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Joined 1 years ago

It is now state personnel policy that, for the purposes of visibility, hair can be counted as visibility headwear so long as it is the correct color of bright orange.

I dyed my hair traffic cone orange one summer and asked if I still had to wear my hat. My boss was amused and asked his boss. His boss was also amused and asked his boss. On and on and on until a memo was issued signed by the director of the entire agency saying that no, anyone with traffic cone orange hair did not have to wear a hat.

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During my very brief stint as a security guard at a casino I ran into that last part way more than I ever would have expected. It is astounding how many people do not understand that the laws from their home country do not apply in the country they are visiting.

It's also kinda dodgy what YouTube considers "viewing" a video. 3 seconds of autoplay? You viewed it. Misclick an ad trying to skip? Viewed it. AndroidTV previewed the video when you left it highlighted for too long? You guessed it, viewed.

Fortunately figuring out what it considers you to have viewed is pretty straightforward: if it's in your watch history it considers it viewed. You can also go through that and manually purge things.

Of course there's still the question of why YouTube will so consistently recommend videos that get people started down this downhill slide of absolute dogshit atrocious content.

If you look at the content feed of /c/conservative most of the recent posts seem to be fairly anti-conservative, or at least not very flattering. For example "Almost Twice as Many Republicans Died From COVID Before the Midterms Than Democrats" was just recently posted.

In other words they may be modding both subreddits because they're not actually conservative.

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After watching Season 2 of The Orville I'm of the opinion that Seth MacFarlane should be put in charge of the next mainline Star Trek series. The man truly gets Roddenberry's vision.

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No shit?

...I'll see myself out.

Has anybody made a kbin script/userstyle that has the same information density as old.reddit? One of the things that drives me nuts about most of the fediverse is that every damn site seems to love this wide spread out low information density mobile web awfulness.

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Voat died because they took a max free speech approach, even allowing racism and stuff.

It cannot be stressed enough how core this was to Voat's identity, and also how much it poisoned the entire platform. When even objecting to bigotry is against the ethos of the site then there's no way to build a healthy community, much less an inclusive one.

Also if anyone is curious how much of a cesspool Voat became, here's the most "upvoated" for the month just six months before the site shut down. Warning: lots of bigotry.

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Ah yes, The Intercept, founded by blatant Russian propagandist and "Ukraine had biolabs" conspiracy promoter Glenn Greenwald. Surely this article is unbiased and not at all misleading.

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Hadn't even considered this, but I think you're onto something. Even if it's not the main goal, that could definitely have factored into the decision.

Mushrooms. When I was younger I just knew I hated them, then as I got older I realized it was because after I had more than a mouthful of them my throat started burning. I figured it was an allergy and that was that... then I fell in love with a woman whose third favorite food is mushrooms. She spent years trying to find a way to get me to appreciate mushrooms, and not a casual effort I should add. First we figured I was fine with Enoki mushrooms (the little beansprout-like ones you get in Miso soup sometimes), then it was Oyster mushrooms which are pretty damn versatile, if low on flavor. Started incorporating those into my cooking, and for years that was the extent of it until one day I had something with white mushrooms in it and realized the damndest thing: my throat wasn't burning. I'm not sure how or why, but whatever problem I had with mushrooms had gone away. Now I have mushrooms almost every day, usually as part of my breakfast.

TL;DR: Mushrooms kick ass.

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He's living proof that being a regressive incel troglodyte isn't limited to people who are ugly.

Well, ugly on the outside anyway. Much like beauty, true ugliness comes from inside, and that man has an inner ugliness that cannot be denied. He can do all the reps he wants and he'll still come across like someone who shouldn't be allowed within 1000 feet of a school.

It's an alternate app store primarily for FOSS software, including a lot of stuff that you can't find on the Play store. It's very well vetted and there's zero reason not to use it.

If you want a more specific example of something worth getting on F-Droid, there are several adblockers which work significantly better than anything you'll find on the Play Store, simply because the Play Store largely prohibits apps which directly affect the operation of other apps.

FF games are a solid choice. The Pixel Remasters have been very well received and anything that makes the early games more approachable is a solid win in my book. That said, I personally found the 3D version of FFIII (actual 3, not 6) to be phenomenal.

You'd think the moderators would be removing the anti-conservative stuff though if they were actually conservative.

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The way Beehaw defederated is that it simply refuses any updates issued from lemmy.world and sh.itjust.works. Updates from Beehaw are still pushed out to multiple sources that lemmy.world and sh.itjust.works can read from.

I honestly don't know if I have any pictures from back then. I should, but I dunno where they would be.

