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Joined 1 years ago

Man, I don't understand this sentiment at all. I don't know what would be different from my setups, but KDE has always been rock solid for me. Back when I used it on Mandrake Linux and today.

OP, might you be an Arch user?

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Just following in the footsteps of the Silk Road's creator on Stack Overflow. The FBI mentioned the post specifically.

Fountain pen writing may look nicer in most scenarios, but in terms of practicality they're awful compared to ballpoints.

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LFS doesn't give you a usable system in practice though. A distribution is nothing without package management.

Gentoo gives you a thorough course in Linux fundamentals, and has lots of other benefits. Forget the mild gains of compiling for your specific CPU, it's really all about the incredible flexibility of Portage.

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I just saw an OwO scrawled in a cargo bin on a commercial flight last week myself.

Cheap cars definitely are more reliable if you pick the right brands. On all the other points it just doesn't make enough of a difference to me to justify the enormous cost increase.

Our $10k used Camry is still kicking ass over ten years later and hasn't ever needed work more extensive than replacing leaking struts. The reliability truly is astounding.

EDIT: But, let's not talk about my camera-buying habits lol

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Whether they need it to federate or not, it's still reasonable to not want an entity as large and powerful as Meta to consume this data. Fuck Meta because it's Meta, which has a history of being particularly heinous with user data.

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And the whole human body, brain and all, can run on ~100 watts. Truly astounding.

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Plus creators get paid more per premium view than per ad-supported view.

The subtlety that people fall into with the YT hate wagon is that yes, Google is shitty and needs to be held accountable for it, but running a video site on that scale like some loving small community simply is not possible.

I love Nebula, the online video ecosystem is much richer for it, but every time I hear people hoping it can materially compete with YT I have to laugh. Not only do their quality controls not scale at all, but YT having such a low barrier to entry for anyone makes it inclusive in a way no curated community can be, especially over the long term. Nebula is literally an offshoot of YT, it won't be the last, and that's part of what's great about YT.

Now, if only we could convince some other conglomerate to light piles of cash on fire for over a decade to bootstrap a proper direct competitor, then Google would be forced to be somewhat less shitty.

They did as a side product, but that's not at all the same thing as dropping the concept entirely.

Don't give Java the credit of inventing bytecode, it's a much cooler concept than that

One thing I haven't heard others mention is fun. The better I get with vim, the more fun I have applying my skills to work efficiently.

I also love that I can use it with a phone keyboard and still remain highly efficient. Being able to SSH into my server on the go and not be terribly hampered in my admin and editing is pretty amazing.

Ubiquitous, powerful, flexible, lightweight, fun: it's a pretty good mix of positives in the tradeoff for vim.

Have you heard the good news about our lord and savior Ruby?

Nope and yep. It's an incredible tool, but it's got a vim-sized learning curve to really leverage it plus other significant drawbacks. Still my beloved one-and-only when I can get away with it, but its a bit of a masochistic acquired taste for sure.

Template tweaking, as I imagine academia heavily relies on, is really the closest to practical it gets. You do still get beautiful results, it's just hard to express yourself arbitrarily without really committing to the bit.

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I feel like part of the impetus for the name change, and perhaps the extreme hype to some extent, came from trying to distance themselves from the Cambridge Analytica scandal.

The Titanic expert diver seemed to act as a tour guide, based on video of a previous excursion.

Entitlement seems to be a fundamemtal human condition. Look at how much traditional women's work is looked down upon. Society is simply not possible without child rearing, yet it is seen as incomparable to wage-generating work.

Sign language is speech, it's just non-verbal speech.

RedReader, love me some barebones functionality.

The rap is the best part!

Just because they can un-burn you at the end doesn't mean your body isn't destroyed when you leave. Even if the atoms were just re-arranged and not converted to energy, you're still getting pureed and then reconstituted. Hard to argue you're not dead when your brain has been completely disassembled.

It may be terrible for some people. If both partners are committed to a union based on undivided devotion, it's a powerful thing indeed.

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The repair cost is ultimately the most significant, that's true.

We'll have to see how statistics play out in the long run: that's where the non-anecdotal evidence for Toyota's supremacy comes from.

Humanity survived ice ages, it's plausible any climate catastrophe will just be a bottlenecking event.

The only meaning is the meaning we forge for ourselves.

There's a bit more subtlety to it than that. The PC architecture that dominates today is a direct descendant of the 1981 IBM Personal Computer, which was made to run DOS and later Wondows. The cultural association makes sense in that context.

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For podcasts and audiobooks and even incidental music listening $10 panasonic buds go the distance for me.

When I'm sitting down to enjoy music at home, then it's the $80 sony studio monitors. Still excellent value.

Give me my headphone socket back, phone makers :(

In between waiting for new games from season one, don't forget to check out all the cool free games and ports you can sideload from! I love the port of the original Celeste.

The playdate is not meant to replace an emulator and buckets of roms. It's its own game console with lots of great new games made by passionate devs.

I've played more of the 24 pack-in games than I've ever spent time actually playing with the multiple emulator station consoles I've set up over the years. I love seeing what new games devs put out on the catalog, too. No in-app-purchases or any such BS, so devs just have to try and make a game that's worth your couple bucks up front.

The creative constraints of the 1-bit color and limited inputs push games in fun directions too. The crank is amazing as an analog rotation input, which has been missing from game consoles since the early 80s. Steering and aiming with the crank is so fluid and intuitive that it really adds to immersion.

It's not the kind of thing everyone's going to get $200 of value out of, but if it happens to be up your alley its truly incredible.

It doesn't warrant it to your taste, but people like it. I don't get your point beyond saying that people shouldn't prefer it because you don't.

So they're "very useful", but shouldn't exist?

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I adore Fossil as well. Having simple tools like a wiki and tickets built into each repo is rad.

Is it surprising that people might miss that, though? Especially if they don't already agree with the antifascist message.

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I don't think they'd be so popular if they weren't useful.

Why should the user be required to reinstall their whole OS? I don't think they are: it seems relatively straightforward to change DEs on Ubuntu at least.

On the other hand, if someone knows they want Ubuntu with KDE, why should they have to go through a regular Ubuntu install just to do the post configuration themselves? Plus, maintainers of these offshoot distros can potentially more deeply remove dependency on the default DE.

I think focusing on differences in system software is less illustrative than looking at the out-of-the-box user experience and capabilities. A changed DE is a pretty huge practical difference.

This line of thought does really underscore how nebulous the definition of an operating system really is. Pour one out for GNU being totally subsumed culturally by a Kernel that everyone sees as an OS.

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Memorizing chords is conceptually simpler than taking on a modal mindset. I sure got pissed at insert mode plenty of times while I was learning vim.

Thankfully this was during my college masochistically-acquiring-skills-that-make-me-feel-cool phase where I was also learning LaTeX, so I just focused on the future gainz. I'm so glad I did on both counts.

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When I did a homestay in Japan, my host dad was shocked my family didn't have one. I do now though!

What got you onto Linux so early? Wasn't it much less practically useful than BSDs at that point?

Me too! Even just the fact that only false and nil are falsey is enough for me to prefer Ruby. Being able to use ||= as an idiomatic one-time initializer is rad. Python's OOP bothers me in a lot of ways compared to Ruby as well. And don't get me started on Ruby's blocks. . .

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Man, I was tempted to stay on reddit when RR got exempted. But, you know, "First they came for the proprietary clients. . ."

I am proud of QuantumBadger, though, for helming such an excellent no-nonsense app that even Spez couldn't justify killing it.

Have you tried straight everclear? Having only tried a shot once, I'd put this plan closer to torture than fun lol.