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Joined 1 years ago

In the style of Higginbottom. Formerly staticv0id@reddit

For most games, the real consequence of failure in a game is being forced to repeat what just happened. And getting caught in a Groundhog Day-esque situation that repeats once every few minutes suuuuucks.

It’s even worse when a failure causes your character to lose stuff. That’s even more time wasted, in that the time and effort taken to get the thing is gone.

Paint the rainbow on my proud carebear chest if you must. I just want a place to escape to for a little while, a place that doesn’t frustrate the shit out of me.

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Tried submitting a relatively simple change to the Ansible code base once. Added an option to the telnet module to support different ports. Submitted a pull request. Was told I needed to change and update the documentation. Didn’t know how to do that, and I didn’t get any guidance, so I abandoned the pull request. Kept on using my own hack until someone else added the option.

Make contributing easy, and more people will contribute.

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Tools you’re not sure you’ll need. Harbor Freight tools are super cheap and flimsy, but may be the right choice if you’re not using them often.

If you find yourself using a cheap tool all the time and hating the quality of it, then it’s time to buy something better.

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John Wick and James Bond and superheroes and supervillains are not realistically possible. Otherwise we would have them.

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Should they? Yes.

Would they? Ahhhahahaha

Sudden? That’s been declining for years my dude.

I’m lucky if people understand the first bullet point in my emails. I’m luckier still if they keep reading, never mind understand my next point.

Anything that maximizes embarrassment or cringe. Can’t watch most Will Ferrell or Borat. Ugh, it makes me so uncomfortable.

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  • 50% raise
  • Private 12x15 office
  • Free pot gummies (for Fridays, of course;)
  • Free transportation to/from office
  • Every day is Bring Your Dogs To Work Day
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This is the biggest waste of words next to a “Trump-said” article.

Laptop makers once put pop-out mice on laptops. They were horrible. Toting a wired mouse around was a pain in the ass too. There’s a reason touchpads took over. It doesn’t mean people don’t know how to work a computer.

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Like they’ll ever become Chinese.

“You found a piece of metal. Take my spaceship and I’ll take your miserable mining job” wait what?

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Give them all a vision of the Earth from space. Look at that, all ya sonsa bitches.

“You develop an instant global consciousness, a people orientation, an intense dissatisfaction with the state of the world, and a compulsion to do something about it. From out there on the moon, international politics look so petty. You want to grab a politician by the scruff of the neck and drag him a quarter of a million miles out and say, ‘Look at that, you son of a bitch.’”

— Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14 astronaut, People magazine, 8 April 1974.

Banner ads, not for a long long time, at least not intentionally.

Last week I needed parts for my snowblower, and Amazon was not helpful finding what I needed, so I googled the info I had. A competitor’s ad appeared as the first result. I was skeptical as hell as I clicked on it - my experience has always been similar to yours - but they had a comprehensive, easy-to-use database of parts, with diagrams, part numbers, in-stock notes, and cost all on the same page. No hacky website, just the right information presented well. Wound up giving them the business.

I guess not everyone is a rabid, cheating, lying SOB. Just many people. Lol

Cool. Can we shut down the stadium owners’ tax break scams next, especially since they’ll be flush with lots of new revenue?

President Marshall (Harrison Ford) from Air Force One

“It’s your turn to be afraid.”

Text-based search apps like protocols like gopher, WAIS, and Usenet.

Two main innovations of the web:

  • lightweight yet easily understood data transfer protocol, HTTP
  • language blending graphical elements with traditional text, HTML

Joining new social media platforms. What a colossal mistake that was. The most relentless self-promotion, with-us-or-against-us mentality, quibbling over absolute nonsense, and the most banal overshares imaginable.

ABQ is not quite Wild West, but you do need to watch yourself there. Good farmers’ market and plenty of Native influence.

Columbus downtown seemed like a nice Midwestern spot, touch of Rust Belt, heavy on Buckeye mania of course. Seemed really quiet when I visited many summers ago.

Have you considered Chicago? Boystown is a great neighborhood. Kinda wished I’d lived there even though I’m not LGBTQ. I think it’s still relatively low crime. But I’m sure you’ll want to do (or have done) your own homework on that.

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In 2011 I was aghast when I learned a popular keycard / biometric system used FTP to pull down its cleartext list of acceptable keys from the server.

The username was something like ADMIN and the password was PASS.

