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Joined 1 years ago

The article says she let another person use her card for a fee.

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some partitions are useful. Keeping /var and /tmp separate can stop DoS attacks by now allowing logs to fill the entire drive /home means you can wipe the / partition and keep user data.

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He has no cash, it's all tied up in real estate. He would have to sell to get the bond money.

Probably could get a 'donor' to purchase though.

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Shocked Picachu

I found the easiest way to think about it as if there are 10 doors, you choose 1, then 8 other doors are opened. Do you stay with your first choice, or the other remaining door? Or scale up to 100. Then you really see the advantage of swapping doors. You have a higher probability when choosing the last remaining door than of having correctly choosen the correct door the first time.

Edit: More generically, it's set theory, where the initial set of doors is 1 and (n-1). In the end you are shown n-2 doors out of the second set, but the probability of having selected the correct door initially is 1/n. You can think of it as switching your choice to all of the initial (n-1) doors for a probability of (n-1)/n.

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22 obviously

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It's for the rest of this funding year. Seems like a ridiculous add-on.

My oldest did have to take a personal finance class in high school (last year) and did cover things like retirement saving and different methods of. I think some places are trying.

Edit: I, on the other hand, had your experience.

There is a secret command you can do to setup without Internet. But they hide it on the startup command line.

On the “Oops, you’ve lost internet connection” or “Let’s connect you to a network” page, use the “Shift + F10” keyboard shortcut.

In Command Prompt, type the OOBE\BYPASSNRO command to bypass network requirements on Windows 11 and press Enter.

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Ok, better put, it's non-liquid. It's all tied up in over inflated investments. 😀

There are more infinite real numbers between 0 and 1 than whole numbers.




It's a network level ad-blocker by blocking at the DNS level.

It was originally meant to run on a raspberry pi, but will run in docker or other Linux os as well. Very light weight and a great self-host project. Been running for years and support via patreon.

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Interesting to see last.fm, am I missing something?

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But the issue is that by switching doors, you have a 66% chance of winning, it doesn't drop to 50% just because there are 2 doors, it's still 33% on the first door, 66% on the other doors (as a whole), for which we know one is not correct and won't choose.

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Don't confuse this guy with ontological questions.

This is straight truth table level stuff.

Could also be going to sleep for power saving.

B can still be true when a is false. iff means that b can only be true when a is true.

Also, the equivalent statement is.

vehicle if and only if car.


car only if vehicle

since a truck is a vehicle, the statement is false.

Somewhat wrong above:

A B a iff b





look online for truth tables.

Stone Temple Pilots + Meat Puppets at William and Mary Hall. Sweetness.

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I used Rocky 9 at home for a while. I think I had an emergency with a disk and had to install fedora because it's all I had. I also use Rocky 8 workstations at work without any problem.

I could easily slip back to Rocky over Fedora no problem. But I don't game or do anything except serve ipa.

Edit: and yes these were/are my daily driver desktops.

Remnant 2 looks to be silver

Easily, I went from through several gen of pi and now run it on docker on my Synology.

As mentioned, it's just a DNS server (at its core) and can actually make things faster as you will no longer download ads.

There are some getting used to things. Some url shorteners (constant contact) don't work and sponsored Google search results won't work. But the QOL is worth it.

you aren't talking about the Monty Hall problem then

How is there always an xkcd for something?

Might be in reference to snap stores.

This is fedora, I would stick with firewalld.

sudo dnf install firewalld

sudo systemctl enable --now firewalld

sudo firewalld-cmd --add-service --permanent ssh

sudo firewalld-cmd --add-service --permanent https

sudo firewalld-cmd --add-service --permanent http

sudo systemctl restart firewalld

yes/no. it is a single recording (song). Not sure it has to be a 'single'. as maybe some bands/people may not put out a single.

I was just looking it up.

record goes to all involved (writer/produced/engineer)

Song of the year goes to the song writer.


maybe it should be pronounced like recording of the year.

I have a 2019 car and I think it's now a warning light, but I do have a useless gauge for what my current mpg is that I would gladly swap with.

Totally thought it was the one in MD

sure, 7 months ago

I would assume that's something in the bios settings if it exists. But I could be wrong.

Maybe this: https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?t=371122

Yeah, basically your DE will be the default of the distro. I've never had good luck with KDE above Centos 7. But I'm good with Gnome. I'm not saying it's not possible, but it's not worth my time and effort personally.

Also, Not (A XOR B)