
0 Post – 31 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Intergalactic Menace

Is it possible to learn this power? 🤔

I’m pretty sure the END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT counts.

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All that value and they still can’t get their video cards to work worth a shit in Linux.

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So…. Software keys…

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Rock is the better investment here. Stick will decay and wither away. Rock is stronk and will last longer.

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This guy ate the onion.

Yes. In the article it links to a blog post made by chromium.


I like how they went through the trouble of blurring out the name but left out the reply.

I’m going to be honest. If that work was making me 6 figures, I would sleep like a baby.

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I am quite fond of being in a place where bot manipulation and advertisement hasn't over-taken the entirety of the content. I hope it never reaches Reddit/Insta/Face/Tube status.

This is exactly what I came to mention. It’s not like you had a choice. The cable mafia only allowed one provider per area.

It’s not difficult to install the drivers. I recently had to swap out my 3090 for an AMD card because Wayland just crashes and works poorly with Nvidia.

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Don’t forget that brave is also just a crypto scam hiding as a browser.

I’m not a trump supporter, kid. I’m simply stating the obvious. It’s going to happen.

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All look like joker faces to me.

Am I just dumb or is this title gore?

I had to read the title several times, comments and article all just to put context to the title.

As a former cashier, I literally did not care what anyone purchased.

I guess you aren’t using Wayland. It’s abysmal with Wayland. Especially electron apps. They just flicker and crash.

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My current home, the landlord doesn’t have a cable and I’m separate from the house. I’ve been using a wifi router to pick up the signal and then I just connect my devices to that router. It works as an access point basically.

I’m using the GL.inet Flint and it’s been solid for several years. It runs openWRT. Just make sure the router has the ability to repeat. A lot of wifi routers are one way only.

But you did say exclusively which implies that it would be only female. Which is just inaccurate.

The article states Apple silicone. Not sure why title limits it to M1 and 2.

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Yea, I just moved into a little apartment that only has wifi from the landlord's house. I was skeptical about it, but it's been almost a year now and not a single problem with it. I used it for my PC, cell phone, TV and tablets. I have never had to ask my landlord to "restart" the modem.

I was using 3090 but had to swap to an AMD card due to too many crashes and visual glitches/artifacts.

Tomato tomato

I just finished the caravan demo and it was pretty fun. Ran perfectly ootb

For me is because it’s so fucking slow. As soon as I disable ipv6 on every device it has better speeds.

IPv6 is trash.

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The fact that you have 38 upvotes with such an incorrect statement is mind boggling.

This is how politics works I supposed. Write something that sounds plausible but is completely incorrect, inaccurate or completely fabricated and stupid people applaud and follow.

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When, not if.

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