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Joined 1 years ago

just another anarchist

The government has way too much influence over children already. Governments could do so much for children that would actually benefit them (better education, free lunch at school, better public libraries, ensure no kids are starving because of poor parents, no wars in foreign countries, whatever) but instead they use children to increase their control over people.

Around 2010 there was this "pledge" where a website people basically collected a list of things they'd require in order to stop pirating tv shows and movies and I think it came down to:

Provide easy access to large library Provide multi language support, must offer original language Allow downloads/offline viewing Be reasonably priced

Plus some additional stuff I can't remember.

When Netflix got big, they basically covered it all. Then everyone wanted a piece of the pie.

Back to piracy then. 15$ for put.io βœ¨πŸ™

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I always have Tor installed and I often use it instead of incognito browser sessions when researching stuff. It's sometimes slow and Cloudflare made it a lot more annoying to use than ~5-10 years ago, but I'm glad it exists.

I'm sure it's still more useful to US interests though, or it wouldn't be funded anymore.

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Pocket knife/multitool.

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All this defederation drama reminds me of the old 90s/2000s forum days where communities where split into ever smaller groups over rather banal disagreements until you had like dozens of forums with ever smaller userbases and various grades of moderation policies and technical capabilities, often leading to complete data lass after some admins noticed that there's actual work behind running internet services for lots of users. I worry the Fediverse is headed in a similar direction, though I hope I'm wrong.

Pulling out the banhammer and limiting almost 10k users for a disagreement between admins feels childish, imho. They could've just as well blocked just the admin of firefish.social from interacting with mastodon.art users. If I were on mastodon.art, I'd be migrating to space with saner administration.

Edit: Clarity.

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I wish this was more of a Single Sign-On approach instead of making it easier to just create a Pixelfed-account from a Mastodon account. It's dope that it's even attempting to find Mastodon accounts I follow who are also on Pixelfed in order to just easily follow them.

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Uhm, aren't all questions raised in that text completely on point?

I'm as far left as it gets but none of these expenses make any sense to me. The CEO pay is bonkers. Wtf are they doing? Why does the CEO deserve to basically collect the entirety of donations for... basically just extending a cash cow deal with Google?

I don't give a damn if the author is on the right but so far this looks sus as fuck.

Firefox being as good and fast as it is probably more an accomplishment of individual teams inspite of company leadership and that should be called out.

Can't sell yourself as the underdog if you're got almost half a billion in assets.

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Can confirm, though it's unlikely to be some piracy check. The epub just has a couple of errors that might make it difficult for Amazon's server-side epub parsing implemention:

$ epubcheck ~/Downloads/nietzsche-a-guide-for-the-perplexed-r-kevin-hill--annas-archive.epub
ERROR(RSC-005): ./Downloads/nietzsche-a-guide-for-the-perplexed-r-kevin-hill--annas-archive.epub/index_split_003.html(172,403): Error while parsing file: element "blockquote" incomplete; expected element "address", "blockquote", "del", "div", "dl", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "hr", "ins", "noscript", "ns:svg", "ol", "p", "pre", "script", "table" or "ul" (with xmlns:ns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg")
ERROR(RSC-005): ./Downloads/nietzsche-a-guide-for-the-perplexed-r-kevin-hill--annas-archive.epub/toc.ncx(62,42): Error while parsing file: playOrder sequence has gaps
Check finished with errors
Messages: 0 fatals / 69 errors / 0 warnings / 0 infos

Unfortunately I couldn't find any other epub versions. Though I just discovered the Kindle ePub fix project and converted the ePub to a fixed version using the en language tag. That seems to work because the book just showed up in my Kindle library. :)

  • Maccy for clipboard history management via simple shortcuts
  • Stats for useful system metrics in the menubar
  • LM Studio for easily exploring open source Large Language Models
  • NoTunes to get rid of Apple Music launching when you connect your headphones
  • Bitwarden for multi-platform password management
  • Rectangle for keyboard-based window management
  • Homebrew if you're a developer/sysadmin/command line user
  • Fluent Reader to subscribe to RSS feeds
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It's only bad when China does it.

Why would anyone trust anything this guy says or claims?

Let me throw my seedbox into the ring. :)

Active Edge, which LG originally came up with and that Google adopted with the Pixel 2. Of course they dropped it after a few devices.

It was basically a button/key press that you could configure to trigger actions by firmly applying pressure with you hands around the lower third of your phone. It gave a very satisfying haptic vibration response based on the amount of pressure you applied and you could even set the amount of pressure until it was triggered. It had something magickal about it.

If you're interested in the tech: https://www.idownloadblog.com/2017/10/19/google-pixel-2-teardown-ifixit/

Most of our historical narratives were invented by a few Western elites (nobility, priests, scholars) about 400-450 years ago.

(Basically Fomenko's New chronology.)

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Gained access to the school's domain admin account and fucked with th teachers remotely via Tor.

