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Joined 11 months ago

If the world is round, why are my tits flat? Checkmate libtards!


In which fundamentalist hell hole is that an unpopular idea?

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If other nations can have billionaires and we can't, and our country is vast and rich, we will be at a disadvantage.

The WANT of money is corrupting itself. Actually having the money itself is not needed. People who want money will destroy your little system, and throw your country into chaos, ruination and poverty, united by a conspiracy of common interests.

I would rather just regulate what needs regulating, within reason, with a gentle hand, and only a strong hand with the worst of violations. For the record, I would be much harsher than the us has tended to be when it comes to pollution, etc.

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Milk chocolate on greasy pepperoni pizza is delicious and fuck your mother!

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Honestly? I'm wondering where all the quality Reddit posters ended up. Some Lemmy comments are even worse than the ones on Reddit, although the lack of gag posts is refreshing.

I'd give loopholes for good works and define them specifically

If you really do mean no exceptions then that is genuinely an unpopular view.

Once Firefox lost session manager and downthemall, it was dead to me.

Nowadays I use edge. All the benefits of chrome plus it's leaner.

I use kiwi browser on phones for the addons, and because it's faster than Firefox

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Are the poor buying new cars? With a greater supply of evs, the poor will buy used evs which require less maintenance, other than new batteries that can be financed.

EDIT: to be fair, you used to be able to buy a used foreign car for $500 (foreign for reliability) and even the cheapest ev (with actual usable range) costs 10 times as much, mostly because of the battery. The fuel costs are lower but the up front costs are higher.

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You'll just end up like China with millions of undocumented children, mostly women. Children who are local get to go to school as long as they are registered to live with a local family, so there is no impediment there. Also you will have tremendous flouting of the law unless you create a perfect sterilizing agent that is reversible and deploy it en masse.

I think that happened under Trump. If it really was last year she should have declared a state of emergency and have Biden send in the feds to clean house.

Trump wasn't even willing to take care of wildfires on federal land, but an extreme case of blue flu, or whatever the hell you call it when you feign incompetence so severe that they are letting red handed murderers go on their own recognizance (Asian targets, black criminal, suddenly the court finds it's clemency), demands a clean out. Eliminate the cop gangs and provide 24h security for the governor and da.

Biden has been a disappointment in some areas and a welcome surprise in others but his inability to address bad policing is one of the disappointments. The thing is, the administration is usually powerless to act unless their aid is specifically requested.

I'm glad the ceo at the time was wise enough to recognize what she had and made the os open source, and still somehow managed to sell it in the end. Web os lives on tvs now, although many of it's benefits are wasted there.

I'm upvoting because this should actually be unpopular. Intrusive ads are bad but less intrusive ones let you know who the patrons are of the otherwise highly expensive services you enjoy. That all of this gets paid for with ad money is nothing less than a miracle.

If you don't want to see ads then don't give them your notice! I like being informed when new products go to market.

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None of these are unpopular takes other than the first one. It's no one's business who you fuck. We have no fault divorce for those who want out for any reason. The state doesn't care about why you divorce, and it seems like many successful people have multiple families so it also seems like it wouldn't be too difficult to trip past that either.

Edit: the climate change one is also unpopular since all that will happen is the loss of diversity and people who live near the shore will have to move inland. There will be more extreme weather events but it's not like we're going to turn into Venus. Things are just going to get more expensive and classist and racist.

Seems like a slam dunk contingency case

You missed out on an obvious joke, fee fee for your fee fees :p

They want freedom from accountability, like King Leopold's congo free state.

Generally when the us is hated it is intruding against democratic forces

User experience beats everything else. It sounds like some essential components were never finished

Can I have it? :D

I don't know that they're actually afraid. I think they are just signaling group affiliation and have chosen to side with the bosses.

Religion. Creatureliness and givenness is a direct reference to creationism and is meant to be a conversation ender. No matter what it is you want, they can say God didn't intend it and that's the end of the conversation unless you want to discuss your hatred of God instead.

