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Opinions will differ, but generally people really like the first and/or third. The second was rushed, and it shows, mostly by a ton of reused assets and locations.

The first is more loved by hardcore or oldschool RPG fans. The third is more action oriented, generally a lot more colourful, and very much larger. Its combat is generally liked more than the first (except, again, by CRPG fans).

All three have memorable characters.

If the Internet has taught me anything, they’re 42 and 69.

You can save and stop playing whenever.

The world is dark - especially in the first game. There is slavery, racism, demons, and a few even darker topics. There are optional sex scenes, but they’re rather clean. One of the demon models is rather skimpy. But in the third game you can pick your time in the game while kids are watching to be mostly fun with bright colours and some fantasy fighting. That might be harder in the first.

There are similarities with Mass Effect, but they do play very differently. The dialog system is very similar in 2 and 3, as are the companion interactions in all three.

Don’t worry, DRM-ed content isn’t recorded, so big companies’ IP is protected.

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“This button turns on the light in the hallway. Sometimes it brings the whole house down on you, but we haven’t found a way to reliably reproduce this. If that happens just crawl from under the rubble, rebuild the house, and try again. This time the light should turn on.“

“Oh, and send us the log messages.”

He was using a decimal comma. The counter offer was 1000 times more than he wanted to pay.

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What happened to Lord Buckethead?

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The points made in the article are that server admins should have policies regarding privacy and data retention, that users should be aware of this possibility, and that developers should ensure more of the users’ data is encrypted at all times.

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She had a very tough and uncompromising stance on most things, including Northern Ireland and the Troubles. Rather than seek compromise, she increased the military presence there, which many believe exacerbated and prolonged the situation.

It is, of course, much more complex than this, but her policies regarding Northern Ireland are a large factor in why she is not remembered fondly by many Irish.

Give them some time, they probably only recently heard about this newfangled search engine called Google.

The article is quite hard to read. I think it comes down to this: Meta has been arguing that its Terms of Service are enough consent for data collection. European courts disagree: consent has to be explicitly given. Meta has been ignoring this ruling for 5 years now, without much consequence. Now, the EU is starting to clamp down harder - coincidentally just a few weeks before Meta will introduce a new system. In this new system users will get a choice to either consent (explicitly), or pay to use the service without data collection consent. Data privacy advocates believe this would still be illegal. However - personal opinion, not mentioned in the article - this will likely take many more years before it goes to court, let alone before it is enforced. In other words: they keep getting away with it.

I work on software which is pirated. It is even sold by crackers, who make money off my work. This does not make me proud.

What does make me proud is when a paying customer says they love a specific feature, or that our software saves them a lot of manual work.

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I thought this might be an interesting read until I saw the blurb with 4 hashtags and 4 emoticons in just 4 sentences.

Of course there’s also that other solution. You know, the one the rest of the world uses.

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It doesn’t look burned, there’s no blackening.

I read your comment twice, looking for any tiny mistake to fix. How thoughtless of you not to include any.

Removed ‘/dev/null’. You wouldn’t believe how many things rely on /dev/null.

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Thank you. I was thoroughly confused by this title and the article’s use of “grandfathered”.

But what if AI?

“Answer as if you’re a tribble.“

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Wait, do US citizens have to pay to file taxes? Or is this a service to help navigate the complexities?

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I often feel this bot is no better than selecting random bits from an article. I’m exaggerating a bit, but it’s clear the bot doesn’t actually understand the essence of what’s written.

That said, I do still appreciate it for getting at least a gist of what an article is about. And I very much appreciate the people working on it and making it available.

I did, once. It didn’t work.

Most fun are the infinite scroll pages with a footer.

It’s a feature, not a bug.

Are we sure that either of these exist? Maybe sharks and camels are just AI generated.

That’s a misconception. Farmers lobbied heavily against DST. Their work does not abide by the clock; they milk when cows need milking, and they harvest when there’s enough light, no matter what some clock says.

In Europe, DST as we know it now was first introduced by Germany during WW1 to preserve coal, then abandoned after the war, and widely adopted again in the 70s. In the US it was established federally in the 60s.

This is all glossing over a lot of regional differences and older history. But yeah, US farmers were very much against the idea.

You should be aware that “maintaining” that PC may be more than you expect. Just this weekend I had to help my aunt because the bank’s website had a “big thing in front of it” that she couldn’t get rid of. It turned out to be a cookie banner that was just a bit too big for her laptop screen, and the buttons to close it were out of the frame.

That’s just an example of course, but depending on the person(s) using it, there may need to be someone at hand to help at all times.

I believe the maximum total is 4 years, not cumulative. And given that it’s his first conviction, and he has a campaign to run, the chance he’ll spend any time in jail at all is slim.

*edit: OP mentioned concurrently, so they said the same thing. Reading comprehension at 8 AM not booted up yet.

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This is why they invented email.

I miss windows phone. The user interface was much cleaner and user friendly than any other phone OS I’ve seen. The only problem was it didn’t have the ecosystem of Android or iOS.

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CFO and executive veep Dan Durn

What, “vice president” is too long, but VP too short?

Western Europe here. I’m old enough that I’ve had to file many paper tax forms. There have always been free services to help with that.

Now you can do it all online, and the known information is pre-filled. The last few years you don’t even have to click “accept” anymore, accepting is automatic if you don’t do anything.

That said, there still are paid services, but their main aim is to find all the ways to reduce what you pay (and they are likely used mainly by the well off).

At the very least I’d start checking for a monster chasing them off the bridge.


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Oops, my morning brain skipped over that word, thanks for pointing it out.

Literal decades ago I bought Sennheiser headphones. They were great. They later orders of magnitude longer than anything I had before. They fit well, and were foldable, making them very compact when not used. And they were cheap too.

When they finally broke down I naturally wanted Sennheiser again, but they referred me to their new brand Epos. I bought a headset this time, not just headphones. It was a lot more expensive, and I was terribly disappointed by the ergonomics. It’s also rather big, making it unwieldy when not in use. And they broke already, though I was able to fix it - they broke just out of warranty of course.

Of course this is just one anecdote, but it really does feel like another great brand sold out and became crap.

I’ll join the others in saying it’s definitely worth a try. The main character’s actress does a phenomenal job.

As for the hardware, I think it will do fine, but be sure to try it within 2 weeks of purchase (and not play more than two hours) so the Steam refund policy can protect you if needed.

Same, plus clearing all cookies when closing the browser. Still, combining search tterms and IP is giving me pause.

I miss Windows phone, still the most intuitive phone UI I’ve ever seen.

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