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People want revolutionaries under constant oppression and inequality to fight a "fair, modern war" against one of the most well-funded militaries in the region.

Are people stupid? Palestine, unlike Ukraine, doesn't have the privilege of fighting an equal war.

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Sounds like it's a problem that could be unilaterally solved by the US limiting military aid to Israel instead of propping up a genocidal regime. It's not Russia's fault that US foreign policy led to their support of genocidal maniacs.

What do people say about Russia and China? That the government and the people are different entities? The same applies here. Not supporting the absolutely batshit crazy Israeli government does not indicate a lack of support for the Jewish people.

Tibet is the romanized name for the region (based on Latin Tibetum). Tibetans call the Tibetan plateau "Bö" and Central Tibet "Ü-Tsang."

The original Tibetan Empire (circa 600-800 or something) stretched across the regions of Amdo (modern-day Qinghai), Ü-Tsang (modern-day Tibet Autonomous Region), and Khan (split between TAR and Sichuan). Xizang is a more or less direct transliteration of Ü-Tsang, the territory that makes up the vast majority of the modern-day TAR.

Tibet refers to the entire plateau (also referred to as the Qinghai-Xizang plateau or the Himalayan Plateau) and Xizang refers to the territory made up by the TAR. Xizang has, for as long as I can remember, been the Chinese name for the TAR.

This is manufactured outrage with a clickbait title... About what can be expected from Newsweek.

Edit: for some additional context, China is usually pretty good about keeping local names. See: Ürümqi (Wulumuqi) from the name of Dzungar village there, Kashgar (Kashigaer/Kashi) which has had the same name for millennia and Harbin (Haerbin) from the name of the Manchu village there (among others). Understandably, because Hui and Uyghurs still live in Urumqi and Kashgar, Manchu still live in Harbin, and Tibetans still live in Xizang.

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Are you forgetting how the Americans funded the American Revolution against Britain?

When living under constant suppression, inequality, and a state of war (and a blockade IS a state of war), are you really looking for a peaceful solution?

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You do realize that poorer regions have much higher fertility because of much higher child mortality rates and much lower average lifespans, right? Fertility is inversely proportional with wealth and access to healthcare.

This isn't unique to Gaza. It's true in Africa, India, and pre-communist China.

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Xizang is as much a "Chinese word" as Tsawwassen or Denali is an "English word." It's literally a direct phonetic transliteration of the Tibetan name used to describe the land occupied by the TAR.

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Everyone knows that Muslims aren't human

  • Bibi, probably

Maybe Westerners shouldn't get their panties in a twist about someone not using a name created by the West because Western colonialists couldn't figure out a better transliteration?

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Beehaw once again back with the shit takes

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I'd recommend you take a look at the demographic pyramids of countries in Africa. Mortality is steepest in the 14-34 range because that's when most people die.

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Because the last time Gazans tried a peaceful protest, thousands of people got shot by the Zionist regime: https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2019/02/no-justification-israel-shoot-protesters-live-ammunition

Because Palestine cannot win a conventional war against Israel.

Because Palestine cannot let the status quo continue to oppress them, because the status quo is itself encroaching on Palestinian land and Palestinian rights.

Do you have a better solution? These attacks have caused a massive flight of people from Israel, have forced the Bank of Israel to take very aggressive action to avoid the collapse of the shekel, have mobilized the countries bordering Israel, and have indicated that Palestinian resistance is not hopeless.

Bringing up Tiananmen when there are documented instances (with actual evidence) of people getting run over by Israeli tanks and bulldozers in Gaza right now. Backed by the US government. With the US President actively spreading FUD about the scale and extent of atrocities. Nice.

Xizang is literally the phonetic transliteration for the region of the TAR. You're basically saying that we should keep the name Western colonialists gave a territory because Western brains would get hurt if the name changed.

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Hamas doesn't get it's support because people woke up and decided to be radical Islamists lol

It takes years of oppression, inequality, and discrimination to radicalize most people.

I can't think of a single successful revolution that didn't end up with significant civilian casualties. Revolutions only arise because of extreme discontent among a population about their socioeconomic position.

Remember the Reign of Terror in France? Washington's campaign against the Iroquois in America? Revolution is bloody and revolution leads to civilian casualties, but at its core it's caused by systematic oppression by the government and inaction on behalf of the population.

By the way, Gazans have tried peaceful protest. It got thousands of people shot.

Freedom fighters funded by the US, with an office in Washington? Odd how it's always Western-funded parties that want to maintain colonial names...

That's fair, but I think it loses the distinction between different transliteration strategies. For example, phonetic transliteration preserves far more of the original language than other methods. Transliteration is a necessary component of language: most common languages lack glottal stops and clicks, but it's still important to be able to refer to places that are named with glottal stops and clicks.

In that regard, the TAR has always been referred to as Xizang in Chinese because the TAR covers the Ü-Tsang region. The lands of greater Tibet from the peak of the Tibetan Empire are now parts of Qinghai, Sichuan, Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Kashmir. The unified region of greater Tibet has, in recent history, always been དབུས (Ü) and གཙང་ (Tsang). This is pronounced ue-tsang according to Tibetan Pinyin (phonetic transcription) and Xizang according to transliteration - running through the possibilities, I'm struggling to find an exonym in Mandarin that would be closer in pronunciation.

