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Joined 1 years ago

As all billionaires are. Along with unempathetic sociopathic psychopaths.

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I know an even better way for them to save money. Anthony Wood, the CEO, gets like $20,990,000 in total yearly compensation. Like most these fucks most of it is non-salary, so they don't pay taxes on it right away if at all.

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It's almost like we have no money and don't have a choice because having ridiculous luxury items like FOOD, requires you know, money.

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We don't have a monopoly. - Company with a monopoly

Well, yeah, it's almost like the government shouldn't get to control your body.

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Oil companies are some of the scummiest scumbags there are. I hate them.

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Because they're Diet Republicans. Years ago, Republicans were conservatives and Democrats were liberals. After Reagan trounced them in the 80s, the Democrats decided it was more important to be more like Republicans and have become more and more conservative with each election. Now Republicans are full on fascists and Democrats are the 1980s Republicans. And liberals have become 1980s conservatives. There is no mainstream representation for anyone who is actually left (i.e. communists, socialists, etc.).

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It'll be a good day when I never have to see or hear about her ever again. GTFO Marge.

Good for Mexico, that's awesome! Too bad the U.S. is such a fucking backwards excuse of a country.

Similar things are done with TV and streaming unfortunately. You ever notice how commercials/ads have louder volume than whatever content you're watching? It's intentional. If you're someone who doesn't skip them and doesn't mute them, they want you to be able to hear them from another room and then they hope you'll come back to see the ad. It's so dumb.

While this sounds good, it's never going to pass. The rich make too much money from the interest.

Yep. Musk is a right winger.

3 more... Enough of the fucking 70+ year olds. I'm so fucking tired of people who should be fucking retired owning and running everything. Fuck the mother fucking hell off fossils. God damn it. Enough with the fucking retirement home bullshit. Holy fucking hell.

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Because they're scumbag fascist pigs who shoot first and ask questions later.

What assholes they are in the Kentucky government.

Politicians and the media keep talking about crime in general and keep claiming it's rampant, which it isn't. But funny, they never talk about the crime that actually IS rampant, wage theft. Wage theft is bigger than all other forms of crime combined in terms of dollars lost, yet hardly anyone ever talks about or mentions it or cares about it.

Why? Because the people/companies responsible for committing it, also own the media outlets that would be responsible for covering it. They're not going to expose their own crimes in other words.

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Yep. I've used 5 1/4s, 3.5s, Zip, CDs, CD-Rs, CD-RWs, DVDs, DVD-Rs, DVD-RWs, BD, BD-R, BD-RW, Thumb/Flash, SD, Micro SD, and CF. The only one I can think of that I never personally used were Tapes, but I know people who did. They kind of came and went in a hurry it felt like to me.

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Don't you just love rent/housing? Oh, sorry you don't make enough money to qualify for a mortgage. But hey you can pay $1,500/month+ to pay your landlord's mortgage!

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Now you tell me. I've been putting my headphones on my eyes for years and wondering why I couldn't hear anything.

Yeah, we have a better chance of pigs flying, getting struck by lightning, and winning the lottery all at the same time on the same day simultaneously than this has of actually passing both chambers and getting signed into an actual law. This type of thing will never pass when the very oligarchs it seeks to tax own the very government responsible for making it a law.

As per usual, they talk trash but they all kneel and kiss the ring at the end of the day. Fuck Trump and fuck McConnell too.

Which is one reason why we can't get anything meaningful passed to actually help Millennials and Zoomers.

I mean if people want to do this, I guess? I'm super socially awkward and even I wouldn't want to do this. I want the person to like me, not the AI.

Shrinkflation. Make a product or service smaller or worse and charge more for it. Been happening for years now across different industries, product types, and service types.

I hope she does lose. I'd really like her to get wrecked, but unlikely considering how red a large portion of her district is from what I've heard/read. the sooner she fucks off to obscurity, the better.

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Okay. Why can't they just get rid of the fees altogether? Why do we need to have ANY kind of junk fees for anything? Oh wait, I know. To make rich people richer.

But we can't have that I guess. I fucking hate corporations so much.

Good. Let's issue warrants for all current and former presidents too as they're all war criminals.

I've heard people say that they know it's unconstitutional and their goal is to get someone to sue over it and take it to SCOTUS so SCOTUS can rule in their favor and give them free reign to violate the 1st amendment all they want.

That bastion of unbiased historical facts, PragerU.

I had one. Well I still have it, but I stopped using it years ago for some reason. I forget why. I think I ran out of storage or something. Anyways, I had gotten a cheap Fire tablet and that thing sucked, so I dug out my Nexus and somehow wound up bricking it. Yay. Now I have a Tab A8 that's working fine so far.

I doubt it will happen. Alabama will just ignore them and do what they want and the courts will let them get away with it. They won't do what they're supposed to unless those in charge are thrown in prison and the people draw the maps themselves and don't let anyone in the government have any involvement.

I thought a business degree would be very useful. Joke's on me I guess. I haven't had a single job that made use of my degree, but a few that "required" one that 40+ years ago probably wouldn't even have required a high school diploma.

What a dumbass he is, wow, just wow.

As we've seen with COVID, the US doesn't give a shit about stopping the spread of illnesses, viruses, and diseases. Pfizer and the like don't give a shit. They will do whatever makes them the most profit. Stopping illnesses, viruses, and diseases doesn't make as much profit as continuously treating them for decades.

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Though I'm sure if they can figure out someway to force subscription bullshit in there, they will.

Venus? Neptune? Alpha Centauri?

If this does happen, I hope they find a way to do it that doesn't make Bezos and the like richer, like what happened with Standard Oil years ago.

Thanks, yeah I try to do that too from time to time.

No, however the only vaccine I've gotten since I was a kid was the COVID one and that was by choice. I wasn't forced to do so.