Of course it's only certain people who only speak from self serving intuitions who get to decide what is natural and what is the creators will. Somehow it's always something that serves their own ego, imagine that... almost like God is some bullshit they made up to distract from their lack of good arguments.

They want to conserve hierarchies, but only certain ones, and will work to create them if they do not already exist.

Don't like the news? Don't click on it.

This is entirely different from ranting about Obama under a recipe for peach cobbler

Define porn.

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As long as you keep it in your own family instead of pruning your neighbors tree...

Knowing that family is safe sound and happy and wants to see me as much as I want to see them is a pretty big boost, as is working towards a thing that I value and respect. It's not very exciting but it is happy.

It's the network effect. Many industry leaders are already here so everyone else wants to be also.

The real estate / rent prices are so insane that it is already affecting malls and smaller shops but it's still not causing the real estate market to draw down. In fact if anything the continued trend of prices rising higher and higher only attracts more demand.

The high costs really are kind of insane. Even before COVID. I honestly don't know what the solution is or if it's actually preferable to have high costs but also a tremendous amount of money coming into the state from continued interest in Californian real estate.

I remember when a city wanted 1 million dollars to construct an outhouse. At that price, with that level of graft, the voters thankfully voted against it.

If we can't even get an outhouse built, what does that spell for larger projects?

We pay so much just for the real estate / rent and so much in taxes and what does it get us?

My uncle got fined for installing his own solar panels (although this happened over a decade ago). Honestly the state gets a lot of things right but when it gets things wrong it gets them infuriatingly wrong, and for the amount of money we are spending this shit shouldn't be happening. I have no problem paying for an administrative state, as long as it administrates!

Recently we found out that over 300 physical assaults against Asian seniors were all done by one guy, which honestly I don't even know if that's true or not, and the implications in either case are terrible. One guy who was arrested for stabbing a senior citizen in the neck was released into his own recognizance and he ended up successfully murdering another senior citizen within 24h of his release. Of course, black perp Asian victim, so no surprise the justice system suddenly finds clemency. We will shoot black toddlers for playing with a toy gun but if it's a black person stabbing Asian senior citizens in the neck, suddenly this is a precious creature who must be protected.

Another recent headline grabber is when they eliminated the sats as a criteria for college admissions. That one really pissed me off, as someone who absolutely hated homework and was too timid to ask someone else to do it but who aced all the tests. They got rid of the sats but they will introduce a new test in 2025?!! They should have the new test ready before they eliminate the old test! Leaving admissions fully in the hands of incompetent teachers is so fucking stupid that it could only be intentional.

These past few years have really clarified for me that I think I identify best with social Democrats and not with actual leftists and certainly not with right leaning saboteurs. I don't mind giving the underprivileged a voice or giving them accommodations, but certain govt services are necessary and we need them to work.

Your post may have just convinced me to try ddg. My problem with Google is that increasingly it does not give me what I am looking for and instead gives me what it thinks I should want. From your description it sounds like ddg is what Google used to be.

Looks more reminiscent of the warthog from Halo 1

Ro-butts! And govt procured provisions purchased in bulk if money is tight.

In the 1920s, many Americans who were put to work could not be paid because 'the govt had no money' but from remembrances of those who lived, they never ate better. I'm talking multiple huge fried pork chops per person, etc, but no spending money. It should cost even less to feed seniors, though I'd worry about the diet becoming too inflammatory.

After a grey out in the weight room, I lost my fear of death when, I realized that when I die, I'll be the last person to know about it.

It's unfortunate what our descendants will have to endure but we can do our best to prepare them for it!

privacy focused ... called qwant


The holodomor as it is reported in the West appears to be a myth. There was a widespread famine where more Kazakhs and Russians died than Ukrainians, and the USSR did try to send Ukraine provisions but not enough. Also there is under reporting in the West of kulaks burning their fields instead of giving them up to the govt. Stalin even thought the West might have been responsible but that seems to just be Stalin being Stalin.

That's not exactly a genocide, just more incompetence as usual.

The man whose work is most often cited has been refuted by his own wife and the initial publishing came with doctored photos that he removed when they were called out.