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It's called a Kalsarikannit chair

He's not 65 right now

I'm opposed to burning the Quran, but I am even more opposed to making it illegal to do so.

The wording quoted from the Danish politician by OP, assuming it is correctly quoted and translated sounds horrible and dystopian. Imaging making a law to make it illegal to do something that offends other people, or even offends other people from other countries. Now you have other people deciding on tummy feeling what is legal in your country. Absolutely disgusting.

Burning the Quran should continue to be legal, I just don't see why you would do that, or other books for that matter. There are way more price efficient ways to produce heat than book burning

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The information has been available for a long time. And the method to get it was done by sanding down each layer and making scans, and tracing each line.

Without looking to much into this, apperantly the main new thing here is the way this information is compiled. Which may be quite the improvement in accessibility

I realized the change, when they changed their motto away from don't be evil.

I don't care what their motto is now, if they needed to change their motto away from don't be evil. It's because they couldn't follow it

If you work for an EU company using Outlook might be illegal, as they now send all emails unencrypted via their own servers.

At our work place, which is mostly Linux, some people have been using outlook if they opt to use windows or Mac or android or iPhone. And when outlook started to send all emails via their own servers (not respecting your smtp settings and such), we instated a full ban on using all outlook clients on all platform.

It's really sad, as a Linux user I think outlook used to be the best email client period. Before this privacy hell and before adds in the program of course.

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Your kids won't be targeted with digital ads

Hahaha, yeah right, what do you call Diana & Roma Toy's and Color's Nastya and all the other youtube channels my daughter loves, if you don't call them ads for products they receive for free?

Native vulkan or opengl games doesn't need to translate thees calls, if directx could run. Natively on Linux, it wouldn't have to be translated

Only if you are running for president

Sounds like someone trying to type a random number on the keyboard, looking at it, and thinking, what ever

I agree with all of your points. But to answer your question regarding charging.

You can buy joy con chargers, I've seen them in stores, they have like a whole stand that also charges your joycon. There are various licensed and unlicensed designs like this. Alternatively I've seen on Ali express, just a cable that splits into two, and can connect to the bottom of the joycon rail, just where the connector is, and can be plugged into a USB-a port.

Another official way to charge them is they in I think only released in Japan, as an arms 2 accessories? I may be wrong pulling this from memory and I don't play arms. They sold joycon aa battery packs. Which were joycon grips, with two aa batteries making them thicker, and also a strap on them.

Lastly Nintendo announced before the switch came out, a charging grip for the joy cons. Like the one that was included with the switch, but it also had a battery that could let you play for even longer, and charge via USB-c. I don't think this was ever released, I misunderstood and thought my release day switch would come with this product, so I was sad to see the grip that came with the switch was only a plastic holder. But I can wager a guess that some other 3. Party accessories maker has released either a licensed charging grip or an unlicensed one.

I haven't seen it, but IMO the best product for me, if I was in a situation where I wanted to use the joycons exclusively on a non switch device. I'd like to have something similar to the official joycon straps, but it had a USB-c port on them for charging.

That's a sauce

I am against capital or even corporal punishment.

But if I were to pick my way of dying, nitrogen hypoxia is the way I would like to go

Nitrogen is the most common thing you breath, almost 80% of air being nitrogen.

You don't feel like you are being choked, because that feeling does not come from less oxygen, but when other gasses like carbon dioxide is at a too high level. Foreign liquid, or even being unable to expand your lungs. There is no too low oxygen sensor in your body that is used to send pain signals.

You gradually lose your cognitive faculties, including feeling pain or self preservation.

I am against captial or even corporal punishment, even for heinous crimes.

If you are thinking about ending your life, seek help with health care professionals, everyone deserves a chance to have a better life.

All that said, I think nitrogen hypoxia is the most humane way of ending a life. I would even wish that my chicken nuggets got the least painful end to their lives

I agree with your comment, I just want to point out that I am explicitly against capital punishment, without disagreeing with you. And also that the reason for the demographic spread is that this is the demographic spread of the community you are talking about.

Also, while I am against capital punishment, if it had to be used, it should always be nitrogen gas, it is not untested, it is very well tested to cause no pain what so ever to subjects almost suffocating from it.

Wtf is a dinosaurietogsubåt?

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This sounds like something that could actually happen back before Ubuntu became a thing.

Don't misunderstand me, ubtuntu didn't solve this particular problem, but they did make a good for the time distro

The steam controller 1 already has wifi, its not the only controller that does this, the nvidia shield controller also does. The standard these and a very few other controllers use is called wifi direct, and basically uses an adhoc network to connect. This is seamless for the user.

