5 Post – 126 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

I hate to say this, but the only way to save US democracy is for Biden to use this new "absolute immunity" to arrest or assassinate the SCOTUS and DJT and other enemies of pluralistic democracy.

I doubt that DJT and his allies would hesitate to do the same to their perceived "enemies"

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That's what NPR and PBS were supposed to be, but they're so perpetually underfunded that they're almost commercial stations. edit: with corporate sponsors and viewer funding pledge drives.

Some public stations have been taken over by right wing orgs that came in with massive funding.

Gift link to SF Chronicle article
archived version

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Although I do have to add that the NYTimes has umm, a weird obsession with Frozen, moreso than other mainstream news orgs that I read.

There's a collection of related articles at the bottom of the article page with titles like:

"My Son Loves Elsa From ‘Frozen.’ I Had to Learn to Love Her, Too"

"The Kids Who Love ‘Frozen’ and the Parents Who Love Them"

"Achieving Transcendence on the Millionth ‘Frozen’ Viewing"

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Bob Ross' show ended 30 years ago, and PBS and NPR funding has declined even more as a proportion of operating costs since then.

Hmm, good question.

I spot checked 3 articles on parents, kids and Frozen, and found 3 different writers.

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The official reason for the introduction of the six-day work week is that there is a shortage of skilled workers on the Greek labor market as the population keeps shrinking and the country losing scores of thousands of workers who fled during the economic and austerity crisis in search of jobs in other countries.

So "The austerity and beatings will continue until morale improves."

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Depends on how likely your bank thinks you are to default on your mortgage...

Tell your bank, you've lost your job, going to prison, and you're newly divorced with large alimony payments. /s obviously.

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Is “Have you had an abortion?” going to be on Texas college application forms?

If so, will there be room for an accompanying essay?

From what I experienced working retail, Frozen merch was very successful amongst Disney properties up until a couple of years ago.

I never encountered the likes of the crossplaying AMABs in the article.

Maybe the kids from that era have grown out of it by now, but yeah it was pretty successful.

He'll quite possibly be the first Saint to have the porn stash on his hard drive or phone thoroughly reviewed and analyzed by theology students.

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Those involved in the fake elector scheme aren't just criminals, they're traitors who really need to be dealt with severely.

The summary doesn't mention it, but the caption in the article photo says that George Galloway is the head of the Workers Party Of Britain, a socialist party that he founded in 2019.

Their Wikipedia entry describes them as euroskeptics, anti-NATO, and says their website "defend[s] the achievements of the USSR, China, Cuba etc, not least the debt owed by humanity to the Soviet Union and Red Army in their war of liberation against German fascism"

Wikipedia also describes the party as "adopting social conservatism, such as its rejection of gender self-identification."

So social conservatives who admire Russia, China, etc.

What a weird world we live in...

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How is decades of outsourcing US manufacturing to China working out?

All that just to bust unions in the US in a race to the bottom.

Congratulations corporate Americans, your plan has succeeded!

I always wondered where the name came from. I always assumed it was a real person, like craigslist.

That it's short for Anarchist's archive makes a lot more sense.

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Actually Fico ran on the pledge to stop Slovakian military aid to Ukraine.

“Populist” means far right Russian stooge these days.

"If (Fico’s party) Smer enters government, we will not send a single round of ammunition to Ukraine," (Fico) recently told supporters. (Before the election, which Smer won)

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(Trump's) poll numbers have remained unchanged throughout the trial but could tank at any moment.

NPR polling indicates that only a small percentage of Republicans would be affected by a guilty verdict.

11 % of independents said they'd be less likely to vote for Trump.

Small amounts of Republicans would be less likely to vote for Trump with a guilty verdict. I believe that I heard 7% on the radio, but I can't find a news article to back that up.

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That's like a badge of honor at this point.

Will there be an awards ceremony?

You'd have to have your priorities seriously out of touch with reality to pay thousands of dollars to go on a cruise instead of buying health insurance.

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Shoulda done that when you had control of both houses of Congress and the presidency....

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Spammy website with too many popups…

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How about Fox News, Newsmax, OANN, and Infowars while we're at it?

Sorry Abe, the modern Republican Party is not in your image...

That is highly likely what Jones will do, unfortunately.

As well as hide his income behind all kinds of shell corporations

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I've been saying this for years: The US economy is not "growing" not because we're making more and better products, but because we're commercializing social support systems that we used to get at low cost, or for free, from our families, relatives and neighbors: Health care, child care elder care, live-at-home spouses and homemakers, even talking with your neighbors and friends has been replaced with social media.

The cost of birthing and raising a child is even commodified in the health care system.

Is it any wonder why wealthy countries' birthrates are falling? Asides from environmental factors, like microplastics and climate change.

The reasons why the US population is growing are related to immigration: Both directly counting immigrants, and those who still retain enough social capital in their communities to have families.

The so called post-capitalism economy is not productivity growth and making lives better for everyone.

It's making the production of wealth increasingly meaningless for the average person.

It's mining social and middle class wealth into the pockets of the wealthy elite and non-human corporations.

But what happens when the wealth in the mines is all gone?

The Guardian has an international writing staff.

The author of this article, if you click on her name, for example:

Rachel Leingang is a democracy reporter focused on misinformation for Guardian US. She is based in Minneapolis, Minnesota

Here's her LinkedIn, saying she has 10 years of reporting experience after going to the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communications in Arizona for 4 years.

We've done a community migration of /c/anime to ! and lemmy users are incredibly smart (and good looking) so it'll work.

...And that was enough to send him to an early grave... RIP

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Had to double check it’s not an article from The Onion…

Looks like he could use less nutrition himself.


Boo, again I say!

It makes life so much harder for Trans living in parts of the world where Catholicism is still relevant.

Yes, that's happening in all advanced countries due to declining birth rates.

A surprise move from long time Russian-backed Armenia, due to Russia's lack of recent support for its struggle against Turkey-backed Azerbaijan over ethnic cleansing of ethnic Armenians in the Nagorno-Karabakh region.

Those no-disc patches can be sketchy and infected, so watch out!

My preferred way to play games without CDs was virtual disc emulators, so you can store a copy of your game disc on your hard drive, and virtually pop that game's CD image into the virtual drive in when you want to play that specific game.

One good trick with these, is that you don't even need a full copy of the disc: There was some trick to creating a very small disc image that just has enough information to get past the game's copy protection, but it's been well over 2 decades since I did any of that, so you'll have to do your own research.

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That headline didn't come out right...

Most plants survive just fine on their own.

What spraying herbicide like glyphosate does is evolutionarily select for pesticide resistant weeds, aka superweeds. Free gift link for you.

Killing weeds never felt so good!


If a bank sells a mortgage, there obviously has to be a buyer.

Any buyer who does their due diligence is going to see a mortgage on a commercial office property, and weigh the risks of the borrower defaulting on their mortgage, or the borrower not being able to refinance when the mortgage is due.

So given the current environment for commercial offices, any reasonable buyer is going to offer to buy commercial office mortgages at a discount, maybe even at a significant discount, which likely means a financial loss for the bank anyway.

So what's the difference if the bank holds on to the mortgage, and if the borrower defaults, then seizing the building, i.e. the real asset, and auctioning it off for whatever it can get?

Wouldn't the loss on a mortgage default and asset seizure, likely the be about same as the loss as selling to a prospective buyer for the mortgage, a buyer who had properly calculated a discount for the risk into their purchase price?

I don't understand how the Biden administration is so tone deaf.

It's like they don't want to win this year's election or something.

A biographical movie of this guy is going to be... entertaining...

Why? To kill them off faster?