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Joined 1 years ago

I'd you want immutability and things that just works, snaps are the exact opposite of what he needs. I'm gearing up to swap away from Ubuntu for the same reasons as him, and the snap ecosystem is utterly fucked and accelerating my timetable daily.

I've never seen something so damn broken, and it gets more so every update. It's gotten to the point of where snap store will just straight up log me out of my session out of the blue when it finds an update so it can install it, losing all of my work.

If they knew their history, they wouldn't be repeating it.

As opposed to the other genocide-supporter that's also a fascist racist?

Primaries and the rest of the year are for voting for and supporting the best possible candidates. Elections are for playing damage control and voting for the least worst option.

Don't let a lack of perfection be an excuse for choose Worse over Better.

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The Astroturfing is strong here, does anyone actually believe that liberals are suddenly, with absolutely no warning, crawling over each other to mock his disabilities instead of his decisions, despite never having done so before?

Obvious setup is obvious.

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Regardless of if they actually hired a hitman, it's very clear that Boeing harassed and psychologically attacked this man to the point of him ending up dead.

Whether they actually hired a man to pull that trigger or convinced him to pull it himself, legally his murder would be on their hands and they damn well need charged for it.

Let's be real, with as bat shit crazy as these cultists are, she probably is.

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Failing to vote is just another way of supporting the republican party.

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This is actually pretty funny- bots are INTENTIONALLY dumbed down in FPSs, because they would be unstoppable, unkillable gods otherwise. An unshackled FPS bot would make a chess bot look like a rank amateur in how hard it would dominate the top tier of professionals compared to the chess bot.

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Wow, it's almost like that's why they said you didn't need a graphics card, instead of saying you didn't need a GPU!

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Because they can use the phone company records to say "We think you were here when this "violent riot" happened (actually just a protest that police started shooting at protestors because they know they'll get away with it), you're arrested". And cops don't care if you're recording, they'll either break your phone or shoot you anyway and then claim it was self defense.

Samir Dinesh, you're breaking the car!

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Because doomposting about how any attempt to improve our country is doomed to fail and you should definitely just not bother voting, or attempting to make anything better, and just sit back and take it, is a traditional GOP disenfranchisement method.

And it has no place here.

This is the most convoluted bullshit ever.

The problem here is "reasonable court." One party in the US has spent decades stacking the courts with unreasonable judges who will agree to anything a corporation hands them.

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I keep seeing this sentiment on these posts, often with a suspicious number of up votes that don't seem to correlate how many up votes everything else in the topic get.

Literally the only place I have EVER seen this issue was a state toll road website, which was using a timezones that didn't actually exist but chrome added (and documented on the Internet to trick people into using it). A simple email to the website with an explanation and the correct timezones name and the problem was fixed.

Pretty sure a lot of this sentiment is either astroturfing, or people passing on astroturfing trying to be helpful.

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Because the entire design of it is to mathematically prevent you from having the option to hack or block the ads. THe way to get around it is to... not use chrome.

Man, there is a LOT of people in this thread hoping to normalize this, or pretend it will happen anyway, or that it's 'not really a PR disaster', or that people will ignore it, or-

Go make your money elsewhere, christ.

Because they turned away from the original founder's philosophy, which is that 'perfect security' is a pie-in-the-sky novelty that isn't actually useful to anyone, and what's actually important is security that people actually use. Even if it's slightly less secure, it's still a net positive because people are actually using it.

When he left, a google CEO took over and frankly it's just been one terrible decision after another- cryptocurrencies, 'stories', stickers, removal of SMS, all kinds of stupid shit that drove people away.

I used to have nearly 50 people on my signal contacts list. Now there are 3.

To be entirely fair, what civil discourse can you have around "We want to make bloodsport of murdering these people." vs "Maybe just let people have basic rights."

It's for holding onto while playing, there's literally stickers on the machine saying to do it. The current machines even advise it during the health/safety prompts. Current songs are charted specifically with the bar in mind. This isn't 2001 anymore. This guy has absolutely zero fuckin idea what he's talking about.

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Frankly speaking, whether or not a hitman was hired, Boeing is culpable.

Organizing a concerted effort to drive someone to suicide is just as illegal as murdering them. End of story.

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Now it can make shit up and gaslight you with MULTIPLE senses!

It's not an 'if', it's an absolute guarentee. This isn't a new play, this has been their gameplan every single time they do these sort of things.

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He's not theorizing, he's summarizing decades of historians' research. We know, for example, with the benefit of hindsight, that your idea would not have worked- it would have lead only to countless deaths via nuke, and then a long, slow slog through the meat grinder for troops and civilians.

How do we know this? Because we have Japanese communications from the time- and they basically sum up to something along the lines of "They don't have the balls to use the bomb against people again." with a side dash of "they don't have more bombs to throw at people."