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Possibly, but these will change on the regular

And for some finding religion is about having a reason to invade another country

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The only other thing that I know also is needed is case folding

If there are other features needed I don't know about them

So does glass almost, glass is not a liquid, there are more than 5 stated of matter, a lot more, but glass is still a type of solid. It has some characteristics that recemble the characteristics of a really slow moving liquid.

Well glaciers contain both solid and liquid parts. When you compress ice it turns to liquid. Water isn't really easy to compress, liquid water can be lower than 0c (freezing), which is called super cooled, and it turns to ice when it'd not compressed anymore. You can make super cooled water or even soda at home, and if you give the bottle a shake it will turn to ice in a couple of seconds. Also the ground under the glacier will be moved together with the ice and water, there is do much force there. When a part of a glacier breaks off it's called calving, like when a cow gives birth to a calf

Names not fitting botanical definitions are due to the names being given before we (people) knew what we were talking about. DNA kind of came and shook things up, well even before that but what ever.

Also pineapples are neither apples nor grow on pine trees. And in many European languages the word for orange mean apple from China. Example appelsin, where sin in this case comes frome Sina or China

It is so funny that US does propaganda like this, because there is so much shit happening in and because of countries like China, Russia and North Korea. Why doesn't US talk about the genocide? Why doesn't US talk about public executions (oh wait I know the answer to this one), why doesn't US talk about concentration camps (oh I know this one too), why the duck does US have to have shitty disinformation propaganda like North Korea forcing specific haircuts instead. There is so much shit happening because in these corrupt areas, and lies about haircuts is the thing they want to focus on.

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Yes, I got that, but what is that?

I am running everything at lowest settings, except shadows which are the second lowest setting, and I am using TAA (or was it SMAA I don't remember) and I am using a replacement DLL file that replaces the DLSS with AMD FSR 2.2.1, FSR is set to scale 1.5 (means the internal resolution is rendered at 75% of native resolution, but I added AntiAliasing before FSR)

I also lock the game to 30fps,

This should not run at max power draw from the system on a chip, I'd rather prefer 15-30% more battery life than fancier graphics.

I wish I could get medium textures, but at least while using FSR (tried with FSR1 also) there is not enough VRAM on the steamdeck to fit medium textures. I think when I tested medium textures, a few textures suddenly popped up to medium quality, but most just stayed at low.

I've only played through Act1, just treated it as a tutorial with an origin character, and now I am playing through Act1 again with a custom character. (I borrowed a friends GOG version, but now I bought the game on steam, and I copied over my GOG saves to my desktop but I chose not to put them back on the steam deck in the steam versions wine prefix)

I hope they improve the CPU usage issues in Act 3 before I get there. I suspect it's mostly unfixable, maybe I will need to play the game at 20 or 25 fps in Act 3, I don't know. I am in no hurry to beat the game, I am a family guy and I just get to play a bit here and a bit there, so the steam deck's sleep function is a god GabeN send. I would not be able to play a game like this at this point in my life if it were not for that, and it was the main reason I bought a steam deck.


I used to use i3 as my main desktop, now I run sway. But I haven't installed i3 or sway on the steam deck. Mainly because I have spent years perfecting my i3wm config, used days converting it over to sway, then used months tweaking it. And I just don't want to do that again on my steam deck.

But here is what I would try if I didn't have two kids and lots of responsibilities.

I'd try installing sway, or i3wm if I couldn't get that going in an arch Linux distrobox. Arch Linux just because I am familiar with it, and it's very maluable. Pick which you are most familiar with if you want. And then I would launch that as a non steam app.

Then what I am dredding the most comes next. Configuring the window manager. I'd take my current sway config, or my current i3wm config and just rip out what is not needed. And plan and craft keybinds together with a steam input configuration... I think it would be possible to make a very comfortable and usable configuration.

the main thing I think valve should do to make desktop more usable is to detect when a keyboard input is in focus and show the on screen keyboard automatically. And also show move it to the top if it means you would see the text input field. Or maybe use some gamescope magic to move the viewport you are looking at the desktop so that you always can see the text input. Or some apps like terminal emulators would have to be resized.

It won't be perfect, at least without improvements to gamescope. But it can be quite interesting

Preik Nederlandsk med meg!

It's funny the first time I went to Amsterdam, the first thing I noticed was that I could read half of every sign. This is after listening to Dutch language several times and thinking it sounded more klingon than germanic

Is there a minimum speed limit in the US for some roads?

What do you do in a traffic jam? Break the law by driving slower?