And no, that wasn’t the FTP command; that was the password.

So I’m not surprised that there are still problems with these devices.

edit: more complete thought

We love our infrastructure, but we don’t want to pay for the upkeep.

IEC C13 socket with C14 locking plugs. Already ubiquitous in data center facilities. Rated for voltages between 110 and 250, so it works for any country’s common household current.

Solution should not be technical.

CONTRIBUTING.md should be very simple to follow and have all the steps necessary to submit a successful contribution.

Have a section in there for first time contributors. Link to a YouTube video outlining the basics if need be. Explain the process from the very beginning. If you want fresh talent to contribute, educate them on the right way to do so. (Perhaps this is an opportunity for boilerplate language. However, best current practice may change over time.)

Be pleasant to and patient with contributors who fall short. They may never have contributed anything before. In that case, you are an ambassador not just for your project but for all open source projects. Don’t be a jackass who drives away talent just because they didn’t do something exactly perfect.

This is the sixth Christmas without Mom.

She was my link to the family. I don’t hear from anyone except my sister and dad. I miss them all.

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The time before, I got laughed out of the room.

Short of total isolation, you can’t.

You can’t control how other people react, as you’ve no doubt picked up. You can reduce the risk by controlling what they see of you, however. That doesn’t mean you should lie about who you are, but there are things that are better left unsaid. Don’t bring up embarrassing things to a new acquaintance, things like that.

Even POTUS makes gaffes. The problem for the holder of that office is that the consequences could be enormous, well beyond a single person’s ego or reputation. You could study what the president’s communications team does to avert damage and control it if it does happen.

You’re also getting advice worth the price you paid - free - so it’s probably not a good idea to get upset with people offering their opinions.

Robot Odyssey, an adventure game played by programming robots to help you. Still nothing like it.

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Thou shalt not partake of decaf

Thou shalt not have no idea

Thou shalt always go for greatness

Thou shalt not commit adulthood

Thou shalt not suppress flatulence


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DeLorean Motor Company’s Midwest sales office used to be just down the street from me, up until a few months ago. Never saw anyone in it, but I think I did see a DeLorean outside it once.

Love how most of the responses are different distros of Linux.


Me: I’d rather be running Linux

Systems Manager: Linux is a day late and a dollar short. Novell is the future. Microsoft might be interesting too.

She went off to teach community college after she got laid off.

Never, because I’m a very stable geenius.

Hold on for just a couple more years. I know it will seem like an eternity, and I know the damage that has been done. But you will be moving to a much better place.

Buy a house. There isn’t any more land being made. (Except in Hawaii, what with the volcanos out there)

Lend some to Uncle Sam by buying Treasury bills. He’s been good for the interest payments. They tend to earn a bit more than bank CDs anyway.

If you’re really risk-averse, go for those bank CDs. Brokerage houses like Schwab can buy those on your behalf, and track which banks hold them, so you don’t exceed the deposit threshold at any one institution. Good luck finding 400 banks through a brokerage’s finder, though.

Buy stock in publicly traded companies. Or buy mutual funds. It’s good to get some growth in the portfolio, which fixed income alone can’t do.

Donate some to a nonprofit when you need a tax write-off.

Start your own company. Go back to school. Invest in yourself.

Professor: This material doesn’t appear to have been made naturally

Newspaper: E.T. FOUND

“Joe’s Bait, Tackle, and Mortuary Service - You Stab ‘Em We Slab ‘Em”

I’ve never wanted or needed to go back, if that’s what OP is asking. SNR is higher, less to scroll through.

In Spite Of Our Ramens

“[Life is] only once around. Travel while you’re young.” -Grandma Violet

Pot is my mind eraser, so I have to be prepared to work twice as hard at staying focused. I find more creativity and fun in coding when I’m sober. There’s a time and place for inebriation, and for me that’s not in front of an IDE.

Commodore VIC-20 with a tape drive, modem, and terminal software. My father used it to take distance learning classes from the local community college, learning COBOL of all things, back in 1982. He unfortunately never went anywhere with programming. I used it way more than he did to write my first programs in BASIC. I was 5 years old.

Now I build and run MPLS networks, code in 5 other languages, play lots of video games, etc.

I found PF and WCGW to be not at all funny and more rage-inducing. They certainly deepened my misanthropy. I never subbed to those, but crossposts made it to r/facepalm now and then. I don’t miss having my outrage muscle exercised like that.