
5 Post – 171 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Most likely it's got poor security and has been compromised to use as part of a DDOS network. ie. Someone has taken it over to use your bandwidth (and tens of thousands of other people's) to sell on the dark web as a service to attack others on the internet.

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So it turns out that it's not a lack of women giving them a bad attitude - it's their bad attitude giving them a lack of women. Who'd have thought.

Smoking's already dramatically fallen out of popularity with younger people, being replaced by vaping. So I don't think it really matters what they do at this point - smoking's a dinosaur waiting to die.

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"Personal reasons". If they continue to pry just say it's extemely personal and hopefully they'll back off.

That's just how good you are.

Sounds like treason to me.

When's someone going to have the balls to charge him with it, and then sentence him to death for it?

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They're not wrong that democracy's under threat. But maybe the threat's from the guy who has literally said he's going to murder political opponents - y'know, the guy they support.

I'm Australian and the one that really gets me is when Americans refer to indigenous Australians as "African American" because of their skin colour. They're in no way from Africa or America, but nice job appropriating our native people.

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I mean he should know since he was one of the people paying to influence the election.

Close... That moon's called LV426

In my country that means you wouldn't respect (for instance) ordinary people who've paid off a house. 1 million isn't as much money as it used to be.

Check your gutters to make sure they're clear and there's no standing water in them. It's easy to miss it up there.

My sister had a friend who lived in a lesbian community. Oh my God the drama. I heard about it third hand and it was wild the number of crazy public screaming matches that happened and people who couldn't ever be in the same room as other people etc.

"Men is too headache"?

Try putting a bunch of women together and see what happens.

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If I had to name any chocolate that tastes like it has lead and cadmium in it, that'd be Hershey's.

All this tells me is that they have a great PR department.

"He hasn't been convicted of insurrection" isn't a legal gray area, that's just misdirection by his supporters. Just like most other legal proceedings this one isn't dependent on the result of other legal proceedings. The supreme court will decide for themselves whether he was "involved in insurrection" - the law here doesn't depend on him being previously convicted of "insurrection", a different charge which has a much higher legal bar.

There's overwhelming evidence that he was "involved" in this insurrection so he'll almost certainly be held accountable. But whether the supreme court decides to disqualify him depends mostly on their interpretation of the clause naming the offices which he can be banned from. Given that the supreme court are republicans will they rule that "public office" does or doesn't include the presidency since it isn't named explicitly in the clause?

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Trump's so much worse than any of those guys. He's literally promising to end democracy in the USA and to imprison his political opponents if he wins the next election. None of those others went that far.

Not to mention him being convicted of massive fraud while in office and fomenting a riot against the capitol to try to prevent the democratic election process from occurring. I mean this stuff is absolutely nuts and unlike anything any other president has done.

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Run ublock origin and turn off all the ads and trackers. Then you can see for yourself how much faster it is.

The answer is... it depends on the page but in some cases a lot, in other cases not much.

If you go into this game for the gun combat you're probably playing the wrong game.

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It's not just EVs - most new cars have these tracking devices where they sell your data to your insurance company to be used against you.

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I love that I have to go out of my way and follow online instructions to undo something that they forced on me in the first place. That's customer antagonistic design for you.

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Remember the time - two days ago - when Trump said he was going to ban all electric cars? I wonder how Elon feels about that.

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I'm surprised that the supreme court would even hear this request. He's just a normal citizen now and the brief sounds a lot like someone requesting retrospective absolution for their crimes.

Tasers are effectively handheld torture devices. Put them in the hands of cops and it's not surprising they'd be used that way.

Cars should be taxed proportional to the fourth power of their kerb weight, in line with the road wear they cause.

...because based on the facts it is homicide.

There have been UBI trials before and they found that it didn't lead to price increases to any great degree.

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And I should get to set the price since it's my data in the first place.

Their wanting you in the office is about control - it's nothing to do with productivity or any of the other excuses.

Fundamental tenet of Christianity: be nice to people.

Also Christianity: let's torture a bunch of people.

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Scientists are trained to never state certainties because nothing is 100% certain. But then scientists also know how to back up their statements with modelling and technical statements of probability, which never get reported.

If you look at the video from the ground you can see it's missing an entire wing and it's spinning and fluttering back and forth weirdly as it falls towards the ground.

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I think this is a common misconception about anarchies - that there's no social control of any kind. If you look at actual real world anarchies like Freetown Christiania in Copenhagen they don't believe in a complete absence of organisation. Far from it - they develop community-based committees which have no actual power in themselves but are used to develop concensus on issues that affect the whole community. So rather than abolishing all rules they're all about human collaboration and concensus.

For instance when hard drugs became a problem in Christiana the residents got together and banned hard drugs. It's not a law as such but everyone's in agreement that if you try to sell hard drugs you'll be ejected.

It's not a perfect place and it's hard to say that their brand of anarchy works well as a system of government. It seems to have been a mixed experience for many people who've lived there. But it's definitely been an interesting social experiment.

There are plenty of documentaries on youtube if you're interested.

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It's not uncommon among high level classical musicians apparently.

Personally, I prefer Spotify.

I honestly don't know why people go to restaurants in the US. I don't want a guilt trip from the waiter with my expensive meal. Talk about a buzz kill.

The thing is she randomly got lucky and proven right due to a pandemic that no-one expected. There are a huge number of other scientists out there who were also right but never had that luck.

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Meanwhile Mercedes has already reached level 3.

He tweeted "Her", which explicitly tells us it's a deliberate imitation of Scarlett's voice in that movie. And he tried to negotiate licencing her famous voice, which she rejected.

So it's more than just a coincidence, it's deliberate bad faith behaviour. Legally you can't misrepresent a product as being from a famous person when it wasn't, and he very much did that. I guess he was hoping she'd give in and accept the licensing agreement post-facto. But instead it looks he's in legal deep water now.

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I mean you're talking about the guy who allowed a million Americans to die unnecessarily through his mishandling of covid so I don't think a few days are going to bother him.

When does it stop being "malware-like" and end up being just malware?