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Joined 3 weeks ago

this week the chat has all been “Mozilla are going in the wrong direction , They’re selling out, they using AI, they’re hiring ad experts”. - all over xitter all over lemmy.

Now someone dug up this old story about teixeira Suing them, because he claims they demoted him because of cancer. A

With the scarcity of facts available at this stage , one thing we know is that both AI and advertising were championed by…. Texeira - ex of Microsoft, twitter and Facebook.

So, an alternate but equally plausible narrative, might be “Teixeira strayed to far into commercialisation, received a shitty performance review, and got moved out of his role”

10 years

Thanks and get lost.

It’s obviously orchestrated

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I guess hating Mozilla is very much in fashion. The tech chatterati have made it so.

They’ll move on, as they always do. I just hope Firefox is still here.

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A good project manager doubles your number an adds 20% anyway.

Triples it if you are working more than one project.!

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Food delivery.

I never imagined a delivery service for restaurants with drive-thru would take off .

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I realised that it was my bias as car owner.

A good lesson about how all can have blind spots.

Like ransom ware

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If your front door gets kicked in, this is why.

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Regular riots in Northern Ireland. ?

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My man.

Late 80s !

Only novice PMs do that and believe it or not, the project manager carries the can for failure .

You say we could.

Why haven’t we ?

In Northern Ireland?

Where did you hear that then ?

And mod bots to remove them it seems

As it turned out, I became an adult and a parent.

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A bit smug. It’s a crushing victory over the critics and doubters.

Actually yes, my wife bought 6 outdoor chairs this summer (and a matching table) but we didn’t really get the weather to use them.

You invented what now ?!

It’s a been a long long time since I was dating, anyone who turns you down and says “sorry you’re too thin” is best avoided to say the least.

In fact I’m having a difficult time believing you keep hearing it, because it’s so rude.

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I suspect if you took the total number of inmates I then subtracted those who have not threatened him n then :

Total death threats = i - n

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Most of fmhy is free stuff.

Laughs in AIPAC

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Welcome news, with the caveats others have highlighted. E-ink is still quite expensive for reasons I dont understand. Someone said there were only a couple of manufacturers.

Cheap (and by that I mean rubbish) 10” tablets are available for under £30 in china, but if you want e-ink it’s at least double .

Yeah I can’t figure it out. All those gun rights. You’d think they’d do more with them

Is there no method of self policing for the judiciary or legal profession?

This is scarcely believable

Don’t need this shit on my feed.

Funny how no one mentions that . Just the usual reactionary bulshit,

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The only meme that matters this morning.

It’s like the media is playing catch up - on slo mo.

Vance was picked for Trump, not picked by Trump

Hey isnt that the money for Ukraine ?!


Vance attempts to hide long time confirmed backer Peter Thiel.

Not news though, is it ?

News is Twitter doing something honest.

But everyone continues to spread rage bait

Oh yeah the right wing Classicists are vibrating in their libraries.

I can never tell if it’s new gen z word or a spasm of some sort

Sure . Everyone has a strong opinion on abortion - because its both binary and emotive.

But 630,000 abortions were performed in 2019, on a population of 330,000,000.

Which I think is about 0.2% of Americans.

So assuming when you vote you are voting to improve your own situation or for a better America., and whether you are pro life or pro choice, should this be the No.1 issue on the card for most people ?

When you stack it against universal health care, or getting the federal minimum wage to $20, or school meals, or fracking, or taxation , it doesn’t come close in terms of number of people affected.

This is no way to belittle the trauma experienced by those directly affected by it.

It is just to illustrate how emotive and polemic issues are used to divide the electorate and avoid them voting in unison on other, arguably bigger issues .

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Well it’s a good point - my math is not bad but it is limited, as you have shown.

However, I wouldn’t rush to support your effort to amortise the issue over such a broad cross section of the electorate and certainly not to speculate about a lifetime impact.