Wanted to access the teachers calendar because he was a fucking Nazi and stumbled upon VPN credentials to a government-run education network and could've leaked hundreds of thousands of pupil's personal data and school grades but decided against it and shared with admins how I got in and told them how to fix it. Never got into his calendar though. 😢

I think the current discussion is a good example showing that it's not as black and white, and definitely not easy, as you make it out to be.

The problem isn't that they're spending money on political causes and I wouldn't even expect them to do some false balance bs where they'd spend money on left and right wing politics, but spending money on political causes with almost zero transparency (like what do orgs do with the money, how effective are they, are they actually aligned with certain values, who is involved in these orgs, etc) seems fishy as fuck.

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It's because they're corrupt and young people are just as susceptible to lobbyists bribes, unfortunately. The gerontocracy doesn't make things better though, that's for sure.

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I remember how maglev was supposed to be the future when I was growing up but most European projects went way over budget and were eventually scrapped so I'm really happy to see that the Chinese finished this thing and that it actually works and delivers in terms of speed.

This feels so much more futuristic than boring tunnels.

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That'd be useless though, because first, it'd probably opt-in via configuration settings and even if it wasn't, people would just fork and modify the code base or simply switch to another ActivityPub implementation.

We're not gonna fix society using tech unless we're all hooked up to some all knowing AI under government control.

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chromeOS meets early KDE4. Weird. I don't like Windows 11 either so but I managed to get rid of most of the crap. Should've gone for Windows 10 on my gaming machine but since I use Ubuntu 99% of the time, it's not worth the effort. At least I figured out how to install and use Windows 11 without a Microsoft account. I'd rather depend on Steam on Linux than use a computer with a Microsoft account hooked in.

I'm seriously wondering if we've hit rock button in terms of UI flatness.

Not being forced to use Windows or having to hope that Ubuntu works, battery life, raw SoC performance, good keyboards (after they fixed the duds from 2016-2020), best trackpads in town, good quality apps, native Unix shell?

I was really looking into buying the Framework laptop but apart from that, everything seemed to be more or less crap (for my use cases) if you don't want to deal with Thinkpads.

And she was right because if people really cared they'd protest until it stops and they don't so they passively consent.

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Not touching that, nope.

β€œOne should respect public opinion insofar as is necessary to avoid starvation and keep out of prison, but anything that goes beyond this is voluntary submission to an unnecessary tyranny.”

  • Bertrand Russell

Buy large property, create an anarchist commune, build Earthships and similar housing out of sustainable recycled material, setup public gathering spaces, spa areas, perhaps stuff like rooms for artists, musicians, workshops, etc. Grow weed, shrooms and veggies, have some animals living in relative freedom and perfect health.

Ensure everything is weather proof based on location's projected future climate, build water/heating/energy infrastructure (solar, wind), offer each building as rent-to-buy, keep growing the community and make sure to plan for the day the government gets scared and sends in their death squads.

Basically something like Kristiania in Copenhagen but bigger and more focused on sustainability and land mass, so probably outside of major cities.

Addendum: Would be a good idea to make it impossible to have this grown into an insane religious cult though. 🌚

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Yeah, sure, there are no stockpiles hidden somewhere by secret services or criminal enterprises. πŸ€”

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Politicians blame each other as historic spending cuts hit areas including health, childcare and education.

Thanks for dumping a 100 billion euro into the military industrial complex though.

Musk is being an immature crybaby again, but there's a certain pattern of Facebook/Meta hiring execs who used to work on competing products only to gain an insight perspective on their competitors' plans by milking them for insider information.

They did the same when Google+ launched.

Did it really make him look weak, though? He's consolidated the military under the MoD umbrella, his comradery with Lukashenko likely improved, the West is admitting that Ukraine is running out of ammo (thus the cluster ammunition) and he (or rather Lukashenko) has a strong private army close to the Ukrainian border, about 90km from Kiev.

The only people claiming his weakness were some Western officials and the press and both haven't been particularly trustworthy nor well informed in their assessments of the situation thus far.

Edit: Not to forget that Prigozhin made it clear that his problems weren't with Putin but with MoD leadership/Shoigu.

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More power to you comrade.

Thanks for sharing your knowledge and providing new data points instead of just coming up with reasons to assume my questions had malintent. Appreciated!

Love Grafana, especially the new UI. Great work, man. :)

GrapheneOS itself doesn't use it, but all apps can access the Neural Core functionality and other parts of the Tensor SoC, according to this text: https://grapheneos.org/usage#google-camera

The researchers can't be taken seriously if they don't acknowledge that you can't force free software to do something you don't want it to.

Even if we started way down at the stack and we added a CSAM hash scanner to the Linux kernel, people would just fork the kernel and use their own build without it.

Same goes for nginx or any other web server or web proxy. Same goes for Tor. Same goes for Mastodon or any other Fedi/ActivityPub implementation.

It. Does. Not*. Work.

* Please, prove me wrong, I'm not all knowing, but short of total surveillance, I see no technical solution to this.

"Things are the way they are."


Same here. I'm using Syncthing to keep states synched between my MacBook and Pixel. All I'm missing is a shared grocery list for me and my girlfriend.

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They shut down last month.

Dead Internet Theory is a thing.