Exploding the first one over water, the second one over a city on people, and then NOT dropping a third one because we didn't have anymore would have proved them right, and without a surrender it would have lead to millions of dead Americans and Japanese. They made so many purple hearts preparing for that invasion in 1945 that we still haven't gone through the backlog, 80 years later.

Now think about it without the benefit of hindsight. You know that culturally, they refuse to surrender. You know they see massive losses as completely acceptable, civilian, military, and suicide bombers. You know they want to try and grind the US down, make them give up because of the sheer number of troops dead. You know they're trying desperately to negotiate a favorable surrender where they can save face, maintain their 'experiments', and maintain their military, which is exactly the sort of thing that lead to WW2 in the first place. Finally you know you only have two bombs. Use them wrong, and the deaths, crippling, and wounding of millions of your own country's soldiers is directly on your head. Use them right, and you might get some surrenders.

Frankly speaking, dropping the two bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki almost didn't end the war. The second bomb was what finally changed the mind of the emperor, because he bought the bluff that if we had two we would throw at people, we had more. Even then, there was instantly a coup to try and halt the surrender process- and they thought this guy was literally an incarnation/speaker/appointed of god. That's how much the military hated the idea of surrendering.

And finally, do keep in mind- every time the US bombed a Japanese city, they dropped leaflets warning the civilians to get out. By all accounts, they were actually highly effective.

To make it clear, dropping the bombs was a horrible thing. That it killed so many civilians who wouldn't- or more likely couldn't - get out in time, even if warned, is horrific. Leaflets are good and all, but that doesn't meanyou have anywhere to go, or the infrastructure, and beyond that, the Emporer was executing anyone who tried to leave bombing areas. (Seriously, possession of a leaflet was grounds for immediate execution.) But the alternatives to dropping the bombs were judged, at the time, to be worse. And I believe that their decision to do so were understandable with the knowledge they had, the options they had, and the consequences to their own troops if they didn't.

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Instead of trying to tear down things that work, try building up the distros that don't.

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So am I missing something? 2.7oz seems hilariously tiny?

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Yeah, this is just straight up a scam, she has no obligation to buy their fucking illegal scam house. House belongs to her, in my opinion, if she wants it, and if she doesn't, it's on company dime to bulldoze the entire thing, clean the lot, reseed it, and pay back the tax burden they forced.

makes sense, but will never happen because the people holding those seized russian billions will never give it away. Why would they, when they've currently got it all invested and making themselves money?

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Hey bud, if you're constantly seeing nothing but assholes everywhere on both reddit and Lemmy, you might want to consider that it's actually you that are kind of acting like an asshole.

Just something to consider.

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That definitely sounds like you just made that up, considering I was around then.

Oh look, it's the Russian shill account.

Might have been running unopposed. That's pretty common with school boards.

Because Tommy Tuberville is holding up top military brass appointees so trump can change them and instate a whole swath of the at once. No need to fire anyone if you hold the spots open until your guy wins.

Same way they stacked the supreme Court.


Pretty much everywhere has cracked down on that kind of thing for a while.

Unfortunately they just use a bot to revert those. You're not allowed to truly migrate off fandom, all you can do is fork your own data and try to out-SEO the fandom wiki, because as soon as you put it.on fandom, fandom owns it too.

Sounds to me like Republicans caused the problem, passed the buck to Biden, and then tried to bog down everything in lawsuits to prevent any progress.

You say that like a significant number of these Republican's donors would not salivate over being able to fracture the US from world politics like that.

...Russia. I'm talking about Russia, if you're unaware.

No? That's literally how banks work. You store your money there, and they protect it, manage it, etc. But this isn't harry potter, there isn't some underground vault with your name on it, they just take all your money and stick it in a giant pool they use to invest and make themselves money.

'Your' money is actually just them tracking what you actually have, and if you ask for some of it, they have the equivalent of petty cash they pay it out with. You cannot pull out massive amounts of your own money all at once without warning on the spot, because they simply will not have it available.

It's why depressions and 'bank runs' are a thing- the actual amount of cash a bank has on available is ALWAYS lower than the total number of assets they have earmarked from people, because it's all tied up in investments. If those investments go belly up, or everyone all tries to pull money out at the same, the bank has a major problem.

"Freezing" someone's assets just means that the bank isn't allowed to let someone pull money out, or transfer that money, not that the cash/investments/etc are pulled back and stuck in a vault somewhere- the BANK still has that money it's larger money pool, because it was always there from the first moment they got it.

on the contrary, CLI is the BEST way to deal with firewall rules.

As a network engineer, so many of the arguments for why tiktok is terrible are dismissed because of xenophobia. It's unreal, because it is blatantly obvious that it is just absolutely rummaging through your phone for every last bit of information it can steal about you.

I don't care what nationality the people are that are receiving it, there is no excuse for that shit and you need to get off tiktok.

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