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Joined 1 years ago

I wonder whether the average person is really as retarded as they are made out to be by large corporations.

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I just don't expose myself to the 24h news cycle very much. My life is good, the life of the people around me is good, and nobody is helped by worrying about things I can't change.

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I'm a mind hosted by a brain piloting a bone mecha covered in flesh armor

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10k hefty savings lmao

asks for source below a linkpost

It's like I'm back on reddit

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On at least, there's a very good reason cause the admins are authoritarians. Can't even say "bitch" without it getting removed.

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Keep all the config files of your tools in subdirectories of a git versioned directory and symlink them into their target location (e.g. with GNU stow). If installation of a tool is involved and you expect to have to revisit it, put the steps into an installation bash script and version it as well.

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wdym in school or not. How can they regulate what you do in your own time. surely that must be illegal

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Could also be mineral oil wicking up the cable, there are the absolute madmen who opt for oil immersion cooling their rig

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lmao, $200 per day. For that kind of money I could just as well go on vacation to a developed country.

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Agreed, as long as you handle the HTTPS or VPN setup, and set up any automatic media downloading ( jellyseer, sonarr and radarr and jackett) the end product is certifiably wife approved and works nicely out of the box

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My justification: nobody has stopped me yetšŸ¤·

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So I guess the concept of "death" is now politically incorrect, huh. What a time to be alive.

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Other people's computers. Never forget.

Which is a perfect proxy for me.

For distros I've been mainly looking at Manjaro, Linux Mint or plain old Ubuntu. Can you recommend anything that might fit for me or will I maybe run into any issues with my chosen three?

Like others I would caution against Manjaro, the distro maintainers have shown on multiple occasions that they are not exactly on top of it all.

Ubuntu derivatives are typically great works-out-of-the-box distros. Canonical (the company behind Ubuntu) has made a number of questionable moves with Ubuntu over the years so I would rather suggest going for Linux Mint instead. Mint is based on Ubuntu but IMHO fixes most of these issues.

My main concerns for switching are that I'll have a hard time with university work because we mostly use teams for video conferences and work together with word, and other office stuff.

Since Microsoft Teams is an electron app, it works very well as a web app in a chromium-based browser like Brave or chromium itself, there's no real need to install any separate app. I use it daily that way and I have no issues either with screen sharing, videoconferencing or chat.

Microsoft office is a tougher nut. LibreOffice may or may not work for you - there's a good chance it won't be 100% compatible with existing office documents, and may for example slightly change pre-existing formatting. If that doesn't matter to you, LibreOffice could be completely fine as a replacement. Otherwise, Microsoft Office 365 in the browser works as well on Linux as on Windows, maybe try if that is a workable solution for you in most cases. I find that for me, the web version goes 95% of the way, and for the last 5% I keep a windows 10 VM with Office installed around.

We also are required to do some virtual machine stuff where we use virtualbox.

The de facto standard virtualization solution on Linux is KVM/QEMU, but Virtualbox does appear to exist for Linux, so I don't see a blocker there.

Also I'm a bit worried that some games on uplay, epic and other platforms aren't available anymore.

I don't play much, but I don't think there's a good solution to that. Setting up non-Steam gaming setups on Linux (e.g. via Bottles or Lutris) is IMHO finicky at best. Also, AFAIK a number of online multiplayer games don't work simply because the DRM software refuses to work on Linux. You can check ProtonDB for a database of games and their support on Linux. If there are blockers there, maybe consider a dual-boot setup.

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Russia's invasion of Ukraine made me realize the fundamental wisdom of the saying "Speak softly and carry a big stick".

What else did you expect from Microsoft Linux? They've been taking notes from the best for some time now.

2041 is only 18 years in the future lmao

Sorry you have to find out this way, but your home instance is run by the authoritarian fanboys who build Lemmy and engineered a filtering of "slurs" like bit--ching (modifying it for your benefit as people not from can see the original word) directly into the source code. Vote with your feet against this type of idiocy.

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I'm looking forward to the Kerch Strait pier into nothing

Great question which is not at all a promotion!

I wouldn't know, haven't seen an ad on youtube in like 10 years.

In my country you collect 14 salaries. So yearly salary is just the only sensible way to compare internationally.

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Not for much longer.

I said "", but I appreciate that this post probably did not call for a snarky reply so I suppose the removal is fair.

I can (and do) just read the ~/ssh/.config file if needed, it's quite legible. In most cases however zsh autocompletion does all the heavy lifting for me (ssh ser(tab) -> ssh servername).

Still a cool idea for a script, and if it works well for you more power to you, just saying there's more ergonomic and universally applicable solutions. (Only mentioning this since you said "I couldn't find a decent solution to this problem").

Lemmy core devs found to be left wing extremists, more news at 11.

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If it's something that might actually improve how I live

Don't worry, it's not. Social media is, almost by definition, a detriment to your mental and worst case also physical well being.

I was recently on holiday where most of the other guests in our hotel were 50-70 year old Germans.

The breakfast buffet at our hotel had a large scale coffee maker which could do some surprisingly good freshly ground coffee. What it could also do is spit instant coffee into your mug and pour hot water on top.

In two weeks I never saw someone (other than me) draw anything but fucking instant coffee from that thing.

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any asylum will do

edit: make sure they have a closed ward

That's a great heuristic! I had to learn all of those individually and in part painfully.

Literally who gives a shit about Twitter at this point.

While commuting, I mostly read ebooks, listen to fiction audiobooks or long-form history/pop science podcasts/youtube videos. Depending also on whether I am driving that day or taking the subway. Breaks at work, I just chat with colleagues, and scroll lemmy or the birdsite on toilet breaks.

Found the Romanian.

Eh, I don't know. Maybe have Putin think twice before invading Ukraine. Possibly lock some dude in 2019 Wuhan into a closet for a week.

Any significant change to the timeline further back than like 5 years might 1) mean I'm never born or 2) might really change my life, and I really like my life. So Unless I can wish for my 20 year old self to lock a thumb drive with 1000 bitcoin into a bank safe until today, I think I'm otherwise good.

I mean, ever tried hosting your own email server in ${CURRENT_YEAR}? Might as well write those mails to a thumb drive and throw it out of the window.

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As you freely admit you have no money and seem to have no specific qualifications.

Even with those boxes checked I would never ever consider moving across country without a signed employment contract at the target location. The risks seem insane and completely outsized to me. But if you're a way, way more adventurous type than me, at the very least you'd need enough savings to keep you off the streets for a few months if you are planning to start job hunting only after moving. Anything less would just be stupid.

It will be a cold day in hell when I consider using any software running on Someone Else's Computers (tm) for journalling or note taking. Even less so when there are a number of FOSS, self-hostable, highly configurable and feature-rich solutions out there (I personally am partial to Trilium).

Unless you jump through a crazy number of hoops, your domain just gets blacklisted by every spam filter under the sun.