than possibly ethical concerns that you're helping to bug test for the makers RHEL, if you care about that.

Putin's absolutely still in charge of Russia until someone else tries something. He still lost to Wagner though. Prigozhin got everything he wanted out of his little stunt. Putin caved because he was afraid.

Despite what a lot of people have said, this wasn't about Prigozhin trying to pull off a coup. Wagner was supposed to be absorbed into the Russian army, and rumor had it that Prigozhin was going to be in serious trouble when that happened. Now he gets to take his still independent army to Belarus and got his enemies in the MoD fired. Prigozhin got what he wanted, and Putin couldn't stop him.

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No. It means reapplying makeup. I guess facial powders aren't as popular as they used to be, but that is where the saying came from.

I'm not growing it for you. I'm growing it because I like it for me. If you don't like it, that's your loss.

Every single distro maintaining their own version of every single Linux app is just a lot of work that wouldn't need to be done if there was a way of making a version that worked on every distro out of the box. Plus that way app devs don't have to worry about trying to hunt down every weird bug that only comes up occasionally while doing a specific thing using a specific version of a specific library that only one distro uses.

None of them are better than a well maintained native app from your distro. In fact, realistically they kinda have to be at least a little worse than an actually well maintained one. If you include all the time spent maintaining native apps, universal formats are potentially orders of magnitude less work to maintain if they become the default though, and that is valuable. Valuable enough that a lot of the people doing that work are pushing for them pretty hard.

Neofetch is literally a bash script. There aren't any libraries or APIs it depends on, and there is basically no chance of it not working in the future. Some people just like to try and sound smart.

The actual problem with Neofetch is that it's not being updated with new ASCII art for new distros, and not adding new options to show things like a line for display server or other things some people might be interested in. It's just getting out of date in regular boring ways.

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I think that the Lemmy equivalents to big subreddits will be centralized around a few larger instances and they'll come to dominate the all timeline, but more niche things seem like they can crop up anywhere. My favorite subreddits were always the smaller ones anyway, so federation will be important for me.

Also, it matters that there are a few big instances instead of just one. If one goes full spez the others can take up the slack until a smaller general purpose instance can take its place. For example, if beehaw does go nuts and just keep defederating until it's completely siloed instead of this being a temporary measure until moderation is more under control, then I can just make another account somewhere else and these communities will become less important. I don't think that's likely, but it's a problem that solves itself in a federated system.

The point you are attempting to make here is irrelevant and incorrect. The entire problem is that there is no consensus mainstream opinion on the meaning of the phrase open source.

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Stalin and Mao were good actually, the CCP has never done a bad thing ever, and Russia should roll over Europe with their invincible tanks, because the west is bad, therefore anyone who disagrees with the west is flawless.

That may be an uncharitable exaggeration, but surprisingly not by very much.

I actually had this happen to me as a little kid. I had to go to the hospital because they needed to check if I was jaundiced. Turned out it was just that my favorite foods are carrots and squash. Eating more vegetables isn't a bad thing.

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The number of third party votes has gone up and down a little, but over the last 40 years the only third party candidate to get over 5% of the vote in a presidential election was Ross Perot. 2020 actually had very low third party support. The most popular third party candidate left of the Republican party in the last 40 years was Ralph Nader in 2000, and he got about 2.5% of the vote. There will almost certainly be more people voting for third parties in 2024 than there were in 2020, but unless something very weird happens between now and November it will probably just be going back to normal. 3-4% Libertarian and 1-2% Green. That's not gonna do much of anything.

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It's weird being part of broad communities like technology or games again. On reddit I unsubbed all the default subs and subscribed to more niche things like 3D printing or weird games. It's quite a change to see people talking about things like mainstream AAA games. Intellectually I knew that a lot of people had to get hyped about the latest Bethesda game or Apple products or whatever, but I think part of me stopped believing it, because it still surprises me whenever I see it.

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Steam. It's better on Linux, and GOG isn't always DRM free anymore. Also, although most games do, Steam games don't actually have to use any DRM.

Look, I get it. I've spent most of my life living in a very red district in a very blue state. That's not true now, and I'm happy to be taking advantage of it, but I understand. Just remember to actually vote at your local level. It makes more difference in your day to day life than who is president anyway. I'm just trying to be clear about what's going on. Historically and this November.

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This appears to have somehow ended up in the wrong spot. I hadn't even clicked on this thread before, and yet here's my reply to a different one. Ah well.

Try reading these comments here. There are just as many people adamant that open source mean source available as there are people who think it means libre. The vast majority of people here don't follow free software the way you or I do, and this is a niche free alternative website. There's no point in getting mad at people who don't obsess over industry definitions and just use open source to mean software that has source code that is available. You know, like the source is open or something crazy like that. It just makes us look bitter and hostile while accomplishing nothing useful.

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I'm gonna have to hard disagree on environmental storytelling. Not every story needs to be about a set of characters. Some stories are all about worldbuilding and mystery and discovery and that's okay. It's also okay if you hate those kinds of stories, but calling it "narrative homeopathy" just because you hate it is dishonest and arrogant. Some of my favorite books take place over generations with characters coming and going all the time and none of them really having any kind of narrative arc at all, but the story still ends up being one I enjoy. Does that not count as a story at all to you?

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Cool. It's easy to misread tone in a forum like this, so we kinda almost lost the plot there for a minute, but in the end I think we ended up back on the same page. And yeah, I absolutely understand how frustrating it is to have your vote in the big headline grabbing elections be completely meaningless. It sucks. I'm glad you're getting involved where it matters most though. If we want real change it's going to have to filter up from the bottom, not be ordained from the top down.

Being asexual in a general LGBTQIA+ space can be kinda weird sometimes. I assume the mods don't allow blatant aphobia, but they tend to be very sex positive kinds of places, and while that is certainly a good thing, it's very common for even well meaning people go overboard and start saying that our sexual desires are what make us human or things like that. It can get uncomfortable.

It totally does work though? Why would you say that?

I have a Raspberry Pi. It works just fine.

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