The traditional name of the region is བོད་ (Bhö). The name Tibet is itself an import from the English. Given the degree of funding the Tibetan government-in-exile receives from the US (an English-speaking country), I'd suggest that the Tibetan government-in-exile has a strong financial incentive for maintaining English...

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You're downplaying Israel's resources lol

Israel's occupation of Palestine makes the Xinjiang situation look downright utopian. Education? Jobs? Infrastructure?

By the widely recognized origin of the word (the Soviet Union rolling in tanks to suppress revolution in Hungary) and what it means (people in support of that use of force and tanks to suppress civilian revolution), supporters of Israel and the US are both "tankies." Glad we agree, good talk!

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The legitimate government of Tibet... According to who? Even the British (who had just finished shipping opium to China, looting Chinese palaces, and had every reason to antagonize the Chinese) didn't recognize the independence of Tibet.

Regardless, this is the same Tibetan government that supported a caste system and ethnic discrimination, right? That Tibetan government? The same one whose leader has been called out by American media for being a pedophile?

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The US uses Israel for regional destabilization. A unified Arab world (proposed by Nasser, Gaddafi, among others) would be a threat to US hegemony and the petrodollar. Most importantly, this would harm the US' ability to print obscene amounts of money in a crisis with minimal effect on domestic prices.

Religious conflict has only taken hold in the Middle East because SOME PEOPLE overthrew all of the (more) secular left-wing governments and replaced them with right-wing theocratic regimes.

Not surprising, Egypt cannot handle 2 million refugees and once the Palestinians leave, there's no way Israel is letting them back.

IDF reliability in reporting is at an all-time low.

Germans are Hamas too, obviously.

Have you considered that those children might be Hamas?

I'm sort of sad that you even had any doubts lol

The term "tankie" was originally used by dissident Marxist–Leninists to describe members of the Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB) who followed the party line of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU). Specifically, it was used to distinguish party members who spoke out in defense of the Soviet use of tanks to crush the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 and the 1968 Prague Spring uprising.

This is why people don't cite Wikipedia.

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For what it's worth, there's still no evidence that Chinese tanks actually killed anyone on 6/4. No journalists on the ground found any indication of a mass casualty event on Tiananmen Square, which directly contradicts the claims made by protestors that there was. The same cannot be said for Soviet tanks in Hungary or Israeli tanks in Gaza, where civilian causalities are rather well-documented.

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Dude brought up a completely unrelated topic and used the "tankie" perjorative, a term that literally describes IDF supporters based on the actions of the IDF in Gaza.

You haven't provided any actual evidence.

Is your point that your opinion is built on vibes?

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Absolutely, there's a good point.

Doesn't change the fact that ethnic Tibet and the TAR are not necessarily the same territorial entity. Tibetans make up a significant proportion of the population of Qinghai, for example.

We're talking about the same Tibet where, throughout history, almost every single major government position has been held by a Tibetan, right?

Have you seen the blood streaks that tank tracks create? You can look at some of the videos in Gaza if you want to.

Try again, maybe this time with actual evidence instead of unfounded conjecture.

Edit: To clarify, I don't think anybody is denying that people were hurt and killed on 6/4. Let's make that clear. If anything, the Tank Man video shows that tank drivers were under orders to avoid civilian casualties.

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Recent reporting from AP indicates that the Israeli blockade has meant that the primary source of explosives used in Hamas missiles are those extracted from unexploded Israeli munitions fired on Gaza.

Iran is mostly only capable of supporting Hamas through intelligence and through designs/blueprints (things that don't really require transport).

It's a fundamentally different problem here: it's new infrastructure, which in this day and age is barely profitable in terms of first-order effects (fees, fares, etc.) but is significantly profitable in terms of second- and third-order effects (economic growth, new businesses, yada yada).

If you could build a new subway in New York, spend zero capital, but have to give up the fare revenue for that subway, why wouldn't you?

Also, the India/US alternative is to... Just outright give the Indian Adani group a majority stake in their port expansion. So much better. So much. Truly.

Have you considered that the journalist might have been Hamas?

Just like that Reuters journalist that was killed. Just like that Al Jazeera journalist that was killed.

Odd. A lot of journalists are being killed. Maybe they're all Hamas?

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China hasn't even supported Russia with weapon supplies. This is fear mongering a what-if that contradicts Chinese foreign policy in the first place. China's foreign policy is one of fierce neutrality for anyone not encroaching on their own sovereignty, often to a fault.

China considers both Israel and Palestine to be strategically important allies in the region, so there's no way they're going to pick a side in this conflict unless that side is in support of one of China's more significant allies (Iran, Saudi Arabia, etc.)

Except the EU backtracked. It's like everyone on here is salivating at the thought of more dead Palestinians, as if they haven't suffered enough under apartheid.

Considering a good chunk of US media is just ingesting Reuters and adding a spin to it, I'm not surprised.

Have you ever looked at the tool you sent?

Please, do put in Niger and find out (FWIW, your tool is very low granularity and I know there are visualizers that show it at a more fine scale).