
1 Post – 272 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

"Blue triton" that's interesting let look into that.... it's Nestle

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You literally have the most expensive possible options for every single one of those

40 more...

I assure you you can. The payment would have to cover all of the child's needs plus a bit more but you definitely can.

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No. There is a 1/100 percent chance you are serious so I need to make it clear. No don't do it.

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The problem with what happened in 2005 is that the director pressured them into revealing themselves. Although I am confused as to how this was found out in the first place

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I'm gonna be real with you mammals didn't even exist 250 million years ago. That's how much evolution has happened. In 250 million more, mammals will continue to evolve,

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Hamas is elected via a minority of Gaza as a result Hamas doesn't act with the will of the majority and calling this the Israeli-Gaza war is disingenuous to the people of Gaza.

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I would say " well now I will", but I already do this

Maybe because they are kids? I can assure you I am better at detecting misinformation than my previous generation. I don't want to be that guy, but kids are still learning, until they experience it they don't understand what to do. No one wastes their time on Roblox ranting about mind control vaccines

How the fuck do you end up owing millions of dollars to lawyers after 2-3 years? And at some point he was paying them so I don't even want to know what the total has been

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Unlimited is unlimited. It's what was advertised. I am sorry Dropbox failed to look up the word before using it in marketing. The customers are using it as the advertising said it could be. Not the fault of the customer for using to product as intended.

No way did you put shlatt there

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Boomers wouldn't admit to falling to a scam

Because not chromium

Ding Ding Ding!!! We have ourselves a winner!!!

Bad land management is just as much of a cause for fires as climate change. This is why the fires in the Amazon are so bad as well. Grass lights much easier than trees and shrubs do. However once a fire is established, it will light everything up. The worst part is once the Forest is burned it is often replacef with grassland because it develops faster than forests, leading to a negative feedback loop of more grassland to cause fires to burn away forests

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Lemmy: how do you feel about people taking the most popular posts from reddit and reposting them as new stuff?

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I will say homeschooling can be a good teaching style.... With oversight. I am slightly biased because I was home schooled through the 7th grade. My mom wasn't a religion nut, I was homeschooled because the regular public school didn't have the to services for my IEP. So I went to a Charter home school program that had what I needed. To be honest I think I turned out far better than I would have at any regular school.

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The only reason this is being talked about is because he was a billionaire. Boo hoo poor guy stole 7billion Dollars, and now can't have the lifestyle he was used to

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My god, they're becoming alien ants

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That's absolutely hilarious. It's like people don't know how Lemmy works

Considering Street Fentanyl and Carfentanyl yeah. Believe it or not ( I can't believe I am saying this) plant based opiates are weaker and therefore safer than the synthetic stuff. The removal of the weaker stuff leads to an increase in risk for addiction to synthetic opiates across the world

Times a changin' old man better keep up before you get left behind.

Ok it may not violate the gag order because to my knowledge threats again the AG are not covered. However that is a separate crime

It's only catastrophically low in traditionally "western" countries. the world's population is still growing. It appears immigration is now a requirement to grow the economy. How interesting.

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Ok but who figured that out and ate an explosive in the first place?

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Because 12 of them will only elect a maga one.

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You see we could find a way to stop gasoline from being so explosive by testing and researching new ideas, or we could dump lead into it because it's cheap. Guess what was done?

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Here's why your apps are failing. You don't have proper ratios. When women are outnumbered 2 to 1 that means about 33% of the user base can't use the app as intended. That's why you are losing users

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Your lying, this is the first result

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Crazy coming from a man who's unofficial job description is " kissing ass and sucking dick of board members"

You see, if she is available people will probably decide she isn't worth the headache of competing with others. If you deal will someone that is taken you will get a very different headache ( skull fracture)

Because O doesn't like to exist. O~2~ is simply more stable. A

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Damn. New version already?

It's lemmygrad. I don't have a link because I don't have interest in the lack of neuron activity in that instance

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They use a different version of it though, while based on the original they don't only use it. You can't claim only part of a intellectual work. That's why Winnie the pooh in blood and honey is allowed, because its different from the Disney verison

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Really? Again???? Mad enough to post a 700+ document, can't do a protest of the game. War thunder players are something else

That's not suspicious at all. One of probably the most fair news sites, and Israel wants to remove them... Uh oh.

Honestly surprised no one uses panda in papers

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Fun fact I have seen both a story that someone in Romania was told they were legally dead dispite being to in the room to actively dispute the case. And a story from new Orleans where the morgue said they didn't have someone that they had

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Canada..... You better pop that motherfucker

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???? Mate you need to read something. I suggest starting with Cocomelon books. Since you clearly don't understand half the words you have used.