
1 Post – 73 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Russian NPC's aka general population: "Must've been the wind"

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When you're such a bitchass corrupt sore loser that legal experts need to clear the dusty cobwebs off ancient scrolls and navigate new legal waters because you decided to be the first brainlet to violate laws that no one before you was stupid and unpatriotic enough to even consider attempting.

Russia lost as soon as they failed to complete their stated "objectives" as fast as they arrogantly thought they would as they mixed up cosplaying as a superpower with actually being one. They're no longer able to meaningfully "win" in Ukraine and with each passing day their position only weakens, while Ukraine gets stronger. The only question now is how badly Russia's going to lose.

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Shhh go back to eating the crayons

These people are beyond regarded.

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But does he pinky swear?

Only malarkey here is your comment, their military and the ruble are in shambles.

I'm always impressed at how technology has evolved enough to allow people as retarded as you to manage navigating the internet to type braindead shit like this

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~5% of the US's military budget worth of mostly old equipment was enough to halt Ruzzia. But keep coping all you want vatnik.

It's also not fair that Russian players get to practice and train in peace, while Ukrainian players have to deal with all of the consequences of the invasion.

Ghostrunner, Singularity, Dusk

Can also add old to the criminal dictator.

Most nuance a slobbering vatnik is capable of

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To take it for granted, given the source, is more naïve.

This is why brainlet teens shouldn't be allowed to vote

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China's great leap and the soviet famine alone take you more than half way there using the higher estimates (now add gulags, red terror, etc...) might not get exactly to 100, but it's not so far off to qualify meaningfully as a lie (unless you're speaking to a braindead tankie).

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They never have any propositions, all they can do is spam "america bad" while masturbating to Stalin or something

Most voted guilty for impeachment. What do you make of that?

All one has to do to make a vatnik cry is ask: if the ~12 villages that Ukraine has recaptured during the counter-offensive is a "failure" then how tf do you describe what the fascist ruzzians have done in the past year? The last win for the orcs was bakhmut, which was thanks to wagner, who've been destroyed in exchange. Battle of Kyiv, Kharkiv, Kherson... Ruzzians have done almost nothing except eat shit from the beginning.

Might want to read on the basics of how vaccines work and maybe the flu vaccines as an example, before saying dumb shit like this.

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Newsweek isn't terrible (https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/newsweek), but sources like reuters or associated press are usually more reliable.

Homophobic? Nah, it's just an accurate description of your vatnik love for ruzzia

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You don't have to be ruzzian to be a vatnik brainlet. Saying a "crime is a crime" doesn't add anything, it isn't a big reveal retard. Like I said, what nuance can one expect from the average braindead vatnik.

"To kill in self defence is still killing 🤓" wow I'm so glad we have an enlightened dimwit to highlight the intricacies of language

They usually come packaged together. You'll have a hard time naming democratic liberal communist countries/leaders.

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Sanders opposed aid to Israel. Republicans are the sellouts sucking off Putin.

Yes, homophobic.

You're the one assuming cocksucking is derogatory.

Where did I defend Russia?

Anyone repeating kremlin talking points like zelensky "doing coke" is just another kremlin gremlin, whether they know it or not. But it's hilarious to see vatniks pretend to care about homophobia lmao

I'll clarify, I'm not saying it's impossible that F16 are already shooting shit down there these past days. The storm shadow was also officially announced practically at the same time it already was pulverising vatniks. I'm just saying there's no solid proof yet that this is the case. Yes, the Danish advisor is still currently speculating even if he turns out to be correct.

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Yeah, my homophobia goes full Russian lmao

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Passed with more ease than Ukraine's even...

alt+f4 yourself vatnik donkey

lmao yes, but the cringe of this post has taken its spot

Is the source for this www.pulledoutofyourass.com or?

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Promise of what though? Boring "gameplay"?

They all work against the strain they're intended for, just like the flu shots. What don't you understand?

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If the press he gets is mainly how badly he's doing in the trials then fair enough

Nobody's a bigger loser than the hammer and sickle simps

By not obsessing about maybe offending people who are definitely not reading my comment.

Think it's safe to assume at this point that they're not there yet, unfortunately.