At the time I was also fond of wearing brightly colored collared shirts too, so between my hair and my clothes I probably was safe to go hunting in terms of visibility.

I'd watch a SyFy Original Pictures film with this premise, NGL.

I'd really like theming support since every lemmy instance I can find has everything way too spread out, especially compared to old.reddit. On the latter I can see 15 posts on a page, whereas even on the most condensed Lemmy layout I've seen (kbin) I get 7.

The Sega CDX. I had a Genesis, I had a Sega CD, but the thought of having both of those systems combined into one compact unit that also could be used as a discman (a really bad one, even I knew that at the time) was so appealing to me. There was one at the local game store for some absurd price ($350 I think) for literally years, and I would salivate over it every time I went in the store.

Ultimately I never got one, but at least I didn't miss out on any games or anything.

I already had someone suggesting it was eaten by some unknown massive deep sea dwelling creature.

Very few states allow it, and none of them in public. It's only ever allowed in a private residence (usually the residence of your parent/guardian) while under the direct supervision of your parent/guardian. Even then it can become a crime if somehow the law gets involved and they feel like pressing charges.

Wayward Pines. Season 1 was amazing. Season 2 systematically removed everyone and everything that made the first season entertaining.

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A lot of really good older games have been ported to mobile and work fantastically. Knights of the Old Republic, Neverwinter Nights, and Baldur's Gate just to name a few. Hell, you can play Baldur's Gate multiplayer, cross-platform with PC players even! There's also fo2.exe on the Play Store, which lets you play Fallout 1 & 2 on mobile provided you have access to the files from the PC versions. Oh, and Doom ports galore, of course.

As far as mobile-only or mobile-specific games, my favorite is probably Caves, a surprisingly well done and completely free roguelike.

Never Rent-to-Own anything.

I've never made that mistake but I've seen enough friends with poor decision making skills go down that route.

I've decided I'm gonna play through all the Final Fantasy games in order, finally, so I was gonna have to wait anyway.

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If you're not navigating while logged in then any NSFW content will not show. Also if your profile is set to hide NSFW content then it also won't show.

That really felt like the kind of question someone would ask only if they're lactose intolerant. "Load up on cheese before you go camping so you don't have to poo" is pretty common wisdom.

As much as he pissed people off I did like Sal Bundry using every opportunity to talk about his 5 touchdowns in a single game.

I have not and I really should. The premise is great and for as accelerated as the TV show (apparently) was it was still a pretty entertaining ride.

Wow, didn't figure they'd go so blatantly mask off this early on. They must be nervous.

Also dumb. Have they never dealt with pirates before? Cut off one head and two more grow to replace it. Good luck you shmucks.

Aside from the other choices already mentioned (especially Doom stuff, FreeDoom ftw) any of the free games derived from the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games and early builds, mostly Anomaly and Lost Alpha. There are also a few stabilized versions of the Build 1935 alpha out there which are worth playing and probably a bit more approachable for most people.

Yeah, I'm not clear either. At first I thought the microblogs section would work more like Mastodon but that doesn't seem to be the case. Big missed opportunity

I agree. Reddit has been trying to sweep all this under the rug, and as pathetically transparent as their efforts are they have worked well enough that a lot of "casual" users probably have no idea what's coming. When the 1st rolls around and they suddenly can't use Reddit (as far as they know it) then quite a few will be looking for somewhere else to go.

I mean a lot of them will probably just grab the official Reddit app, but 30 minutes using that ad-infested garbage pile may dissuade them from sticking with it.

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Well yeah their front page was empty.

For general use I have a wired Mad Catz 360 pro controller with textured grips. Modest dead zone, no drift despite a decade of use, and comfy as hell. It's an absolute workhorse and still works as well as it did when I bought it.

If I'm playing something that doesn't require analog input I have an 8bitdo M30. If I'm not using it through Steam it can be a pain to map since it has a 6-button layout instead of the usual ABXY, but I vastly prefer the 6-button layout so it's worth a little headache to me.

Chances are they'd be screaming it into the void with how fast their instance would get defederated though. :P

Oh snap, subscribing to that.

EDIT: well, once I can actually load it through lemmy.world.

Seconding Qxir. His humor + artstyle + accent combine into a really amusing end result, plus he actually does a fair bit of research into the topics he covers.

Along those lines, Sam O'Nella Academy is another channel of "amusing narration + semi-crude yet understandable illustrations + genuinely informative". I started with his video on Tarrare and chortled mightily throughout.

It just gives me a 404 when I try to use it on kbin, sadly.